Training for the End

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Natasha was training at the headquarters. She threw her shield hard. Harder and harder each time. She panted as she sat on the floor. She just held her head as the night before replayed in her head.

Her eyes closed as she sat there. Wondering if she could cheat death. Wondering if she could delay the end just a little bit.

There were things she wanted to do, places she wanted to travel, things to do, things to achieve.

A life she wanted to live.

A life she hadn't had the pleasure of truly living yet.

She opened her eyes as she stared down at the red white and blue shield in her hands. Some days this shield felt like a curse.... But she knew it was an honor.

She slowly stood. She reminds herself she was chosen by the greats, to carry this shield and represent them and this nation. But that does not mean it is not heavy.

The burden, the pain, the anguish, and the loneliness that came along with it. Somedays were hard to carry.

But that's what happens where you're the daughter of the greats.

She slowly stood and looked outside. If she couldn't avoid her end, she intended to make sure no one else did on the process.

The team all assembled in the training rooms. Natasha stood there looking out the window. Clara looked at her, feeling as if she had been distant.

She understood, her father had died like a day and a half ago. It was hard. Clara was just starting to talk to people again.

The blonde walked over to her girlfriend and put a hand on her back. "Hey... you okay?"

Natasha just lowered her head a bit. "Yeah... yeah I'm okay." She looked at Clara and kissed the top of her head.

A soft smile went across Natasha's face. "Just tired."

Clara sensed something being hidden from her. But she thought it was best not to push.

"I understand." Clara said as she rubbed her back. "I know."

Natasha got them all gathered around her. "The weakness of Fallon has been exploited." Natasha said stepping into her role as leader with ease.

Anthony looked stunned. "A weakness?"

Natasha nodded as she turned on a screen on the wall. A video appeared of madam Hydra fighting Fallon.

"He can't manipulate things he can't see." Natasha said as madam shot him.

"So we either have to be invisible-" Mina said.

"- or blind him..." Kylo said as Mary crossed her arms.

"Isn't it impossible to catch him by surprise..."
Mary said looking at Natasha with annoyance on her face.

"It isn't... "

Natasha pulled up another video. It was surveillance footage of her father getting the upper hand on Fallon.

"His blind spot in behind him: directly behind him. His peripheral vision is dangerous, so you have to be directly behind him, catching him in a check point-esque moment." Natasha said as she grabbed a remote.

"So..." she turned the lights off.

"Come get me." Natasha said.

Anthony dodged a hit and shot a blast. Natasha blocked and hit him with her shield. She caught it and went to her next her target.

Mina dodged every attack. Natasha lost her shied, but ended up slamming Mina to the ground after getting a string of web shot at her.

Kylo took the opportunity to charge her. Natasha jumped over him and the slammed him into the wall. Plague appeared and grabbed her, pinning her to the ground.

Natasha used her free hand and threw a flash bang at his symbiote. She then slammed Kylo to the floor.

Now it was Clara she was after. Natasha took quiet steps. Natasha spun around and caught a knife being thrown. She frowns as a kick slams her to the ground.

Natasha moves her arm to attack but it gets promptly blocked and slammed to the ground. Natasha kicks her off as she gets up.

Before Natasha could recover she was slammed to the ground. Natasha pulled out her knife and clashed with Clara's widow bracelets.

The lights came on and Clara was hovering over her. "Good."

The training came to an end. Natasha pulled her jacket as it started to rain outside. She sighed softly when suddenly someone touched her lower back.

Natasha turned and saw Clara. "Hey cap." Clara said as she smiled softly. Natasha stared at her girlfriend and smiled softly.

"Hey beautiful..." Natasha's words were flat. Clara knew she meant it... but something was wrong.



"Is something wrong...?"

Natasha looked at her blankly. She gently reached up and moved hair out of her face. "No."

Clara knew that was a lie but she just smiled ever so slightly and held her hand. "Let's go get some dinner."

Natasha lifted her hand to her lips and kissed her knuckles. "Sounds good".

The two made it back to Natasha's apartment. It was still basically empty. Natasha stood there as Clara put their leftovers from dinner away.

The world felt as if it was crumbling all around her. And to top it all off...

She was going to die.

Not of old age.

Not of an illness.

By the hands of a mad man who thinks she is the cause of his anguish. Thinks she is the reason his heart aches for his child as hers aches for her father who was eternally at rest.

Natasha just teared up more and cried out. "It's not fair!" She punched the wall. A crack went through it. Clara watched, confused by this.

Clara stepped towards her, carefully puts her hand on her back. "Natash-"

Natasha turned and hugged her tightly. Clara held her close, surprised by this. Natasha hid her head in her shoulder.

Clara just held her close, kissed her head and teared up. "It's hard... I know."

The two stayed like that for a long time. Holding each other close. Clara felt as if Natasha was holding her as if it was the end.

Clara just... hugged her close and stayed near her.

"We got this."

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