Sense of Security

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Sam woke up the next morning. He tried to get up, but felt someone holding him close. He turned his head to his ring and saw Bucky, asleep, holding him close.

Sam just looked at him, seeing the stubble on his face and the lines under his eyes. He truly thought Bucky was the handsomest man he had ever laid his eyes on, and he got to live life with him.

He leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Bucky shifted slightly and kissed his cheek back. Sam chuckled softly. "You're awake?"

"Have been for a bit." Bucky said with a smirk. Bucky opened one eye as he laid there. Sam just hovered over him slightly, kissing him.

Bucky raised his hand holding his cheek. "Wish our mornings stayed like this..." Bucky said against his lips.

Sam rubbed his cheek and smiled. "Yeah... me too."

Sam made his way downstairs getting breakfast ready. Natasha came downstairs. "Morning." She said tiredly.

"Morning." Sam said as he handed her a cup of tea. She sipped on it as she sat on the counter. Natasha noticed the small pep in her father's step.

"You seem to be in a good mood." She said raising a brow.

"I am in a very good mood." He said as she watched him make two cups of coffee. Two? She knew Sam wasn't that big of a caffeine fan.

"Two coffees-"

She paused as she saw Bucky walking toward them. "Hey kid." She ran and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around her and held onto her tightly. A sigh of relief escaped the girl as she finally knew he was okay.

"Missed me?" He teased.

"More than you can imagine."

Eventually everyone woke up, all were so excited to see Bucky. He eventually motioned for them to go eat.

Sam ended up watching the group. They were all smiling and laughing. Sam smiled sadly at that. He knew this joy wasn't going to last very long...

He looked at the clock. It was time for him to get ready for work.

Sam eventually left and headed to the White House. Security had been increased since the last break in, so he had to greet so many more guards.

He sat down in his chair and started working on some of the bills he had to sign. Since the war with Hydra was done, there was not much for Sam to do.

But his mind was waiting... waiting for when Fallon decided to make his appearance. He didn't think Fallon would target him first...

He heard his office door open. He looked up and saw Steve. "Rogers." Sam said as he finished up some paperwork.

Steve walked over and sat in front of his desk. "How are you Sam?" Steve asked. Sam stopped writing and lowered his pen.

"Do... do you remember when Tony died?" Sam said.

Steve nodded. "Yeah..."

"Remember how he came to peace with it before it happened?" Sam leaned back in his chair and crossed his hands.

Steve met Sam's gaze. "A bit. It was hard to watch." Steve said as he thought back to Tony's funeral.

"Well... Fallon is going to be coming after you... me... and I'm trying to come to terms with it before it happens." Sam said tiredly.

Steve raised his eyebrows at that. "We're targets huh..."


Steve sighed and chuckled. "What else is new?"

Sam just chuckled and sighed a bit. "Yeah... what else is new." The two sat in silence for a moment.

Steve stood. "Well. I have a day planned with Clara. I'll you around then." Sam stood as well.

"Be careful out there Steve." Sam said.

Steve chuckled and nodded. "I will." He walked over and hugged Sam. Sam hugged him tightly and patted his back.  Steve pulled away and walked out of the office.

Clara went back to her apartment, got changed into a cute outfit. A long dress, a cardigan, a bow in her hair and platforms.

As she was doing her makeup, her doorbell rang. She cracked the door open and saw her dad. "Ready?" He said with a smile.

"Of course!" She Said as she walked out, and locked her door. Steve wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Alright kid what do you want to do?"

"Let's go shopping,  get some lattes maybe, andddd... let's just roam about." She said with a bright smile.

Steve smiled and nodded. "Alright. Let's head down the street. I saw a boutique the other day you might like actually." He said as he recalled where he saw it.

Eventually they found it. He pointed out things, as Clara got things. She ended up getting new jeans, a pink sweater, and some white boots as well.

Her and Steve chatted as they walked to a cafe. "What do you think the future will look like?" She asked curiously.

Steve thought. "I see you in it." He said as they walked.

She chuckled. "What about you?"

"Meh I'll be there. I'll be retired." He chuckled a bit. He honestly didn't know. Who knows where the ex captain would be.

"Are you worried about Fallon?" She asked. He paused and just wrapped an arm around her. "Only because I want you to be safe from him..." Steve said calmly.

He paused before they turned the corner. He looked at her and held her face gently. "Always keep pushing okay?"

Clara just chuckled. "I will. I got brought here for a reason. I'm not going to mess it all up." She said with the most beautiful smile Steve had seen.

He kissed her forehead and smiled. "Good... now let's get to that cafe..."

He motioned her to follow him as they rounded the corner. They turned and everything nearly froze.

Clara's eyes widened.

"Fallon..." she said quietly. Fallon looked at her slightly. "Clara."

Steve stood in front of his daughter. "This... makes this scenario a bit more difficult." Fallon said.

"What scenario..." Steve said. Clara reached into her purse and pressed her distress signal.

Fallon turned his eyes toward Steve.

"Your death."

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