Pain of Battles

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Clara pointed her gun back at Natasha. "Captain..."

Natasha didn't say anything. The two didn't move, for the fear of what would happen if they did.

Clara saw the anger and heartbreak written all over Natasha's face. "What do you gain from this?!" Natasha yelled.

Clara tightened her grip.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"No! That's the damn problem! You died for Shield, you died for me! You saved my life! What did all of that do for you? If I was the target, you would've let me die a long time ago... you wouldn't have put so much work in saving me!" Natasha yelled in anger.

"I trusted you!"

"And whose fault is that?" Clara barked back.

Natasha ripped her mask off as she tossed her gun to the side. "Even if you're my enemy... I won't shoot you."

Natasha sighed. "But I will fight you." Clara teared up at that. She suddenly blocked a strike. Clara activated her bracelets and did her own strikes.

Natasha blocked and kicked her into the wall.

Clara coughed hard as the wind was knocked out of her. Natasha teared up as Clara looked at her. "I-I'm..."

Natasha walked in front of her. "Just do it." Clara said. Clara wanted Natasha to end this. Natasha raised her fist and swung.

Clara braced for a hit but realized that the hit never came. Natashas fist was gently placed against the wall.

"I couldn't-" suddenly Natasha's cringed in pain. She was dragged away from Clara. Natasha was moving against her will. She saw a man with dark hair looking at her.

She was now in front of him. "So you're the captain..." Fallon said. Natasha's nose started to bleed as he raised his hand, lifting her into the air.

Natasha had no control of her body. He threw her into the wall across from him. "Apart of the problem I see." He said as he walked towards her.

Natasha winced as she pulled her self out of the wall. But his eyes he glowed, but she found herself being slammed into the wall again. He looked at her.

"The leader of the murderers..." he said. Anger rising in his voice. Natasha cried out in pain as he tighten his grip.

Clara ran over to him. "Fallon!"

As she ran over to him and grabbed his arm. "There's no reason to kill her..." Clara said, trying to hide her desperation for him to stop.

He shook his head. "There is plenty of reason." Clara started to panic. "Fallon!" She gripped his arm tighter.

He looked at her. "There's no reason to kill her... yet." She said. He looked at Clara. He sighed and released natasha causing her to fall to the ground. Clara went to help her.

Natasha kept her distance from Clara. Suddenly Fallon turned and looked at Clara. "Let's go. We don't need this base anymore." He said calmly.

She looked at Natasha, and then followed him. "My apologies for being so crass." He said to her.

"It's... it's not problem."'she said as the sound of a helicopter sounded. She glanced back at Natasha who was still gathering herself.

Clara knew she was making this enemy persona harder and harder to erase one day.

Natasha stood up and pressed her intercom. "Are you all okay?"

Kylo groaned. "Yeah... I'm okay. I got Mina."

"I'm fine..." Bucky said with annoyance in his voice. Natasha nodded and sighed.


"I'm okay." She said as she walked over to Natasha.

"Mary?" Natasha asked.

"Allll good." She said.

Natasha just pulled her earpiece out and looked at Maria as she sat down.

Maria sat next to her. Natahsa just looked out at the snow. She just sighed. Bucky walked into view along with the others.

Anthony eventually appeared. He was not in a good mood. "Tell me... we have this base?"

Natasha gave him a thumbs up.

"Oh thank god." He just laid down on the floor. He had been fighting Wanda this entire time. So he was exhausted.

Everyone gathered. Natasha looked at Maria. "You got your headquarters back, Director."

Maria smiled a bit at that. "That we did."

Madam glared at Fallon. "How did they get the base from you!?" She yelled.

Fallon ignored her. "You care about one base? Compared to the hundreds of others we have?" He said as he looked at her.

"It had strategic and tactical advantages! You can manipulate anything in this world that has matter and you meant to tell me, you couldn't beat a lousy captain?!"

As the two went back and forth, Clara zoned out as she stared at her hands.

She missed her team. She missed the role models she had in the avengers.

She missed Natasha.

Clara felt as if she was slowly losing her mind.

As she sat there Wanda walked in.

"Anthony has casted runes around the surrounding area of their base. I can't get in. Also, Shield agents are starting to make their way back in." Wanda said.

Fallon nodded as he looked out the window. "Good."

"You're all dismissed." Fallon said.

Clara just dragged herself to her living quarters. She sat on her bed and started to get out of her gear. She pulled on some comfortable clothes and laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

She just wanted to be around the others. She opened her phone and saw it was also Christmas.

"What a way to celebrate the holidays.,." She mumbled to herself. She just closed her eyes and put her phone on her side table.

She fell asleep, and dreamed of attending a Christmas party with everyone. She danced, sang and ate with all of the others. And most importantly of all, she wasn't Natasha's enemy.

They were dancing the night away, not a worry in the world. The two exchanging glances.

It was a night she wasted she could have, but her life now had a new reality. A reality that did not include Natasha or any of them anymore.

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