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Bucky was in the front of the transport. He was fiddling with something in his hands. Clara walked up to the front.

"You okay?" She asked. Bucky nodded slightly as he stopped fiddling with the object in his hand. "What's that?" She asked.

Bucky looked at it. It was a picture of baby Natasha. He showed her. Clara's heart melted.

"Who would've thought she would've gone through so much?" He said as he put the picture back into his pocket.

"Life is unpredictable like that." She said.

Bucky chuckled and nodded a bit. "That it is." He looked at her. "So... you're kinda like me?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Person out of time... person misplaced." He said as he looked at her. She chuckled and nodded a bit.

"Yep... it's weird." She said quietly.

"Tell me about it..." he said as he looked out the window. "What were the 50s like?" He asked. Clara thought about it.


Bucky nodded at that. "Must've been nice."

"That's about it." She said as she thought back to the rude boys and girls, and just a time she didn't think she would fit in well.

"Yeah.... Now is much more interesting. Biggest plus, I met my husband." Bucky said with a smile. "Definitely wouldn't have met him back in 1945."

"For sure." She said with a chuckle. Bucky smiled a bit at her and patted her shoulder. "You're a good kid.... Go get seated. We're landing soon."

She nodded and sat back down besides Anthony.

Zima finally was getting some sort of medical treatment. It was barely anything. They assumed her enhanced healing would solve everything, but it was just so much on her body.

As she was in the medical bay, madam stormed in and grabbed her by the collar. "How did they know where you are?!"

Zima was so blank she barely responded. Madam shoved her back onto the medical table. "Guards! Get her prepped... the avengers will be here soon."

Zima was activated. They placed her mask on her. "Zima, are you ready to comply?" Her handler asked.

"Ready." Zima said.

"Good. The avengers are your target. Kill them all."


The group landed. Steve was in his old stealth suit. He had the shield, just for this mission.

Bucky was in his typical uniform. Clara was in her widow uniform. "Alright team. You all know your jobs, get going!" She said.

Mina went invisible. Bucky, Kylo and Steve took off, Mary and Anthony went to engage Wanda.

Clara had to wait a minute or two before going after Steve and Bucky.

Bucky punched an agent into the wall as they approached a long hallway. Bucky felt uneasy. Steve walked next to him.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this all over again." Steve said to Bucky as they walked with guns leading.

"We'll get through it. She's strong..." Bucky said as he paused. A person stood in front of them. Bucky frowned.

Zima stood there. Bucky raised his gun. He knew it was his daughter, but she could very easily kill him.

Steve kept the shield in front  of him.

Zima simply started to walked towards them. She was silent. Her footsteps never made noise.

Suddenly she rushed them and started to fight them. She kicked Bucky into the wall. She pulled out her knife and stared to do her to hand with Steve.

Bucky pulled out his knife and got her attention. She was quicker, and stronger than him. She cut his arm. Steve kicked her into the wall, she winced but lunged at him. Punching his face. She then punched Steve hard enough knock him out.

Bucky threw a knife at her, but she caught it and threw it at him full speed. It hit his metal arm, he rushed and tackled her to the ground. He get her down but she was quickly  overpowering him.

"Natasha! Come on wake up-" she yelled and kicked him into the wall, and then promptly punching him to the ground. She took his gun as he tried to get up.

She aimed at his head. But the gun went flying out of her hand as another gun fired. Zima turned and saw Clara.

Zima grabbed her knifed and flipped it. "You just won't disappear.."

She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm not leaving you here, so I'm not going to anytime soon."

Zima started to walk towards her before she dropped a smoke grenade into the hallway. Clara gripped her gun tightly.

She then remembered the training Natasha would make her do. The training in the dark. Her eyes widened. "That's what that was for..."

She closed her eyes and listened for the steps. She heard the faintest. She blocked a knife attack and swung. She opened her eyes as she saw Zima.

Clara pulled out her gun and fired, but Zima jumped over her, and immediately lunged at her. Zima frowned as she recognized her moves.

"You trained red room..." Zima said. Clara kept her guard up.

"That makes this easier."

Zimas whole stance changed. Clara dodged a sudden strike, and a gun shot. She booked it down the hall to a large and open room.

Zima came in after her, walking. The power was off. Zima was getting weak but she was still strong...

Clara stayed up on her perch as she watched the assassin stand and look at the chair she would sit in and have her mind wiped.

Clara looked at it and realized.  She jumped down silently and carefully walked towards her. Zima spun around with gun pointed at the blonde. "I would have taken this opportunity to snipe me... and maybe run away."

Clara just put her gun and knife on the ground, raising her hands. "I'm not here to kill you."

"Then why are you here? Why are those men out there looking for me? Why are you so fucking persistent!" She yelled.

"We all want to bring you home..." Clara said slowly inching closer.

"Home?" Zima said looking confused.

"Sorry, Agent Carter... but she is home."

Clara turned and saw Madam Hydra.

"And you won't be taking her anywhere."

Captain America: Age of Chaos Where stories live. Discover now