Playing Pretend

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Clara activated her bracelets as she put her gun away. "I need you to snap out of it and get these kids out of here!" She charged Natasha and started hand to hand with her.

Zima swung but Clara dodged and shocked her side. Zima winced, but she kicked Clara away from her.

Clara hit the floor. She cringed in pain as her shoulder was screaming at her. "N-Natasha..."

Zima picked her up by the collar. "You betrayed..." zima said. Clara held onto her wrists. "Y-you're right. I did..."

Clara teared up as she looked at her. "B-but I did it..." suddenly Zima slammed her to the ground. Clara whimpered in pain and reached up towards Zima and held her face.

"I-I'm sorry..."

Suddenly Zima fell back almost immediately revealing Natasha. Natasha held her head as she saw the kids sitting in the corner crying.

Her eyes drifted to Clara who was on the ground in front of her. "I- no! Clara!"
She ran over to her and saw her shoulder was hurt.

Clara pushed her away and aimed her gun. "Get the kids out of here."

Natasha pressed her intercom. "Kylo!?"

"Natasha!" He said.

"What's wrong?" She said as she realized the door they came in was closed and locked.

"There's a bomb on the bottom Level!" Natasha's eyes widened.

"Shit... try and disarm it! I'm sealed in the middle level. Where's Mary?"

"Dealing with Wanda!!" Mary yelled.

Natasha ran over to the door and started to try and break it. She punched it over and over and over again, denting it. Her knuckles were bleeding.

Clara rushed over and tried to help her find ways to open the door. "She's going to blow up this ship and have you all drown!" Clara yelled as she used her bracelets to shock the security system.

"10 seconds!" Kylo yelled.

Natasha punched the door once more and a hole appeared. Suddenly the explosion went off. Water quickly started rushing in.

"Kylo!" Natasha yelled. But then she saw the kids.

Natasha yelled as she pulled the metal back, making it big enough to get the kids through. "Younger to oldest! Let's go! Clara get through and help the kids!"

Clara pulled herself through the hole and started pulling the kids through.

Natasha had to swim back and forth bringing the kids to the safe level.

She grabbed another child and pushed her through. Natasha was exhausted but kept going. She got the last kid through when another explosion went off, causing her to get hit by debris.

She was under water and fighting to pull the hole in the door apart. Clara was tending to the kids and didn't realize what was happening.

Clara got the kids to the upper deck when she realized Natasha wasn't behind her. Her eyes widened. "Captain!"

Clara stumbled down the stairs and started to move debris. She started to try and pull the metal wider so Natasha could get through.

Natasha felt herself slipping. She reached through but it wasn't enough. She started to choke.

Claras reached her arm through the water. Natasha grabbed it weakly. Clara grabbed her and took her intercom.

"Mary! Hey! I need you to him the middle of this ship with a blast now!" Clara said panicking.

"Who is this?!"

"Just do it!" Clara yelled.

"Rude Brit." A blast hit the middle of the boat, Clara pulled Natasha out of the water. She pulled her onto an opening where the kids were all sitting, scared out of their minds.

Clara laid Natasha on her back. Suddenly Kylo appeared and slammed her into the wall. "This was all a set up!?" He yelled.

Clara winced and shook her head. "N-no! This was all madam. Natasha is suffocating!" She yelled. She kicked him off and rushed over to her and immediately doing CPR.

"C-come on Captain!" Clara said doing compression. She gave her two breaths which caused Natasha to cough up water. Clara turned her in her side helping her get the water out of her system.

Suddenly a red streak got blasted into the water. Mary landed by them. "We got five minutes to get out of here. Wanda is out and underwater. She's gonna but hella pissed when she wakes up."

Natasha stayed on the ground coughing. She pushed herself onto her knees. Her hair was all in her face as she looked at Clara.

Clara frowned and pulled out her gun. "My boss needs you alive. That's the only reason why..." Clara tossed her gun at Natasha who caught it.

"I need you to shoot me ... I need them to believe I didn't help you." She said. Natasha stood up slowly and looked at her.

Natasha met Claras gaze. She saw fear and sadness behind those eyes. Natasha aimed the gun and shot her side. It avoided all vital organs and could be easily taken care of. Natasha threw the gun into the water.

Clara laid on the ground as she applied pressure on her wound. She cringed as Mary sent a signal to Anthony to open a portal.

The kids got escorted through by Mary and Kylo. The others walked through. Natasha was about to when she paused.

Natasha ran over to Clara. Clara looked at her tiredly. "Get the hell out of here..." Clara said with annoyance.

"Will you be okay?" Natasha just asked. Her voice full of worry and concern. Clara stared at the ground. "Yeah... now go."

Natasha backed up slightly and walked through the portal. Natasha saw the SHIELD base. She sighed in relief.

She saw the eight year old looking at her terrified. Natasha extended her hand. "What's your name?"

"GH-177839/2" the little boy said, his voice shaky. Natasha smiled sadly and then picked her up.

"Your real name, honey."


"Hi Alex." Natasha said as she carried the little boy inside as the medical team got the others.

"I'm Natasha." The little boy smiled a little bit.


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