Under Pressure

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Clara saw Natasha fighting the mindless soldiers. She frowned and then saw Madam Hydra leaving.

She was going to go after Madam when she was stopped. "Clara! Don't!" Natasha said as she threw her shield at an agent.

Clara shot one in the leg before she saw Natasha look over at her. She didn't want Madam to get to Wanda to execute the order.


Clara ran down the hall. The hall was pitch black. She slowed down as she came to another room. Clara turned off her ear piece as she came to a more casual hallway.

Clara felt a chill go down her spine as she walked into a ballet room. She paused as she saw madam leaned against the mirror in the room.

"Clara Carter- Rogers. The little girl out of time..." she said as she stood up straight. Clara watched her closely.

"... one of the most ruthless Black Widows this generation has seen..." madam said as she met the gaze of the blonde.

Clara had her gun pointed at Madam. Madam just gave a short laugh. "Probably the most ruthless... on par to the captain." Madam said as she stood in front of her.

"I.. I'm not a Widow anymore. I am an agent." Clara said as she looked at her.

"And yet you still wield the bracelets and rely on the training they give you? The only thing different about you now is your personality. You've turned bubbly in a way... to mask that darker side of you." Madam said with a chuckle.

Clara fired her gun causing Madam to disappear. The glass cracked.

"You're still as sharp as ever. I remember working with you once." Madam said as she walked over to her.

Clara pointed her gun at her head. "You ended up killing a SHIELD agent." Clara teared up at that.

"I do believe her name was..." Claras tears fell.

"Natasha Romanoff?"

Clara gripped her gun until her knuckles turned white. Clara yelled as she kicked madam. "She was declared missing!" She yelled.

Madam grabbed her leg and slammed her to the ground. Clara kicked madam into the wall, causing it to shatter. Madam piled out a knife and rushed her. "You shot the shot!"

Clara activated her bracelets and blocked her knife. She grabbed Madam and slammed her to the ground and held a gun at her head.

Madam chuckled. "Go ahead... do it. You didn't hesitate with my shoulder last time."

"Be the black widow you are." Madam said with a laugh. Clara teared up but then was slammed into the wall as red filled the room.

Clara cried out as Wanda picked her up and walked out of the room. Where Natasha just finished taking out the last agent.

She had blood on her hands as she panted from exhaustion. "Captain!" Natasha spun around with her gun in her hand.

Her eyes widened as she saw Madam and Wanda holding Clara. Natasha gripped her gun. "Let her go!"

"Absolutely not. You two cause me a lot of grief, and honestly... I'm sick of both of you." Madam said darkly.

"But..." madam said as Wanda dropped Clara to the ground. "... I'll make a deal."

Natasha stood firm. "Stop me and Hydra, or..."

Wanda blew up the building. "Save your guard." Debris fell all around them. Madam backed out of the slowly as Wanda continued to destroy up the building.

Natasha winced as debris hit her. She saw Clara and then saw a large piece of the ceiling start to fall.

Natasha just moved.

Clara coughed as she laid on the ground. She winced as felt debris on her leg. It was faintly dark as she laid there. Dust was in the air.

She heard a pained sound come from above her. She opened her eyes and saw Natasha holding her shield over her.

Natasha winced as she stayed there. Clara's eyes widened. "C-captain!?"

Natasha was holding a large amount of debris off of her. The captain was holding a piece of roofing off of her. The captains arms were shaking from holding this debris up and off of them.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked as struggled more.

"Why didn't you go after Madam!?" Clara was mad.

"I-I..." Natasha winced as it felt the debris was getting heavier.

Clara had tears of anger going down her face. "Y-you wouldn't be hurting like this if you went after her! Captain!" Clara said as she cringed in more pain.

Natasha was silent.



"Because I care about you!" Natasha said in a strained voice. Clara immediately stopped. Natasha teared up.

"I... I can't lose another person. I can't win another fight while losing another person. My mind and heart can't take it..." Clara felt tears hit her face.

"If I lose you... I... I won't recover. Especially if I could stop you from dying." Her voice broke at that. "I can't leave you to die in pain while I go and beat the bad guy... it's not fair to you. So.. I'm not leaving you to die...." Natasha said as she kept the shield above the two of them.

"... especially after everything you did for me." Natasha said as her hair fell in her face. More tears fell.

Clara was silent.

Natasha started to stumble, but she panted as she was pushing herself past her limit.

Suddenly the sound of someone shuffling below the captain caught her attention. Clara cried out as she pulled her leg from under the rubble.

Clara looked around for something that can help them out. The two didn't speak. Clara felt around for something.

She paused when she felt a manhole cover. "I found a cover..." Clara said.

"Can you pick it off?" Clara would have to be able to. She winced as she slowly pulled it off. Natasha started to crumble under the weight of the debris.

"G-get through!" Natasha yelled as she started to lose her ability to hold this off.

"I only will if you are going to follow!" Clara yelled at her. Natasha sighed and nodded.

"I will.... I promise."

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