Mission Parameters

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Eventually the other team members arrived. Everyone was tired, so Natasha quickly went over the mission parameters.

"We're looking for Wanda and Madam Hydra." Natasha said. Clara sat next to her now.

"Main priority is Wanda, because she has the tesseract, and will be controlling the Hydra army." Natasha said a she wrote things down.

"I'm assuming my job is to either subdue, or take out Wanda." Anthony said as he sat on the floor criss crossed.

"Yes. Your job is to hold Wanda at bay. My job is to do everything else. Mina is here for surveillance and infiltration, Kylo is our big gun, and diversion guy." Natasha said a she pulled a hologram of the Hydra bases around the world.

"What about Clara?" Kylo asked.

Clara looked at the captain. Natasha looked at her. "She's with me." Natasha quickly turned back to her hologram.

"These are all the possible locations where Wanda and Madam may be... and since they have the space stone, all of them are highly likely... but, we have gotten reports of Madam Hydra appearing in Russia, and believe it or not, the North Pole. It's rumored, there are bases there, and she frequents the one in the North Pole more frequently." Natahsa said as she handed them info on the files.

Natahsa felt Clara leaned her head on her shoulder. She was awake, but she was tired. Natasha cleared her throat and continued.

She knew Clara would know what to do, so she didn't bother her agent.

After about 35 minutes of debrief, Natasha finished. "Alright... any questions?"

"How are you going to get us from here to Russia." Mina asked.

Natasha looked at them. "Either a portal or a stolen jet." She said.

"If we use a jet, Wanda won't sense me using my magic." Anthony said.

"Jet it is." Natasha said. "Alright, everyone get comfortable around the apartment, don't mess anything up, and get some rest."

The group all start getting situated. Natasha sighed and then looked at Clara who was half asleep on her.

Natasha carefully picked her up, holding her close. Clara just relaxed against her. The other three watched curiously.

Natasha took Clara to her bed. She laid her down carefully. She covered her with a her blankets. Clara opened her eyes slightly as she watched the captain sit by her bed.

Natasha leaned her head against the wall and looked at the wall. "Natasha..." Clara mumbled.

"Yeah?" Natasha said, her voice soft and gentle. She looked at the blonde on the bed.

"Get some sleep." Clara mumbled slightly. Natasha smiled softly. "I will... don't worry." Clara relaxed a bit after she said that.

Natasha stood up and once more and adjusted Clara's blanket. Clara reached out and held the captains hand. Natasha looked at her surprised.

"Goodnight..." Clara said so quietly. Natasha gently squeezed her hand in response. "Goodnight, Clara." Natahsa let her hand go and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

She leaned against the door and sighed. She wished her life was normal. She wished that she would be able to have met Clara under normal circumstances, maybe she would've asked her to get coffee... but her life now just made it seem like impossible.

She just laid on the couch and closed her eyes.

If only they met in a different time.

The next morning, they all woke up. They were going to be infiltrating a SHIELD base for a jet. Mina had a small side mission to hack into the security system to find the footage of Oliver shooting the Director.

Natasha was making a small stop to the hospital before going. She of course had to break into Maria's room in an uncomfortable way.

She opened the window in her room, and walked into Maria's room. Natasha took her hood off and stepped over to Maria's bed.

"Hey..." Natasha said quietly. "I'm going to be gone for awhile... I'm not dead. Just going on a mission, and activating the task force. Just wanted to see you before I go." Natasha said as she held Maria's hand.

Maria held her hand back and opened her eyes slightly. She was still attached to all of these machines, and was still intubated. Natashas eyes widened. Maria just squeezed her hand tight.

"I'll come back. I promise." Natasha said as she kissed the top of Maria's head. Maria loosened her grip letting Natasha go.

Natasha backed up and jumped out the window again. Maria just wanted her girl to come back home safely and in one piece.

Natasha got back. She got into her stealth gear. She walked out seeing everyone in theirs. Natasha put her half mask on, and her shield on her back.

"Alright, let's get going."

The group camped out by the jet dock at shields airport. Natasha lowered her binoculars. Clara was besides her.

Kylo crossed his arms. "I can get Plague out and take them out." Natasha shock her head as she stood.

"I got it." She said as she checked her gun. The group was shocked as she jumped off the roof of the opposing building and watched her walk over.

She took out eight guards silently, quickly, and smoothly. She walked into the jet. She gave the team the thumbs up and they all ran over.

"I'm flying this thing." Natasha said as she jumped into the captains seat. Mina ran over to the computers and immediately started hacking and searching the security system.

Anthony and Kylo were not needed yet, and Clara ran up to the cockpit and sat in the other seat available.

Natasha got clearance to take off, and headed towards Russia. Natasha got it up to cruise and relaxed a bit. She put the plane into stealth so that the nation would not be able to detect them, along with Hydra if they are there.

Kylo walked over to Natasha and stood next to her. "Captain, Mina has gotten the evidence needed of Oliver. She's clearing it up."

"Good. Sent it to my father. He'll know what to do."

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