Dark Tunnel

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Clara looked at the captain and the fell through the man hole. She hit the ground. She winced but was thankful it wasn't higher. She pulled herself to the side.

Natasha winced as she adjusted herself. "Come on Captain!" Clara said as she got her gun ready in case they had company.

Natasha let go of her shield and dived through the hole as the debris fell on top of it. Natasha winced as she hit the ground.

Clara limped over to her. Natasha pulled herself up. Clara teared up as she started apologizing and calling herself stupid, but ask became quiet as the captain pulled her into a hug.

Clara was stunned. But she just felt tears well in her eyes as she hugged the captain.

Natasha ended up setting up a fire. Clara was leaned up against the wall. "How do you think the others are..." Clara asked her.

"Hopefully okay." Natasha said as she walked over to Clara. Natasha knelt beside her. "I need to set your leg back in place." Natasha said in a gentle voice.

Clara hated that. "Ah."

"I won't do it if you don't want me to, but it's ideal." Natasha said as she looked at her.

Clara sighed as she leaned her head back against the wall. "Well... we got a mission to finish. Don't we?" Clara says.

"Is that a yes?"


Natasha nodded as she walked over to her ankle and held it. "On three.." Natasha said.

"One, two-" Natasha put it back in place. Clara cried out in pain but it quickly disappear. "Jerk..." she mumbled.

Natasha chuckled softly and checked her leg again. "Yeah I know." Natasha added some more burnable debris to the fire.

Natasha stood in front of the fire. Clara looked at Natasha as she stood by the fire adding things to it.

"Thank you." Clara said quietly.

"No need to thank me, Carter." Natasha said.

"What else do you want me to do?" Clara said as she shifted a bit.

"Rest." Natasha said as she sat down. Clara saw bruises on the captains hands and neck. She assumed there was more.

The two stayed silent for a short while. "You are a kind soul, Captain." Clara said as she looked at the fire.

Natasha chuckled and shook her head. "I'm not."

"If you weren't, you would have let me die." Clara said as she unclipped her tactical vest.

"Fair enough." Natasha said as she stood up, and grabbed her vest and pulled it on. "Where are you going?" Clara asked with worry.

"We have company. Just stay here. Don't move unless you need to." Natasha walked over to Clara and handed her gun to her.

"What about you?" Clara asked her worryingly.

"I don't need it. You do." Natasha said as she looked at her. She wiped blood off of Clara face and smiled a bit.

"I'll be back in 7 minutes." Natasha got up and started walked down the tunnel.

"Okay..." Clara said quietly.

Clara found herself getting fidgety. She was worried about Natasha, she was scared to be alone, she didn't know where the others were, what was happening on the surface.

She was just so anxious. Her mind was running wild until she heard the sound of footsteps. She turned and saw Natasha.

Natasha had blood on her hands and face. She just sat by the fire. "Natasha..."

Natasha just stared at the fire. "I'm alright." The captain simply found a rag on her vest and started to wipe the blood off of her hands. "It was needed."

Suddenly the sound of foot steps appeared behind the captain. Natasha spun around with her knife, and came face to face to her other team members.

She immediately lowered her knife and sighed in relief over them all being alive.

"You okay captain?" Mina asked. "Yeah... yeah I'm fine." She said surprised. Natasha saw Kylo carrying a passed out Anthony, and Mina walking over holding her arm.

"Are you guys okay?!" She said as she looked over them all.

"Kinda... Anthony had a pretty hard battle with Wanda, but he really injured her." Kylo said as he laid Anthony on the ground carefully.

"I'm okay. Just hurt my arm from catching Kylo." She said as she sat on the other side of the fire. Natasha sighed in relief since they were all alive.

"You look pretty alright captain!" Kylo said tiredly. Natasha just nodded. "Yeah I'm alright." Mina noticed the bruises on the captain.

"What happened to you two?" She asked. Clara looked at the fire.

"Wanda blew up the building. A roof fell on us, and Natasha held it off of us until I regained consciousness." Clara said. Mina walked over with a mini med kit she had found up on the surface.

"Can I check you captain?" Mina said.

"I'm okay." Natasha mumbled. Her eyes were starting to close, and it seemed as if there was more blood on the Captain than before.

Clara was about to get up when Natasha looked at her. "I know you know me so well for some reason... but please.. leave me and I'll be okay." Clara was honestly too tired to argue with the Captain.


Natasha told Mina to get some rest. Mina was hesitant but she eventually fell asleep. Kylo drifted off next.

Natasha made sure the others were okay and also before she put out the fire. It was a signal to literally any enemy coming down the tunnel.

Natasha just slowly took out pieces of wood so the fire would be less bright. Clara met the tired gaze of the captain.


"I can't rest right now." She said.

"You need to." Clara says with worry filling her voice. Natasha held her head and sighed as she glanced up. She heard people.

"I'll be back." She pulled out her knife. Clara just heard the sounds of screams until it went completely silent. Shortly afterwards Natasha made her way back.

Clara knew her words would not sway the captain right now. So...

She went to sleep.

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