Scary Ideas

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Natasha continued her day at the headquarters. She had her phone on just in case Clara needed a rescue or pick up.

Natasha was going over the files. She was still looking for the tesseract. She knew wherever it was, that's where Wanda was.

Another thing that boggled her mind was what they needed it for. Natasha held the bridge of her nose as she continued going through the files.

As she sat back she saw three female agents looking at her. "Hey Captain?"

"Yes..." natahsa said looking at them. They looked amongst themselves nervously. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I have to be somewhere..." she said as she stood. She suddenly dropped a folder as the girls continued to fumble over their words.

A file one Wanda came up. It was about Westview. Natasha held it and opened it as the agents took a deep breath.

"Are you single and if you are would you like to go on a date?!" Natahsa looked at them and then and took a pause.

"No. I'm... hm. I don't date. Sorry I have to go!" She said as she shoved the folders on her backpack and walked up to Maria's office to hide.

Maria watched her come in, sit on the floor by the window and read through a file. "Captain... what are you doing in my office?"




Maria looked absolutely confused. "Why?"

"Because they're asking me out." Natahsa said as she read that Wanda controlled a whole town. Natasha looked up and realized the danger Wanda was working with Hydra.

Natasha read more as to what happened. She altered reality for that little town. Natahsa stood up and thought.

"The tesseract is used to travel space ... right?" Natasha asked. Maria looked at him.

"Yes." Maria said, now leaning back in her chair to hear what she was going to say.

"What... what if she uses it for Hydra to infiltrate the nation, brings their armies here..." Natasha said as she looked at Maria. "And since she can mind control... what if she is the main key to infiltrate and control anyone who doesn't side with her." Natahsa said.

Maria sighed and looked at the Captain. "Never thought of that...." She grabbed her phone. "I'm going to set up another meeting with the president, and the defense counsel. Get a report ready for tomorrow."

Natahsa nodded and walked out. She felt her phone vibrate.

Agent Carter: can I get a ride? Dates all done, and he left already. :)

Natasha: on my way.

Natasha pulled up to the restaurant. It was snowing slightly and Clara was standing outside alone.

Natasha took her helmet off and walked over. "Where's this Oliver guy..." she asked.

"He had to be somewhere apparently." Clara said as she looked up at the captain. Natasha nodded slightly.

Let's just say, she didn't like this guy.

Natasha handed her the helmet. "Your place or mine?" Natasha said.

"Do you need my company tonight?" Clara asked her through the helmet. Natasha didn't know. She sighed and looked at the blonde.

"I'll call you if I do. Is that okay?" Natasha asked her. Clara smiled softly and nodded. Natasha nodded with a slight smirk and flicked her visor down.

Before Natasha started her bike she looked at her. "What's your favorite color?" Clara looked at her curiously.

"Blue. Why?"

"Just curious."

Natasha needed to get Clara her own helmet.

Natasha got to her apartment after dropping Clara off. She closed the door and sighed tiredly as she put her helmet on a table by the front door.

It was quiet in her apartment. She honestly never realized how quiet it was until now. She just walked over to her desk and looked for bike shops where she could buy a helmet.

Clara was up the next morning at headquarters. She was in her gear as she was training the new rookies more in depth hand to hand self defense.

"And everyone, if you have an opponent who is a man, the best place to attack that can almost always disable them is a hit where the sun don't shine. And don't be shy." She said as she looked at a list of names.

"Agent!" She pointed at one of them.

"Your turn to spar with me."

Maria was on the upper level watching the rookies train with Natasha. Maria looked at Natasha slightly, noticing a softness in the captains eyes as she looked at her bodyguard.


Natasha looked at her. "Yes?"

"We tested that theory you came up with the other day. It's extremely plausible." Maria said as she leaned against the railing.

"I figured." Natahsa said.

"It's just a question of when... at this point." Maria said as she looked at the captain who was deep in thought.

"Who do to want on your strike team?" Maria asked. "If you form a strike team, your team will be the final line of defense." Maria said as she sat Sam walking over.

"I understand. I'lll have the names to you tonight." She said as she watched Clara take down an agent.

Clara smirked as she motioned for the next agent. The blonde looked up slightly as she saw Natahsa. She smiled ever so slightly and winked at the captain.

Natasha just raised her eyes brows in respond, but snapped out of it when she turned to look at her father.

"Hey... you okay?"  Sam asked. He hadn't seen her sink her break down in the White House. She also forgot to call him, which she realized in that moment.

She sighed. "I'm better. I'm sorry for not calling, I forgot." She said with concern in her voice

"It's okay... I'm just glad you're better now that you were a bit ago." He kissed her head, which got a small smile from her.

"Me too...." She knew she was far from being perfect, but it was what it was.

"So... what are you doing now?" Sam asked her.

"I'm gonna put together a strike team."

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