The Power of a President

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As Maria interrogated Anthony, the others were sitting there in silence.

Sam looked at Bucky. "I need to talk to you."

Bucky sighed. Sam waved his hand for the others to leave the room, including Natasha. The others went outside the room and stayed there.

Bucky walked and stood in front of Sam. "I'm going to ask you this once." Sam said as he turned towards Bucky.

Bucky met his gaze. "If I ordered you... as your husband and nation leader, to stay home, and to drop everything with the Avengers... would you listen?"  Sam asked.

"I wouldn't." Bucky said.

Sam nodded slightly. "If I ordered you to be careful... would you try?"

"Of course." Bucky said getting a bit confused. Sam nodded as he looked at his desk and picked up a pen.

"Tell me what this is." Sam asked him.

"A pen...?"

"Yes. As the president, I can do a lot with this. I can write laws, bring laws into existence, pardon people, a lot of things." Sam said as he put into his pocket.

"Even... more aggressive things." Sam said as he met Bucky's gaze.

Bucky looked confused.

Sam stepped towards him and dusted off his shoulders. "I will permit you... to go run the avengers. But..." Sam stopped and held his hands in his.

"If something happens to you or my daughter... I will rain hell." Sam said. Bucky looked stunned.

"I can't be the only reason you would just start a war..." Bucky was completely shocked. Sam nodded a bit.

"I have a lot of reasonable evidence to declare a war against certain countries. The countries that hosts Hydra. You are my last straw." Sam said as he walked over to his desk and sat down.

"I've been the president for...2 years, and Hydra thinks they can bully me, our country, my family, and our avengers. Not anymore." Sam said as he leaned back in his chair.

"So, I'm ordering you... to be careful." Sam said.

Bucky just nodded. "Understood."

"Good." Sam said as looked out his window.

Bucky walked over to him and turned his chair towards him. "You're cute when you get all serious." Bucky said as he held his tie gently.

Sam chuckled. "Only you would say that."

"I better be." Bucky gently pulled him towards him and kissed him. Sam kissed him back with a slight smirk.

Bucky broke it and let go of his tie. "I'll be careful."


The others eventually came back in. Maria came back with Anthony.

"Okay, Sam. I'm going to sent in an Ops group to get an idea of what is going on within Hydra." Maria said.

Sam stood. "I have a better idea." Maria looked at him confused.

"The Avengers... will go and finish off Hydra." He said as he looked at Natasha. Natasha's eyes widened a bit.

All eyes were on Sam. He walked over to a shelf that was sealed in his office. He pressed a few buttons and it opened, revealing the shield. He held it in his hands as he walked over to Natasha.

"You're going to need this."

Natasha held it and looked at Sam. "Thank you."

"You're Welcome." He looked at the group. "You all will get new uniforms tonight. All stealth... and new weapons. Bucky will be going with you all. He is primarily in charge, but... Natasha leads if he says so." Sam said as sat on his desk.

"You are all now, my, strike team." He said seriously.

"Depending on how this mission goes, will determine if a war breaks out."

The team looked amongst each other shocked. Sam looked at them all. "So... be careful."

Everyone left except for Maria.

"A war...?"

Sam looked at her. "Yes."

"You aren't doing this rationally..." Maria said. Sam chuckled as he crossed his arms.

"Since when do you do things rationally?" he asked her.

"You're only going to start a war cause of Bucky and Natasha? That is not how you, as the president, are supposed to think! A war?!" Sam gripped his jacket, holding back his words.

"People get hurt! You can't just rage against Russia because he gets shot-"

"What do you know Maria?" Sam said as he stood.

"You weren't alone for the years my husband and child were taken from me.... You also didn't have to suffer watching your daughter get taken again!" He chuckled with anger.

"Hydra thinks they can hurt my family, whenever they oh so please. So... that gives me the damn right to rain hell on them all. Cause if they do it to my family... they'll do it to another."

He stood and handed her a file. "And plus... I'm not a war hungry man. Here is all the evidence I need to start a legitimate war..."

Maria held it.

"I'm not stupid, Maria... but, when it comes to my family, I can get aggressive."

Bucky stood in the locker room getting ready. He reattached his arm as he saw Anthony sitting on a bench.

"You okay kid?" Bucky asked. He pulled his shirt on.

Anthony looked at him. "Uh... yeah. Just thinking." He said as he dried his hair off.

"About?" Bucky asked as he pulled his uniform on.

"The future." He said quietly.

"Uncertain, isn't it." Bucky said.


Bucky pulled his boots on and then walked over to Anthony and knelt down in front of him. "Don't think too much about it... focus on now so you won't even notice the future coming around yet. Okay?"

Anthony nodded a bit. Bucky smiled a bit and patted his head. "See you in the briefing room."

The group all went to the briefing. Sam send them their missions parameters. The mission was to basically destroy the Hydra base, and take madam Hydra with it.

They wanted her dead or alive. It did not matter to Sam... he just her restrained in cuffs for in a coffin.

Clara sat, watching the mission details on the screen. She looked at Natasha. She was going to bring her home.

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