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Natasha stood in the training room. She practiced her swing with the shield.

The captain was angry. She was sad, she was frustrated...

Steve passed away, and now the group was getting smaller. Everyone was up for grabs by Fallon.

It felt as if hands were looming over them all, waiting to pick them off the board.

She threw her shield at the target angrily as her team flashed in her mind. She thought do each of them, each of them potentially losing their lives.

She teared as she yelled with a throw. The shield went through the target. She couldn't lose them. Clara flashed in her mind.

Especially her.

She just needed something.  A weakness she should utilize and abuse to bring Fallon to his knees before he killed anyone else.

As she yanked her shield out of the wall, the sound of steps echoed into the room. Natasha turned and saw Clara and Mina.

Clara's eyes still looked dull. Natasha immediately walked over to them. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah... uh. I got some info on Fallon!"
Mina said showing her a video of when madam Hydra went against him.

She took him down easily. "How did she do that..." Natasha asked.

"She used a smoke grenade. She discovered his weakness was that he can't manipulate what he can't see." Mina said showing how Madam tackled him to the ground and injured him bad.

"And this is exactly what we needed." Natasha said with a slight relief. She glanced at Clara,
Who was staring at the ground.

Natasha looked at Mina who nodded and took her leave.

Natasha just carefully wrapped her arms around Clara. Clara hugged her back tightly, tearing up more. "Thank you..." Clara somehow got out.

"Will we have peace...?" Clara asked quietly.

Natasha just kissed her head and pulled from
The hug. "One day. One day you and I will have peace. We all will... but it takes a lot of work to have peace."

"And if we don't have peace?" Clara asked looking at her.

"We will. One way or another."

Bucky had arrived back at headquarters with Romanoff, and Hawkeye. The others he sent strange to go find.

"Okay. I'm gonna head to the White House. Need to check on Sam." Bucky said as he looked at Nat.

"Can I come with?" She said.

"Sure." Bucky said.

Sam sat in the Oval Office. He watched the video of Fallon probably for the millionth time. That's when he realized.

"He only manipulated certain things.... In his vision." Sam went to grab his phone when he paused.

He moved his hand when he looked up and saw Fallon.

"Ah. Good choice..." Fallon said. He stood in the shadows. ".... They were not lying about your intellect. You are a genius." Fallon said darkly.

Sam sat back in his chair. "I consider myself a mini stark." His hands were shaking but he dared not to show it. He didn't want to give Fallon the pleasure of seeing him in fear.

Fallon made his way towards the desk. Sam pressed a button under his desk. It sent an alarm to SHIELD.

"So. Here to kill me?" Sam said nonchalantly.

"Yes." Fallon said.

Sam just nodded his head slightly. He looked at the picture of his husband and daughter on his desk. He tightened his grip on his own hand.

"Care to have a drink?" Sam suddenly blurted out. It as if he was trying to delay the inevitable end he was going to face.

Fallon looked at him curiously. "Sure."

Sam got up and walked over to the small bar by the window. "Any preference?"

"Whiskey." Fallon said.

Sam nodded as he poured two and walked over to Fallon. Before he did anything, Sam threw it at his eyes. Fallon yelled out as he stumbled back.

Sam immediately ran. He pulled out his phone and called Bucky. "Pick up- pick up-" Sam didn't want him coming to the White House.
He rounded the corner and then ran into someone, knocking them over.

"Ow- shit- Bucky." Sam said panicked. He hung up the phone.

Bucky was about to say something, when a desk went flying down the hall Sam came from. "Run... RUN!" Sam yelled.

Nat, Sam and Bucky ran as Fallon appeared. His eyes filled with rage as he manipulated the walls and made them fall on the trio.

Romanoff winced as she got stuck under debris. Sam and Bucky ducked into a room. The two hid as Fallon stormed by.

Sam grabbed Bucky's hand tightly. Bucky pulled him close. "We'll... we'll get out of here."

Sam held onto him tight as he stayed as close to him as possible. "We won't. I won't..." he said as he looked at Bucky.

Bucky shook his head. "I refuse... to leave here without you."

Sam just kissed him. Sam was crying, almost sobbing as he held onto Bucky as if for dear life. Bucky couldn't take this.

He pulled out his gun as Sam pulled from him. Suddenly the walls around them came crumbling down.

Fallon threw the desk to the side.

Fallon grabbed both of them and threw Bucky a distance away. Sam winced as Fallon grabbed him. "Funny move."

Fallon said angrily. Sam winced as the hand around his neck tightened. "Y-you think I was just going to let you kill me?" Sam chuckled as he was in pain.

"No. You're too stubborn..." Fallon said. He reached to the side and grabbed a long piece of metal.

Bucky winced as he was being held to the ground by Fallons ability.

Fallon looked at him darkly. "You... are a kind man. But... doesn't excuse what you were associated with." He said calmly.

Sam teared up slightly. "I...I'm sorry for what... what happened to you."

"Still apologizing." Fallon said with a sad smile. "You are so kind."

Bucky somehow stood, fighting against Fallons ability. Fallon noticed, he was impressed but... didn't care.

"Any last requests?"

A tear went down Sam's face. "Don't kill my husband... and please down hurt my daughter." His voice broke.

"I'll try." Fallon stabbed him. He dropped Sam to the ground. Sam couldn't breathe, and he couldn't cry out. Fallon let Bucky go.

Bucky ran. "SAM!"

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now