Painful Moments

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Natasha laid there on the ground as blood dripped from her mouth. "Y-you little shit." She said with a strained voice.

"I get that a lot. It's rather coincidental that your guard wasn't here, so it was much easier to shoot you." He said as he spoke on his coms.

A helicopter made its way over to them.

Natasha's hand shook as she saw the blood on it. Oliver looked at her. "Oh my, I think I might've shot you in the wrong spot. I aiming for a less dangerous spot... meh. Your healing will slowly take care of it."

He said as he took her weapons off of her. Natasha felt as if she couldn't move. "Y-you laced those bullets."

"Yes. Yes I did. There's a toxin that is very good at subduing Super Soldiers." He said as she suddenly kicked him away from her.

She tried to stand up again and run, but Oliver shot her leg again. She hit the ground. "I ... I..."

"You what!?" Oliver winced as he held his head.

"I need to go back..." she said as she held her wound. Oliver just rolled his eyes.

Natasha pressed her intercom as she laid on the ground. The helicopter landed on the roof. "E-everyone..."

"Natasha! Where are you! We're coming!" Mina said.

"The... roof. I've been shot." Natasha mumbled as her mind was drifting away.

"How many times!?" Anthony asked as he fought Wanda. Natasha watched as Oliver paced.

"Three times."

"Where!?" Anthony said panicked.

"Chest... leg... I don't know..." she mumbled. Anthony yelled at the others to hurry up and get to her. Natasha just pressed out of her coms as the helicopter landed on the roof.

As Natasha was pulled onto the helicopter, Mina and Kylo arrived. "Cap!" Mina yelled.

Oliver got onto the helicopter as it started to pull away. Oliver dropped a bomb, that set everything on fire.

Kylo and Plague cried out in pain as the fire touched them. Mina webbed him, and a Maria and dove off the roof to get him away from it.

He eventually got it all off of him. Kylo was burned. Mina was panicked.

"Anthony... we need to retreat." Mina said holding back tears.

Anthony slammed Wanda to the ground with his magic and pinned her. "Head back, I'm right behind you all." He said.

Clara sat outside as the rain fell. Her leg was bouncing as she waited form them to come back.

She had her eyes closed as she waited for anything. The sound of people walking caught her attention.

She looked up and saw the group. She stood but noticed that Natasha wasn't there. Her eyes widened. She saw Kylo was burned, they had Maria... but they were missing a person.

Anthony looked beat up. Mina looked like she was in pain. "Are you guys okay- Where's Natasha!?"

Mina looks at her and then teared up. "I'm sorry... she..." Mina sighed and then looked at her. "... she was shot three times. We lost communications as she was taken."

Clara shook her head as she teared up. She backed up. She backed up into Bucky. Bucky looked heartbroken as he heard that.

She looked at him, tears welling her eyes. He just hugged her and teared up. Clara just cried into his shoulder.

"I-I knew it."

Natasha woke up in a cell. She was restrained, and had bio medical attention. She looked around silently.

She tugged on her restraints but she was still too weak. Her wounds were healing so slow, she wasn't sure if she was going to make it.

The room she was in was so dark, it was cold, and it was empty. She was the only tying in the room.

As she laid there, the door to her cell opened. In madam Hydra and Oliver.

"I told you to kill her." Madam said.

"I shot her three times..."

"You shoot her where she can die! Goodness..." madam said as she lifted Natasha's head towards her.

"It might be more satisfactory watching her die." Madam said.

"Probably." Oliver said.

Madam looked at Natasha. "You won't live much longer." She said with a chuckle. Natasha stared at her blankly.

"How does it feel to be so close to death?" Madam asked. Natasha just tried to kick her but she was just unable.

"T...terrible." Natasha mumbled.

"I wonder if your friend can get here, or... if you can hear yourself somehow." Madam walked out leaving her with Oliver.

"You know. You truly are an admirable person. Always sacrificing yourself for the greater good, and for Clara." He said as he looked at his gun.

"Part of me wants to shoot you now to end your suffering, or give Clara a chance to find you and say goodbye." He said as he walked over to her and put the gun against her head.

"You probably want the first option... to give your team less grief."

Natasha teared up as she looked at the ceiling. "You're a kind person." He said as he put his gun away.

"I'm not."

He walked out of the room leaving her in the dark again. Her tears fell. She yelled out in anger as she pulled on her restraints.

She pushed and pushed herself. She ended up breaking on. She breathed heavily as she did. She pulled the other with everything she had.

It snapped and she fell.

Years ago... if she was in this situation, she would rather die. She wouldn't be afraid of dying for the greater good, but as of late...

Natasha's mind drifted to her friends, family... Clara.

Clara kissed her cheek. "Come back."

She wanted to fight. She was weak at the moment... she knew she needed to be saved. But she knew she needed to relax so she wouldn't die prematurely.

She leaned against the wall and leaned her head back.

She pressed a button on her arm.

She was searching for help.

Any type of help.

Captain America: Age of Chaos حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن