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Maria got her agents together. "Hello agents... ah it's nice to be back." She said as she looked at Natasha who was in the back of the room in her stealth uniform.

"We have an interception mission." She said as she showed on the screen a battleship.

"On this ship is 15 kids being transported to Hydra to become agents. But on the caliber of the winter soldier and Zima." Maria said as she pulled up a ship layout.

"They are on the middle level, and are heavily guarded. The captain will be leading the strike team with Kylo and Mary." Maria said as Kylo walked in with Mary who was now in stealth gear.

Mary was complaining to Kylo how uncomfortable it was, but he promptly flicked her arm to shut up.

Natasha thought about the kids stuck on the ship. She thought of how scared they were. It was horrifying... she knew that all too well. She looked up.

"How old... is the youngest?" Natasha asked. Maria opened her file and paused as she read the age.


Natasha nodded as she picked up her shield and put it on her back. "Got it."

Natasha put her intercom into her ear as Mary and Kylo followed after.

"Coordinates have been sent to you." Kylo said as he put his intercom in.


"Do I have to be here?" Mary complained . Natasha spun and looked at her.

"I don't need you with me. The only reason you're here is because the director told me to bring you." Natasha said as she walked out to where their jet was parked.

Mary smirked and raised her eyebrows as she looked at Kylo, who rolled his eyes.

The pilot saluted her. "Hello ma'am. Welcome. Coordinates have been inputted. Ready for your all clear."

"All clear. Let's depart." She said as she got into her seat.

"Yes ma'am."

Clara stood in the front of the ship. She closed her eyes as she let the breeze go through her hair.

"Ma'am..." a Hydra agent said to Clara. Clara turned and looked at them. "Yes?"

"We're about an hour out from the dock." Clara nodded. "Sent in our docking request." She said as she went to the informational hull.

Madam was there bugging John. So Clara started to download information. Clara knew Natasha was coming, it was just a matter of when.

Clara was also suspicious of Madam, who seemed to be more cautious this evening, so she kept an eye on her.

"Ma'am! We're about 3 miles north of them."

"Thank you." Natahsa said as she got a breathing apparatus.

"We're swimming!?" Mary said as Kylo handed her one.

"Yep." Natasha jumped out the plane into the water. Kylo followed and then Mary.

Natasha used her GPS underwater to guide them to the boat. She led the way.

They eventually made it to the ship. Natasha pulled Kylo and Mary onto the ladder that led them to the deck.

Natasha threw something onto the deck. It looked like a robotic spider.

- awaiting commands -

"Report number of assailants on deck." Natasha said to her wrist as the group stayed on the ladder.

- 14 assailant. Three by this ladder -

"Good. Play defense." She then looked down at Kylo. "Locate the hostages, get me a count to make sure it's accurate. Mary, look for where the captain is and stop this boat from moving." Natasha jumped onto the deck. She threw one guy off the ship, and then silently knocked out the other.

Kylo activated plague and burned through the wall of the ship with his toxin and went looking for the group.

Mary went for the captains quarters.

Natasha threw her shield and knocked a guard out as she walked. "Three..."

She got tackled but kicked the other off the shit and knocked out the other. "Five..." she put her silencer on her gun and shot two more. She then knocked them out.

"Seven." Natasha saw a surveillance room. She stepped quietly enough the guards didn't hear her.  They were in the room watching the main quarters where madam  was with Clara and John.

"The blonde is pretty cute." One guard said.

"She is.  Think she'd ask me out."

"No." Natasha said. The two looked at her shocked. "You two aren't her type." She then kicked them into the wall breaking the surveillance system, in turn getting rid of the cameras."

"Nine." She Said as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

One more guard rushed her, but she simply grabbed his collar and looked at him. "Where is Madam?"

He stared at her in fear. "The upper level of this top deck."

"Thank you. I won't throw you overboard for that." She slammed her forehead against his and dropped him as she sent her surveillance robot up to that level to watch them. She went to the lower levels.

"Kylo do you copy?" She said on her coms. She heard static.

She frowned as she headed further down. It was dark and.. very quiet. She led with her gun, as she carefully stepped.

Suddenly she heard crying. She turned and saw the kids all sitting in cells, locked up crying. Natasha immediately rushed over. "Hey hey! I got you guys!" She said reassuring them.

Clara noticed madam watching a surveillance video. It was of Natasha. Her eyes widened as she took out her flash drive.

Madam grabbed a walkie and spoke into it.  "Time to have some fun..."

Natasha grabbed the bars of a cell and
Yanked them off of the last one. She started to usher the kids out,

"Oh Captain." Sounded over the intercom. Natasha froze as she looked around.

"Let's see if zima is still able to be activated."

Natasha's eyes widened. The door to the level shut, and her old activation words were being sounded through the radios. "Hide!" She told the kids.

Natasha gripped her head and cried out.

Clara ran down to the lower level. She bypassed the door and bypassed the surveillance beacon for madam. She turned the lights on and yelled at the kids to get out.

She pulled out her gun as she saw Natasha. "Captain-"

"Get out!" Natasha yelled as she rushed Clara. Clara blocked and got slammed into the wall. She winced.

She had to get Zima to calm down.

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now