On the Run

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The two ended up finding a little shop that sold clothes, and wouldn't be the first place anyone would look.

Clara ended up grabbing a beanie, a pink sweater, a jacket, jeans and boots.

Natasha grabbed a black sweater, jacket, some cargo pants, and sneakers. Also some backpacks to carry their things. The two bought the clothes, got changed, shoved their things in their backpacks, and walked out.

Clara sighed as she pulled her beanie down over her ears. "Of course we're fugitives... in winter." She said in annoyance.

"It'll be okay." Natahsa said.

"Says the super soldier who doesn't have to worry about dying." Clara said teasing her.

"Clara I'm not immortal." Natasha said as the two walked around the city. Clara looked at her surprised.

"But you heal?" Natasha just chuckled at that. "I have advanced healing among other things. I can die under the right conditions. Like if I can't heal fast enough, or if someone found a sequence of whatever to make my healing stop." Natasha said.

"You can... die?" Clara said.

"Yes. I can." Natasha said as she looked at her. She was greeted by a sad expression. Natasha stopped her from walking. "I won't be dying anytime soon... I promise."

Clara nodded slightly. "Alright." Natahsa adjusted Clara's jacket.

"Now. Let's go find a phone." Natahsa said with a soft smile. Clara felt her cheeks warm up seeing the captain smile, but... she thought maybe it was due to the fact she was freezing.

Who knows.

The two eventually find a telephone booth. Natasha calls Sam, no answer.

She sighed and then called Bucky. No answer. She didn't know who else to talk to... she got out of the booth. "No one's answering..." she said with frustration.

"Dang..." Clara said as she looked at her. Natasha realized they're across the street from the school that Kylo taught at.

"I have an idea. Follow my lead." Natasha said taking Clara's hand into hers. Clara just followed her into the school. "Natasha?"

"Hi! How may I help you two?" A woman at the front desk said.

"Hi, we have a meeting with Mr. Rodriguez about our daughter Anna Barnes." Natasha said with a smile. Clara shot a shocked look at her.

Natasha gently smacked her arm. Clara just smiled at the lady nervously.

"Of course! Can I have IDs please?" Natahsa handed hers over, and Clara did as well. The lady looked at the IDs and nodded. "Alright! Do you two know where he is?"

"Of course. With how much Abbie talks about him, we know at this point." Natahsa said with a chuckled. The woman like at them confused. "I thought it was Anna."

Clara just laughed and gently smacked Natasha's arm. "Yes it is Anna! We have two daughters and she gets them confused all the time."

The woman just chuckled. "Ah I gotcha. I'm the same way. Have a wonderful meeting ladies!" Natasha waved and walked with Clara.

"Next time a heads up or a warning that I'm playing a wife would be nice." Clara said flicking her arm.

"Ah you were fine." Natasha said with a chuckle as she peeked into Kylos classroom.

"Alright! Is the sun a star or planet?" He said as he wrote on the board.

"Mr. Rodriguez, you have two guests." a student said. One kid dropped her notebook.

One kids jaw dropped.

"Captain America...." one child muttered. Natasha simply raised her finger to her lips to signal them to keep it a secret. They all nodded.

Kylo sighed and walked out of the classroom.
"What's wrong."

"Hydras going to be making a move soon, and we've been framed as the ones who attacked the Director." Natasha said.

Kylo sighed. "Shit... okay. I'm going to need a sub..." he walked into the classroom. "Kids! I'm going to make a phone call, the captain here is going to tell her about her shield!"

He dragged Natasha into the classroom. "Oh." She said as she looked at Clara. Clara gave her a thumbs up.

"Okay. Uh. Hey guys, my shield is made of vibranium. The strongest metal in the world, any ideas where it comes from?" Natasha asked.

A little boy raised his hand. "Yes?" Natahsa said picking him.

"From the Nation of Wakanda!" He said excitedly. Natasha noticed the black panther shirt on him. She smiled a bit.

"You know, I've worked with black panther." She said trying to keep them entertained. "Woah!? Really!" The kids all got excited.

Clara smiled to herself as she watched her.

Kylo eventually got the sub situation settled. The final bell rang. "Alright kids! I'll be out for a little while, see you all later!" He waved to them.

Natasha sat on a chair watching them all leave. "Elementary school was fun." Kylo said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't know." Natasha said as she stood.

"Same." Clara said. Kylo looked at them. "Sorry." Clara just chuckled and waved her hand telling him it was alright.

As she did Mina walked in. "Hey- why is the Captain and Clara here?"

"We're activating the strike team." Natasha said as she stood.

"Oh- WHAT!?" Mina ran over to Kylos phone. "I need to call a sub-"

"Okay... well you guys meet at... Clara's apartment tonight. We will discuss the mission. I have to go get Anthony." Natasha said as she got ready to go.

"Alright. Sounds good. See you there, I'll arrive with Mina." Kylo said.

Clara nodded. "Good see you there." She waved and followed Natasha out. Clara looked at her.
"Why my apartment?"

"Cause mine is embarrassing." Natasha said. Clara just laughed.

"It's not embarrassing, you just haven't given it some love." Clara said as she wrapped her arm around Natasha's as they walked by the front desk.

Natasha chuckled a bit. "Yeah I guess you're right."

Captain America: Age of Chaos حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن