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Natasha walked into the meeting in her uniform and shield on her back. Kylo and Anthony were sitting there looking at her.

She placed a coffee in front of Maria. "My apologies for being late."

Maria held the coffee. "You're forgiven."

Natahsa sat down across from Mina who was smiling at her.

She promptly turned her head away from her. As she listened to Maria talk, Kylo flicked her leg.

"What..." she whispered to him.

"Where'd you go last night?" He said with a smirk on his face. Natasha frowned and then turned back towards Maria.

"As you all know, the United States has been 75% conquered by Hydra. The number is lower than anticipated due to the assistance we've had due to some unforeseen assistance." Maria said as she looked at her watch.

"This assistance is also late." She said as she sipped her coffee.

Natasha raised a brow.

Suddenly, a tall woman entered the room. She wore a uniform, and had long blonde hair. "Sorry for being late, Director." The woman said.

Maria nodded. "It's alright Captain. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you, to Captain Marvel of our earth who has been roaming the galaxy. She is also known as Carol Danvers."

Captain Marvel chuckled. "It's nice being back."

Maria looked at Natasha. "Captain, I would like you to meet our captain, Captain America known as Natasha Barnes."

"Nice to meet you." Carol said extending her hand. "Barnes? Name sounds familiar."

"My father is Sargeant Barnes." Natasha said. Peggy smiled a bit.

"Glad to see he got a kid." Natahsa smiled at that.

"Let's chat more afterwards." Carol said as she sat down across from Natasha.

Maria continued on with the meeting. "Dr. Strange is search for assistance for us through different dimensions. We haven't found anyone else yet, besides the Captain."

"We need to basically take down the Hydra bases one by one, so that they won't have any forces near critical places. We have permission from President Wilson to continue with crippling the Hydra invasion." Maria said as she handed everyone a file.

"We also have the assumed head of Hydra with us, but he confessed this morning that he intends to tear down Hydra." Maria said as she showed his picture.

"His name is Fallon Greer. He is 45 and is an ex- nuclear scientist who worked in a lab that was attacked by Hydra." Madam said as she showed pictures of the lab.

"He has a grudge against Hydra, so he will benefit our resistance." Maria said as her slides came to an end.

"Alright. Every, today missions will be going out. Natasha, is Clara going on missions with you?" Maria asked.

"She won't let me go alone. Yes." Natasha said as she got up.

"Alright. Check her skills, and then get her in the loop." Natasha nodded and put her shield on her back.

"Meeting adjourned." Maria said as everyone headed out. Mina, Anthony and Kylo immediately started interrogating Natasha.

"Did you finally kiss her Ms. Heart eyes?" Kylo said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Why are you asking?" She said as she raised a brow.

Mina whined. "We gotta know!"

Mary just walked by them. "Y'all... she'll tell you when she wants to. Plus..." Mary's eyes glowed.

"I already know the answer." Mary smirked. Natasha frowned. "Stop going into my head."
Mary rolled her eyes and went ahead. Anthony then rushed over to Mary to scold her.

Natasha just grabbed her phone and called Clara.

"Hey, you okay?" Natasha said as the others listened.

"Good... yes I am calling you can I need you for something... yes. Training. For a mission, you don't have to- I figured." Natasha smiled slightly as she talked to her.

Kylo poked her cheek. She immediately smacked his hand and made a neutral expression.

Mina giggled as Anthony rolled his eyes. Mary just watched the group with a raised brow.

"Alright... see you soon. Yes... yes you can. If you want. Up to you." Natasha said with her smile creeping up again.

"Alright alright. See you. Bye." Natasha hung up and looked at the group.

"You're all training with me today, so powers."

They all groaned and followed her to the training room.

Clara pulled her suit on. She walked out and headed down to the training rooms when she saw Fallon sitting in a library alone.

She had some time. "Fallon?"

He looked up at her. "Ah, Carter." He was still injured, so he was resting.

"You alright?" She said.

He nodded a bit as he looked over the training grounds. "Watching." He said as he turned his head watching Natasha train Anthony.

She watched him close but then left.

Clara walked downstairs. She was quiet as she did. She didn't know... she didn't know if she was welcomed.

She walked onto the training floor. Mina's eyes lit up. "Clara!" She ran over and hugged her. Clara knew in that moment they were cool with her.

Mina hugged her tight. Kylo came over. "How are you?"

"Better." She said with a soft smile.

Suddenly Natasha blocked a blast from Anthony as the group watched. Natahsa threw her shield at him.

He blasted it away, but was suddenly greeted by Natasha who slammed him to the ground. He winced and tapped out.

Natasha shook out her arm and helped him up. "Your hits hurt more." Anthony said with a chuckle as he stood up.

"Good." She said as she ran her fingers through her hair. She saw Clara and motioned her into the floor.

"Alright. Let me know if im pushing too much, and tap out whenever you want." Natasha said as she put her shield on her arm.

"Since when have you applied tap outs?" Clara said with a smirk.

"Got too I need to be nicer." Natasha said as she started the timer.

"Awww you're nicer?"

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