Closing In

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Bucky woke up in the middle of the night. He sighed as he sat up, he held his face as he instinctively looked on the other side of the bed, half expecting Sam to be there, but he knew better.

He just stared at that spot.

Oh he wanted to see him. He didn't have his phone with him, he couldn't call, he didn't have anything.

Well, he did have something. He got up and walked over to his semi dry bag. He opened it, and pulled out his dog tags with his ring on it.

Carefully, he pulled it on and put the ring back on his hand. He kissed the ring as he walked back over to his bed and laid down.

He closed his eyes and was finally able to get some rest.

Sam sat in the Oval Office staring at his computer blankly. His cabinet sitting there discussing the plans for the war.

The plans for moving troops, allied assistance, aerial reconnaissance, and just other things. Maria was involved in the conversation. She was looking at her papers when she caught glimpse of Sam.

He was zoned out, and leaned back in his chair. She sighed and stood up. "Gentlemen, let's finish this meeting tomorrow morning."

They all started to argue with her. "What did she say..." Sam said as he finally looked up.

The group went silent. "We will finish this tomorrow..." he said as he finally sat up. The others left, leaving him and Maria there.

She placed a file in front of him. He glanced at it and then her. "What's this?"

"We have the wreckage at shield headquarters." She said calmly. He opened the file and saw the picture of the jet.

"Was there-"

"There wasn't anything. No bodies, and no possessions." She said as he flipped through the file.

"Let's go look at it." He then said.

The two got to headquarters. Sam's security were on high alert as he walked in.

He saw the jet. "Open it." He said calmly.

The shield agent opened it. He stepped into it and saw the jet was simply empty. He looked around for anything, Something to indicate Bucky was on this ship.

He walked towards the cockpit and paused. He pulled his hands out of his pocket and knelt down to pick something up.

He held it in his hands. He opened it and saw a familiar face. "Buck..." he stood up and showed it to Maria.

She looked at it. "Think he's in country?"

"If this jet crashed out on the west coast in the ocean, he probably swam back to the coast." He said as he looked at her.

"Swim?! From the pacific to the US? Can he do that?" Maria didn't think Bucky had stamina like that.

"He is a super soldier. He can deal with a lot of shit... including needing to get home in the most inconvenient way." Sam said as he noticed a broken window.

He got lost in thought but came back to reality when Maria handed him Bucky's wallet. Sam held it.

"Let's get you back to White House."

Sam sat in his car, with Bucky's wallet In his hand. He opened it a bit and saw Bucky's ID photo. The nonchalant, unexcited photo, alongside some pictures.

A picture of him and Bucky's wedding day.

It was a simple wedding. They both wore white shirts and jeans to a ceremony held on the beach. Of course it was in Louisiana.

A small ceremony with just them, their families, and the ocean.

Bucky spun Sam as the two danced. It was after the wedding, and the two were simply just enjoying their moment together. They were in a place of pure bliss.

Sam smiled a bit as he and Bucky decided to finish off their night walking by the beach.

"Crazy isn't it...?" Sam said. Bucky glanced at him. "What is?"

"How I got married to a cyborg."

Bucky just let out a sarcastic laugh, but just smiled. "Well you're stuck with me." Bucky said with a happy smile.

Sam just admired that smile. A smile only he got to see. A smile that took a lot of time to shine through.

"I'm glad I'm being stuck with you." Sam said as he took Bucky's hand into his. Bucky squeezed his hand, never taking his eyes off of him.

"Me too..." Bucky said quietly. Being more sentimental than usual.

"Think we're gonna be together til the end?" Sam asked calmly.

Bucky leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "We will... can't have it any other way."

Sam just closed the wallet as they pulled up to the white house. His guards opened his door. He stepped out and just sighed.

Oh he missed Bucky.

Fallon sat in his room.

Wanda appeared. "Madam is getting impatient and erratic. They will be getting her soon." She said calmly. Fallon knew already... he could sense the tensions rising.

"Is she coming to US soil or... are they going to her?"

"They're going to her." Wanda said.

"Probably to avoid casualties... and to go all out." He said as he sipped on his drink.

"Exactly." Wanda said.

Fallon nodded and sighed as he stood. "Wanda, start getting everything in place." He straightened out his shirt as his eyes darkened.


Natasha and her squad were summoned to the White House. She stepped into the office and saw Sam sitting there.

"Dad. What's up?" She said as she stepped in.
The group behind her wondering the same thing. Sam sighed and handed her a mission folder.

She held it. "I need this done very soon."

She opened the folder and saw Madam. She looked at him. Sam sighed. "She is loosing her mind... and is more of a risk now than she ever has been. I need you all to take her out before she really ruins some people's lives." Sam said.

Natasha closed it and nodded.

"When do you want us to leave?"



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