Broken Trust

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"What?! You hurt this man.." she said darkly.

"I didn't hurt him." He said as he glanced at Sam and then met her gaze. "Like I said... let's chat."

Clara aimed and fired her gun. He Raised his hand, causing the bullet to drop to the ground. He raised his hand and took her gun from her and pulled it to his hands.

"Let's... talk."

She frowned and nodded.

"Thank you." He walked towards her. Clara saw the burns on his face, and how one of his eyes was closed. He looked blank, and just in pain.

He stepped towards Sam and picked him up carefully, putting him onto a chair.

"What do you mean you didn't hurt him?" She said.

"I've kept him alive. Madam is the one who doesn't listen to me and does this anyways. Which... I apologize for Sam." He said as he turned towards Clara.

"I want a trade." He said.

"What type of trade?" She asked.

"To guarantee his safety, I want you on my team, and he goes back to his husband and daughter." He said.

Her eyes widened. " me on your team? Are you kidding? I work for SHIELD and the avengers, why would I work with Hydra?"

"I need a person of your expertise level on my team. It's either that, or Madam ends up killing him.... Or I might in the process of fighting your friends." He said as he looked at his gun.

Clara frowned as she knew she had no other choice. She sighed and glared at him.


"And one more condition..." he said as he handed her back gun. "You need to make it believable to your team."

She held the gun and frowned as she heard footsteps behind her. She gripped the gun as she turned and saw Natasha.

"Clara!" Natasha said as she pointed her gun immediately at the man. Her eyes widened when she saw Sam.

"Dad." She glared at the man.

"Who the hell are you..."

He looked at her. "I'm Fallon." He said casually. "Nice to meet you, Captain." He said as he looked at Clara.

"Agent Carter..." he said.

"Clara... what's wrong?" Natasha said confused. Clara sighed and looked at Natasha. She aimed her gun.

"What is this..." Natasha said.

Madam appeared from behind Fallon.

"Remember how I sent spies into your SHIELD headquarters?" She said with a smirk.

"There was one more." She said as she put a hand on Clara's shoulder. Natasha's eyes widened. "No... that's a lie."

"It's not." Clara said. Natasha glared at her.


"Why do you think, Captain? Information, Hydra..." she said with a smirk. The others arrived and saw the interaction.

"My job was to get close, to make sure you let your guard down with me." Clara said as she met her gaze.

"It turns out you have a weakness captain." Natasha lowered her gun and stepped back. Everything Natasha thought was crumbling. She held her head as Clara pointed her gun at her.

"You should've seen it coming... but you thought... thought you had a friend." Clara said. Clara was screaming at herself internally. All her pain and agony being held within.

Kylo suddenly realized what was happening. The whole team realized...

Natasha looked at her. "So you were never my friend...."


"Not even when I crashed on my bike..." Natasha said. Her face becoming neutral.

"Not even then." Clara said as she cocked her gun.

"Take your father and go." Clara said. Clara froze when she saw something switch when something in Natasha's eyes switched.

Her eyes went dark.


"Zima." Clara said. Zima motioned for Kylo to get Sam. He did.

Fallon looked at Clara. "I'll sent you the rendezvous location." He stepped into the shadows.

Zima clenched her fists. "We trusted you..."

"You shouldn't have." Clara said. Zima chuckled as she dropped her gun. She nodded slightly as she looked at her hand.

Zima just looked at Clara. The darkness of this hallway, made Zima and Natasha look much more ominous than normal.

Like an apparition stalking her in the dark. Clara knew that making Natasha an enemy was not good...

But making Zima an enemy was another.

"Run." Zima said. Clara ran down the hall as fast as she could. Zima winced as Natasha tried to fight her.

"No." Zima said to Natasha. She then raced down the hallway. She quickly caught up to Clara and tackled her to the ground.

Clara activated her bracelets and shocked her. Zima flinched slightly but didn't react. She swung a punch but hit the ground by Clara's head.

Clara kicked her off and threw her intercom to the ground as she continued to dodge the attacks of a raging and betrayed Zima.

Zima grabbed Clara and shoved her into the wall. Suddenly Zima blinked and out came Natasha.

Natasha panted and looked at her. "P-please tell me... you're lying." Natasha's eyes pleaded with the blonde in front of her. The captain couldn't lose another... not like this.

She couldn't lose a friend.

She couldn't lose a confidant.

She couldn't lose a person she loved.

Clara just stared into her eyes. She kicked Natasha into the wall and shocked her. Natasha winced and gripped her wrists. Natasha's hands eventually fell to her side as the shock knocked her out.

Clara stood in front of her as she stopped moving. She stared at her hands and teared up. Her heart cried silently in anguish. Clara was a woman who was capable of killing anyone...

But this was the most gruesome killing. The killing of one's trust, the one she took time to built.

She heard people running towards them. She just took off into the shadows.

Bucky and Kylo rushed down the hall and saw Natasha on the ground, alive but unconscious. Bucky knelt down in front of her and saw a single tear on her face.

Bucky picked her up carefully. "Let's get back."

"Got it." Kylo said as he called Anthony to open a portal.

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