Infiltration and Meeting

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Natasha walked into the gala with Clara on her arm. She had an earpiece in. Clara did as well.

Natasha grabbed a champagne as a waiter walked by. She sipped on it as Clara looked around the room.

"Cap..." Clara said.


"Dance with me?" Clara said as she had eyes on an agent getting too close. Natasha saw the same threat.

"Of course." Natasha said as she held Clara's hand in her and walked down to the ballroom floor. Clara wasn't expecting much, but was shocked when the captain actually danced.

Clara caught up as she looked at her surprised. "You can dance?"

"Of course. I learned in Hydra." Natasha said as she gently spun Clara. Clara smiled slightly and chuckled.

"Well you're good at it."

"Why thank you." Clara said as Natasha pulled her close.

"Madam is on the floor. She came from the hallway on the left. When she gets busy, we move." Natasha whispered in her ear.

Clara nodded as she caught a glimpse of the door. Clara squeezed Natasha's hand.

"Wanda behind you." Clara said carefully as Wanda made her way through the party.

"Anthony... do you have eyes?" Natasha said as she stepped off the dance floor with Clara.

"Yep. She didn't see you guys. Neither has madam." Clara had eyes on madam.

"Good. When she leaves the room. We'll pursue her." Clara said as madam continued to mingle.
Clara had an eerie feeling that Hydra knew they were there... but they were engaging.

Madam stayed with the gala, so the team got to chill for awhile.

Clara was sitting with Mina. Clara was sipping champagne, watching the captain talk to the boys about something.

Mina smiled softly seeing the gentle look on Clara's face.

"You are falling for her aren't you?" Mina said. Clara looked at her surprised.

"Fall? Nah nah. Gravity isn't messing with this girl." Clara laughed with a chuckle as she stood up rather quickly and smoothed her dress.

As she did, the group came over and sat down. Natasha sat next to Clara's seat, as Clara sat down again. The room got darker as Madam entered the center of the room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Hydra, thank you for all coming to this gala, celebrating our successful siege of the United States!" She said as cheers and claps flooded the room.

Natasha watched her but then noticed someone standing in the hallway to the side of the room.

She frowned. It was a man. He turned and met her gaze. Natasha turned her head back towards Madam.

Madam Hydra blabbered on about Hydra. The group felt as if she didn't know what she was talking about... it honestly felt weird.

Natasha suddenly had a thought.

What if madam was never the head of Hydra. Madam never seemed to have anything under control. And where did Wanda go? She was practically attached to Madam all the time.

Madams plans never were successful. Natasha knew madam was a figurehead in Hydra, but not the leader. She felt too... lackadaisical compared to her counterparts Red Skull, Zemo,  and Alexander Pierce.

They were calculated and secretive... she was not that.

As madam spoke she glanced to that side hall. She then looked back at the group. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." She said as she walked over to the hall.

Natasha looked at Mina. "Go invisible?" Mina nodded. She went under the table and took her dress off from under her, and revealed her uniform.

She went invisible and rushed over to the walls and crawled on the ceiling. She crawled as she came to a room. She heard chatter.

Carefully she went into the room.

"You are sloppy..." a man said as he looked at the security cameras. Mina watched quickly from the corner.

"I am not. Says the one who hasn't shown his face at all." Madam said. He turned and looked at her. Burn scars covered his face.

His hair was dark and so were his eyes. Mina frowned as she got a very bad vibe from him. He then looked in the corner where Mina was. 

Mina froze and didn't move. He looked back at Madam. "Don't keep doing sloppy work. Like your inability to kill that captain, or your inability to do anything to my standard." He said as he turned towards his cameras and pulled up his thermal cams.

Nothing was there. "Hm..."

"Anything wrong sir?"

"No." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Go."

Mina appeared at the table. She sat underneath and pulled her dress back on. She maneuvered back into her seat. "Natasha!" She said in a loud whisper.

"Hm?" Natasha said.

"There's someone giving Madam orders."
She said in a whisper.

Natasha frowned. "That's not good."

The group eventually dispersed and started to slowly infiltrate and look for Sam.

Clara jumped out of a vent. She was closest to Sam, so we mission was to get there as fast as possible.

She stepped down the hallway as she pulled out her gun. She heard a clatter as she walked down a hall of cells. She saw agents in the cells, ones who had lost their minds. They were slowly deteriorating.

She frowned as she heard a voice from a cell. She peeked in and saw Sam.

"Sam!" She said in a loud whisper. He looked at the door.

"Clara?" He said weakly. She broke into his cell and ran over. She immediately checked in.

"Guys I got him." She said into her intercom before picking his handcuffs. "You guys are all here?"  He said with concern.

She looked at him. "Yeah... even Bucky here." She said as she helped him up. He winced and shook his head.

"N-no... you guys need to get out of here."
He said as she helped him out of the cell.

She looked at him confused. "Why?"

"T-there's a man, they call him The Shadow... he's trying to."

"He's a lot more talkative than when I left him." A male voice said. Clara turned and aimed her gun.

The man didn't look phased. "Let's chat, Agent Carter."

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