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Clara followed Fallon as he walked around the base.

"Why... are you tearing down Hydra?" She asked. He watched agents train.

"They were apart of a group of people who killed my kids, and caused a nuclear fallout in my lab, and fire." He said as he watched the normal troops fight and laugh amongst themselves.

Clara looked at him surprised. "I'm... I'm sorry for your loss."

"It is what it is. They're gone. I can't bring them back." He said calmly. It was eerie how collected he was about this, Clara knew it was a tad bit odd.

Natasha came downstairs where her group was sitting. Bucky was sitting there as well. "So..." Kylo said as she came down.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay." Natasha said. She knew obviously not one person in the room believed her, but they wouldn't argue with her.

"What do you think we need to do, Cap?" Anthony said.

Natasha crossed her arms. "We need to find more people who are willing to help us."

Anthony looked as if he had someone in mind. "Anthony?" Natasha said as she looked at him.

He looked at her and chuckled a bit. "I uh... know of another witch that could help us. But she isn't necessarily the greatest person in the world."

"Where would we find her?"

"She works at the ballet."

Natasha raised a brow. "Then let's go watch a show."

The group went to watch the ballet, that was now crowded with Hydra agents who wanted some sort of entertainment.

Natasha stood on the back wall with the group. Mina stayed close to Natasha, she was nervous cause her spider senses were tingling.

The curtains raised revealing a ballerina in a black leotard. Her makeup was messy black eyeshadow.

She swayed with the music, mesmerizing the crowd as she did. Natasha pulled her mask up as she saw Eddie Brock.

Mina held onto Natasha's arm. Natasha squeezed her hand slightly. Natasha kept her eyes on the stage as the number came to an end.

The crowd stood and cheered. As the people started to leave, Natasha followed Anthony to the back.

Anthony stepped where the dressing rooms were. He walked down the hall and stopped in front of this witches room. He sighed and knocked. He then stepped in.

Purple magic rushed at him, but he calmly blocked with a wave of his hand.

He looked up and saw a brunette girl with gray eyes. "Long time no see, Anthony." She said. She was taking her jewelry as she peeked at the people behind him.

"Hi Mary."

She rolled her eyes at him and sat down at her vanity. "What do you want?" She said as he walked fully into the room.

"We need your help..." he said as he watched her.

She spun around in her chair and looked at him. "And why would I help you hun?" Her eyes glowed purple. She snapped her fingers and her ballerina attire disappeared, revealing a long skirt with a tank top.

"Cause... if we don't stop Hydra everyone's in danger. Our group needs more people to help with this situation." He said seriously.

"I don't work for hero's...." She said as saw Natasha. She raised a brow and walked over to her. She pulled down the mask that was on Natasha's face.

"Oh my. Captain America." She chuckled. Natasha didn't say a word. Her eyes dark and steady.

"You are very confident in your abilities... especially since you have a stance that you can beat me." Mary said as her eyes glowed a more vibrant purple.

"Want to make a deal..." Natasha said. Mary chuckled. "I love a gamble."

"If I beat you in a fight, you join our group... you win, I'll let you surrender me to Hydra." Natasha said.

Anthony's eyes widened. "Natasha?!"

She raised her hand at him. He stopped. Mary chuckled and then looked at Anthony. "I like her."

She sighed and walked over to her vanity. She applied some gloss. She smacked her lips together and looked at her through the mirror. "Deal."

She suddenly disappeared. Natasha dodged an attack. She jumped back and ended up on the stage after a few more dodges.

"Let's see how good you are at fighting."
Mary said as she disappeared into a mirror. A laugh echoed through the building.

Suddenly purple covered Natasha. Natasha winced and brought to her knees. Natasha cringed in pain as Mary appeared and stepped in front of her.

"Tap out whenever you want-" Natasha swung a punch as she brought her knife out. Natasha threw it at her which cause Mary to deflect, diverting her attention.

Mary looked up and noticed Natasha was gone. She frowned as she looked around. "My my captain..."

Mary turned and barely dodged a swing. Mary suddenly got grabbed and slammed to the ground.

Natasha held a knife at her throat. "Tap out whenever..." the captain said. Mary was stunned as she chuckled.

"Now I understand why that girl likes you." Mary said. Natashas eyes widened when Mary put her hand against her forehead.

Mary roamed around Natasha's mind. "Let's see what's in here." Mary appeared in a memory where Natasha was getting shocked by Clara.

Mary watched. Suddenly Natasha spun and punched Mary. Mary got knocked out of her mind.

Natasha was on her knees panting as she glared at Mary. Mary stared at her in shock. Natasha rushed her. And slammed her against the wall.

Mary winced and tapped out. Natasha held her head as she let her go. Mary watched the captain. "You have a mental strength I have only seen in witches..."

Mary walked over towards her and smirked. "I'll join your team."

"Good..." Natasha said as she lowered her hand.

"Also..." Natasha said. "Don't do that again." Natasha said as she walked towards the group. Anthony looked at Natasha stunned.


She just walked past him, pulling up her mask. Mary walked over. "Guess I'm on the team now."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now