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Clara ended up going home a few hours later. She opened her door and stood in the doorway for a few moments before going fully in.

She pulled her shoes off and tossed them by her door and just plopped onto her couch. A sigh of relief escaped her as she sank into the couch.

She sighed as she closed her eyes. She started to fall asleep when her phone buzzed. She reached for her phone and looked at it.

Captain: did you make it home alright?

Clara smiled softly at the message.

Clara: yep! I made it home :) did you?

Captain: yes.

Clara laughed at the bluntness.

Clara: alright. Get some rest and let those wounds heal Up.

Captain: understood. good night.... And thank you.

Clara: no problem <3

Clara drifted to sleep as she daydreamed about her day off the following day, where she was gonna go shopping, buy some sweets, purchase some makeup, and just have a wonderful day.

She woke up the next morning and yawned as she dragged herself to her room to get dressed. 

She curled her hair. Put on her red lipstick, put some gold earrings on, put a bow in her hair, pulled on a sweater since it was getting cold, some warm tights under a skirt, and her favorite knee high boots.

She stepped out as she grabbed her purse, her jacket and went out to have a fun day. She made it outside and saw it was snowing slightly.

She thought of the captain as she watched the small flurries dance to the ground. Clara didn't know if she should even bother the Captain...

She stood there on the sidewalk wondering. "Should I...?" She sighed and texted the Captain and then headed on over.

A punch landed onto a punching bag. Natasha hit it over and over again.

"My beautiful Zima...."

Natahsa flinched as she threw her punches. Anger fueled each and every one.

"Kill Agent Carter."

Natasha threw a punch so hard her hand pierced through the punching bag. She panted as she yanked her hand out of it. She held her head in frustration.

Suddenly a knock sounded at her door. Natasha looked at it and then noticed her phone was on.

She picked it up.

Clara: Captain! Let's go have some fun, if you don't want to that's fine, just let me know. I'll take silence as a yes :)

Natasha looked at the door and walked over opening it. It was Clara. Natasha was surprised by her outfit.

"Captain! Did you see my text?" Clara said with a smile.

Natasha nodded a bit. "Yeah... I just saw it. Uh... come in." Natasha said. Clara entered behind her and saw the punching bag with a hole in it.

"Let me get freshen up and we can go." Natasha said as she walked into her room and closed the door.

Clara walked over to the punching bag and gently touched the part of the bag that was damaged.

There was blood on it. Clara glanced at the bedroom door where Natasha was. As Clara looked back at the punching bag, Natasha came out.

She was wearing a black tshirt, a dark blue jacket, jeans, and strangely enough to Clara, a pair of Jordan's.

"Nice outfit." Clara said as she stepped in front of her. Natasha nodded slightly.

"Let me see your hand." Clara said. Natahsa looked at her, knowing there was no point in hiding anything from the agent.

Natasha showed her her hands.  Clara held them and saw her knuckles that were bleeding. "Captain... you can hurt yourself like this-"

"I heal." Natasha said.

Clara looked at her. "And?"

Natasha looked at her confused. "Just because you heal doesn't mean you can purposefully hurt yourself like this." Clara said with frustration in her voice.

Natasha looked at her and sighed softly. "It doesn't matter." She grabbed her phone and wallet. "Ready to go?"

Clara stood there with an annoyed look on her face. But, she just sighed and nodded. "Yeah.. we're heading to Sephora first."

Natasha followed Clara around like a puppy in Sephora. Natasha had never been there before, and Clara was starting to realize that.

Clara wanted to get involved, so!  "Captain! Come here. This color would look so good on you." Natahsa looked at her.

"I... I don't wear makeup." The Captain Said.

"Well you could've had me fooled. It looks like you do! Do you want to try this red lip color?" Clara said with a smile.

Natasha looked slightly flustered at the compliment. She just sat down and accepted her fate of Clara putting make up on her.

Clara smiled and gently held her chin and started to put the lipstick on her.

Natasha usually hated touch. She would never let people touch her. Hydra truly hurt her in ways that caused her struggle in her day to day.

But right here.

In this moment. She felt fine. She felt safe under the hands of this woman who flipped her world upside down.

Natasha looked at her, analyzing how concentrated she looked, simply putting make up on her. Natasha felt her heart skip slightly but she ignored it.

Clara smiled as she finished. "Voila!" Clara held a mirror in front of her face. Natashas eyes. "Oh wow." She said with a surprise behind her voice.

"Red looks stunning on you!" Clara said. Natahsa continued to look at her reflection. "I'll buy it." She said as she stood up.

Clara smiled as she's watched Natasha grab the same product and head over to check out.

"Color looks fantastic on her." She said to herself as she looked at lipglosses.

Natasha came back over. "Getting more?" Natasha asked. Clara mumbled a yes as she looked through the glosses.

Natasha looked around and saw a gloss that was tinted pink. She held it and looked at Her. "How about this?" Natasha asked.

Clara liked it. "Love it." Clara said with a smile. Natasha felt excited when Clara liked her ideas.

She just ever so slightly smiled.

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now