Party Ready

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Madam walked into Oliver's house. She saw him on the ground. Dead.

She groaned in annoyance. "Another high ranking official... dead." She said as Wanda walked next to her.

"That bodyguard did this." Madam said. She recognized a black widows torture technique from anywhere.

"She is rather ruthless when it comes to the captain, isn't she." Wanda said as she saw the gunshot wounds and cuts on Oliver.

"She is. It's very annoying." Madam said as she looked at Wanda.

"Do you think they know about the gala?" Madam said curiously.

"Most likely... " Wanda said as the Hydra agents started to clean.

"Then...we will force some hands. Get Wilson ready. I have a plan."

Natasha looked at some of the dresses. Mina was showing the one she picked to Clara. Clara and her enjoyed themselves, but Natasha wasn't.

She didn't like how she felt in dresses. She was going to try and get out of her comfort zone, but she wasn't ready for that yet.

Clara glanced at the captain. She figured this was why Natasha hadn't picked out a dress yet.

Clara walked over to her as Kylo came over to bug Mina. Clara stood next to her. "You know what you would look good in?" Clara said.

Natahsa looked at her slightly. "What?"

"A suit. A sleek black one." Clara said with a smile.

Natasha looked slightly surprised by that. "To think so?"

"Oh yeah." Clara said with a chuckle.

Natasha chuckled and sighed. "I guess suit it."

Natasha roamed over to the suits and ended up getting an all black one.

The group all got what they needed. "Alright. Let's get going." Natasha said as she led the group outside.

Natasha walked next to Clara as she noticed Hydra agents closing in. Natasha glanced over at the rest of group.

"Split up." She said as she suddenly took Clara's hand into hers and roamed into a store. Clara went along with it.

"Saw we were being followed." She said as she grabbed something, pretending to be interested in it.

"Yep." Natasha said as she put her hood on.

"We need to get out somehow?" Clara said as she sniffed a candle and then let Natasha smell it.


Natasha motioned for Clara to follow her. The two walked through a crowd as casually as possible.

"Two agents behind us, and about 2 in front of us." Clara said casually.

"Got them." Natasha got onto an escalator. Clara was in front of her.

"Agent on the opposing escalator." Natasha said. "I have an idea for him to leave us alone." Clara said.

"Which is?" Natasha said getting ready for a fight. Clara clenched her fist as she turned and looked at Natasha.

"Sorry about this." Clara pulled Natasha down and kissed her.

Natasha went along with it and kissed her back. The agent looked confused and rushed up to the top of the escalator.

Clara broke the kiss slightly as the escalator got to the bottom. "And that was for..." Natasha said clearing her throat.

"Kissing in public makes people uncomfortable." Clara said as she walked outside of the building with Natasha. Natasha was still stunned as their car pulled up.

They got in and headed to the base.

The group was getting ready for the gala. Mina was downstairs already pulling her shoes on. She had a pink dress that went to her ankles. It was flowy and covered in pink lace. She loved it, and she loved it even more since she had a matching hijab.

Kylo walked down wearing a dark blue suit as Anthony paired with a dark red suit. He had gloves to cover his hands that were in a black ombré.

Bucky walked in wearing his black suit. "Where are the other two?"

"Upstairs." Mina said as she put lipstick on in a mirror.

Natasha attempted to put a tie on, but she gave up after a few attempts, and figured she looked better without a tie anyways.

"Come on Clara, we're gonna be late." Natasha said as she spritzed some cologne on.

Clara stepped out of the bathroom. She had a bedazzled black gown. Natasha raised her eyes in surprise as she put her hands into her pockets.

"How do I look?" Clara asked. Natasha snapped back to reality and cleared her throat.

"You look nice." She says as she pulled her long coat on. "Let's get going."

Natasha drove to the gala with Clara up front next to her. The group was in the back chitchatting.

Clara looked at Natasha. "You okay cap?"

Natasha gripped the wheel slightly. "I will once I get my dad..." Natasha sighed and leaned her head back.

"Just nervous about this mission." Natasha said thinking about the previous mission.

Clara reached over and held her hand.

"It'll be okay. We'll get your dad, get out of there, then pick up on this mission right where we left off, and stop Hydra." Clara said with a soft smile.

Natasha squeezed her hand. "Yeah... you and me. And the team of course, showing Hydra that we aren't scared."

Clara smiled at that.


Madam sighed as she put in her earrings. Wanda walked in wearing a red gown.

"Is he in position?" Madam asked.

"Yes. Your plan has been executed. We just wait for them to arrive." Wanda said as madam turned and looked at her.

"Good. This'll be revenge for killing my to agent.... I hope he knows what he's doing." Madam said as she looked at her bracelets.

"He knows what he's doing." She said with a smirk as she looked out the window. She just couldn't help but chuckle.

"Let's go enjoy this party."

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