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The next day at 6 In the morning, Clara rolled into the SHIELD headquarters. She was curious as to how she would communicate with the Captain.

She sat at her desk and messed around with her computer when she saw Natasha walking over in casual clothes. Clara looked at her.

"Are we dressing down today, Captain?"
Clara asked. Natasha nodded. "Yes... unless I need to go do something." She said as she sat by her desk.

Clara continued typing on her computer as Natasha sat next to the desk. "Are you guarding me, or am I?"

"You're guarding me." Natasha said. Clara noticed she wasn't messing around on a phone. "Captain... do you have a phone?"

Natasha didn't say anything immediately. "No. I do not."

"Then... how in the world did you intend for me to contact you?" Clara asked.

Natasha stayed silent.

"Oh good grief. Let me go get out of this jumpsuit, and we will go to the store. Stay here." Clara got up and headed to the locker rooms.

Clara walked into the lockers and grabbed her clothes as she heard some women in there talking about Natasha.

"The captain is so strange... honestly why even is she even holding the shield?" One said.

"Honestly! And her past does not help."

Clara ignored what they said and went to get changed. She wasn't going to believe anything said about the captain unless told to her to herself.

Natasha sat there waiting when she saw Clara walking towards her in a flower dress, gold earrings and a purse. "Alright, you ready captain?" Clara said.

Natasha looked confused. "What Are you dressed up for? We're just going to buy a phone..." Clara looked at her confused.

"This is how I dress normally. Do you normally wear tight black shirts, jeans and red Jordan's?" Clara asked.


"See we have Styles. Now Come on. It's two shops down. We don't need to take your bike." Clara said as she lead the way. Natasha had a shocked look on her face.

Eventually the two made it to the store and we're looking at cellphones. Natasha looked at the iPhone 14 pro max. She seemed fascinated by the camera.

"You want that one?" Clara asked.

"I do like it... any idea what case I should get?"
Natasha asked as Clara immediately handed her a case. It was a heavy duty case that could withstand drops, falls etc.

"Oh wow... okay." Clara took it over to the cashier, bought them and set them all up. By the time they walked out of there, Natasha had a functioning phone.

"Wonderful!"'Clara said as she opened Natasha's phone and put her contact in.

Agent Carter (SHIELD)

"I think I would know it's you agent..." Natasha said as she looked at it. Clara chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I know, it's just to be funny."  Clara smirked as she dragged her to go looked at this pop up sweets shop.

Natasha went along willingly, looking at everything curiously, and wondering why Clara was dragging her around like this.


"When we are out on public like this, you call me Clara. Understood?" Clara said a she turned towards her and handed her a cup of ice cream. Natasha simply nodded slightly and started to eat the ice cream.

Clara, for some reason took her around to do some fun things, which Natasha quite enjoyed. They ended up walking around the city for a couple hours. Clara smiled and laughed as she talked to Natasha.

Natasha felt drawn to this woman. This blonde had an energy she had never seen before. She refused to let the captain be alone, and was striking up conversation with no problem. None of her other body guards ever dared to speak to her like this, or tell her what to do.

Clara was a strange woman to Natasha, but Natasha liked strange. She liked someone unpredictable. She enjoyed it. It was refreshing to her.

Eventually their day came to an end. Clara walked Natasha how to her motorcycle. "Did you enjoy yourself, Captain?" Clara asked. Natasha chuckled and nodded as she held her helmet.

"Yes. Yes I did. It was fun. I'm not used to my bodyguards taking me to get ice cream, or having a fun day off." Natasha said as she looked at her. Clara Just chuckled.

"I at least should get to know you before having to guard you, right?" Clara said as she smiled at Natasha. Natasha just nodded and chuckled.

"In some cases. Well. Tomorrow we have to go to the White House. Be in your uniform and I'll see you here at 8. If have further questions... text me." Natasha said as she pulled her helmet on. Clara walked over and flicked the visor up.

"Gotcha. Anything else I need to bring?"

"Bring your gun, and identifications." Natasha looked at her and then lowered her visor, and took off on her bike.

Clara stood there and watched her drive off. "She is interest-" as she said that she felt a power walk by her. She turned and saw nothing. It was a strange feeling... it was a power that felt suffocating.

She headed back into the SHIELD building to grab her things that she left there, and needed for the following day. She felt this power in the building again. It caused such an unsettling feeling in her stomach, so, she rushed and left without another word.

The agency at night was a terrifying place at night. The empty building partner with the thought of the powerful things that were stored in its lower levels, was a concerning even to the the innocent bystander who had no idea of the sheer magnitude of power this building held.

Wanda knew it, but ... she was far from innocent. Her eyes glowed red as she sensed for the tesseract. She simply wanted to know where it was to take its power.

She smirked. "There you are..."

Captain America: Age of Chaos حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن