Morning After

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Clara woke up the next morning, feeling extremely rested. She felt an arm around her as she laid in bed.

She blushed a bit as she turned carefully and looked at the sleeping Captain next to her. Natasha looked sound asleep, as if this was her first rest in months.

Clara gently touched her cheek, but got a bit more flustered as she saw marks on her neck. "Oh boy..." she said quietly.

Natasha shifted a bit in her sleep. Her hair was a mess, and honestly... Clara liked it like that. She was the cause of it so, she was proud of that.

Clara gently sat up. She realized she was missing a few articles of clothing which caused her to pull the blanket further around her. "Goodness..." she said as she found a shirt and pulled it on.

She immediately realized it was Natasha's cause... well.. it was big on her. Well that didn't bother her. The shirt kind of fell off of her shoulder as she looked around for her phone.

Natasha was waking up a bit. She felt so light... she actually felt normal for once. She looked around but paused when she saw Clara next to her. Natasha just watched her a bit.

"Where is my phone....?" Clara said again. Her hair falling down her back. Natasha sat up a bit which caught Clara's attention.

Clara turned and looked at her. "Natasha..." Clara quickly covered her with the blanket as she blushed.

Natasha looked at her surprised. "Did I do something."

"No- you just. Make me nervous-" Clara said.  Natasha just laughed. It was a laugh that Clara had never heard before.

Natasha just pulled Clara towards her and smothered her in kisses and love. Clara laughed as she let her.

Natasha pulled away from her slowly as Clara looked at her. Natasha rubbed her cheek gently as she just admired the blonde beneath her.

Clara blushed a bit. "I love you..." Natasha said quietly, only loud enough for just Clara.

Clara was stopped dead in her tracks with that. "Y-you do?"

Natasha leaned down and kissed her gently. It was such a soft and gentle kiss. "Yeah. I really love you."

Clara smiled a bit as she teared up. "I love you too."

Natasha smiled softly. Her hair in her face, flushed cheeks, and a genuine smile. Natasha just kissed her once again, pulling her closer to her by her waist.

Oh they wish they could stay like this forever.

Bucky and Romanoff were halfway across the Pacific Ocean. Bucky watched tiredly out the window.

"We're almost there." Romanoff said.

Bucky just nodded. He was tired, injured, hungry, and just missed his husband. All he wanted was to hug Sam tightly and apologize for all the drama.

He just wanted to let him know he was okay.

Natasha watched the systems when an alarm went off. "Just great..." she grumbled.

"Hydra?" Bucky said. She nodded.

"They're trying to take us out before we get to US airspace." She said. Bucky just pushed the throttle in to Max so they would get there quickly.

The two strapped in. Bucky took control of the plane and dodged an attack. He frowned as he continued to dodge attacks.

Suddenly another jet came from the side and shot up the side of their plane. The two braced for impact as they hit the water. They were just shy of US air space.

Bucky saw how water was quickly filling the jet. He searched the storage for breathing apparatus's as Natasha gathered their things. Bucky tossed her a breathing tool.

She put it on and the two started swimming.

Sam walked into his currently being repaired Oval Office with Maria. "At least one thing is going right." He said as he walked over to his desk.

As he sat down a messenger ran in. "Sir, we have reports of two Hydra jets shooting down a Hydra transport." Sam paused and then looked at the messenger.

"Hydra shooting down Hydra? That doesn't make any sense..." Sam said as he leaned back in his chair, but he then realized.

"Oh shit... Maria called the pentagon, sent a US navy ship to receive that vessel." He said as he looked at her. She knew he was only doing this for one reason.

Bucky may be on the ship.

Nightfall came around. Bucky and Romanoff  stumbled onto the beach. Bucky just collapsed, Natasha did as well.

They were so exhausted. They just swam, floated, treaded water and then swam. Bucky took his breathing apparatus off and coughed as he finally got a breath of fresh air.

"Never... Never doing that again." Natasha said as she stared at the sky.

"Agreed..." he said as waves rose and touched their feet. "Let's find somewhere to sleep." Bucky said as he stood up. He extended a hand to her.

Romanoff held his hand and walked with. "We need dry clothes..." she mumbled.

"We can stop by a shop."

The two eventually make their way to a hotel after purchasing some clothes to sleep in, and to travel in the next day. Bucky was brushing Natasha's hair. She was falling asleep as he did.

"How long have you been hiding in Russia?" He asked quietly, making sure not to startle her.

"Awhile." She said as she kept her eyes closed. Bucky was a bit surprised.

"You don't want to come back to the US?" He asked as he finished brushing her hair. She was silent for a moment.

"I don't think I will... yet. I mean I won't stay permanently. I just want peace Bucky..." she sighed as she stood up and sat on her bed. she looked exhausted.

"Life has been hard, with Thanos, with... everything. I just needed to hide so I could breathe. So that I didn't have to be the black widow on the avengers... but I could be Natalia Romanova who lives in the mountains. Don't you want peace?" She asked.

Bucky wanted peace so bad.

But he knew his life was never going to be peaceful. "I do... but... I can't stand by and watch the world go to shit..."

Natasha just sighed and smiled tiredly. "You're better than me... you and Sam are definitely meant for each other..." she laid down.

"Always sacrificing for the greater good."

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