Uncertain Future

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Sam made his way down to the training area where Natasha's team was bugging Steve. Sam chuckled.

"Steve Rogers, as I live in breathe."'Sam said. Steve turned and looked at Sam with a bright smile.

"Hey man." He walked over and hugged him. Sam hugged him back.

"How's retirement?"

"Dull." Steve said as he pulled from the hug. He met Bucky's gaze but then looked back at Sam.

"How's being the president going?" Steve said with a lazy salute. Sam chuckled.

"Pretty good. It's been an adventure to say the least, but it's been really good." Steve nodded with a soft smile.

"I'm glad." Steve said with a smile as he looked around a bit. "Any idea where my daughter went?"

"Somewhere with ours." Sam said with a chuckle. "They'll be back eventually."

Natasha was walking with Clara. Clara was talking about how life was in the fifties. And of course, Natasha listened to everything she said.

Mary watched them as the group all sat at a table together. As she watched Maria came over to Natasha asking her to come join her in a meeting.

Natasha nodded. She kissed Clara's cheek and then followed Maria. Clara smiled to herself as she saw the group she paused when she saw her father. The biggest smile went across her face. She ran through the crowd and hugged him. "Sorry I ran off, I needed to talk to Natasha." She said.

He picked her up as he hugged her. "You're all good." He put her down and scanned her face.

"Oh it's been a long time..." he said with a chuckle. He saw how long her hair was and just... stood in awe in how much she had grown.

"That it has." She said with a chuckle. She smiled as she grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the team.

Anthony's eyes widened, kylos jaw dropped, Mary wasn't phased, and Mina just smiled.

"Guys! Meet my dad! He's-"

"Clara." Anthony said.


"You didn't say, the rogers in your name was associated with STEVE Rogers AKA. The first Captain America." Anthony said looking at her.

Clara just blinked a few times. "I thought it was obvious."

Kylo shook his head. "Nope. No it wasn't."

Steve just chuckled. "Nice to meet you guys."

Maria had pulled Natasha into her office for a one on one meeting.

"I need to talk to you about Fallon." Maria said as she handed her a file.

Natasha leaned forward and took the file. She opened it and read through it. "His kids were in the lab fire..." she said with a frown on her face.

"Yes... and that's not just it." Maria sighed.

"Hydra wasn't the only group of people who destroyed that lab." She said as she folded her hands together.

Natasha sighed and put the file on her desk. "Shield...?"

"And the avengers." She added. Natasha frowned as she looked out the window. "And he's in our base..." Natasha shook her head and stood up.

"What do we do... we can't get close, he may be recovering, but he can manipulate matter." Maria said.

"He won't make a move on us until he makes a move on Hydra..." Natasha said thinking about how to buy them all some more time.

"Well... I at least don't think he's going to do anything just yet." Maria said as she stood.

"It is Christmas Eve."

Natasha paused and turned to look at her. "Today?"

"Yep. It's Christmas Eve. Didn't look at the calendar?"  Maria said as she walked out.

Natasha walked out. She didn't know. She saw the group talking to Steve Rogers with her parents. She knew everyone was working hard... she then had an idea.

She rushed off.

Steve and Clara ended up walking around for a bit, just chatting.

"Anyone special in your life?" Steve asked. Clara chuckled and smiled a bit.

"I believe so. She's lovely." Clara said as she looked at him. He nodded as a small smile crept onto his face.

"I'm assuming... Bucky and Sam's daughter?"

Clara blushed a bit. "Yeah."

"Nice. Good choice. She's a good person." Steve said as he saw the relief and excitement on her face.

"Were you nervous to tell Me?" He said with a chuckle.

"A little."

"Why?" Steve said as he fiddled with stuff in his pocket.

"Cause... it's just a little scary."

"I understand." Steve said as he realized it was getting dark. "Let's head inside."

Clara walked with the team when they all got inside. They all got a text from Natasha to meet up in her living quarters. They all were expecting a new mission.

Kylo knocked on Natasha's door. Natasha opened the door a little bit. "Okay. I need all of you to close your eyes." She said.

Bucky looked confused. So did Sam and Steve.

"Close our eyes?" Mina said.


Everyone listened, and she helped them into her room one by one.

They heard some fumbling until she stopped moving. "Alright! Uh, open your eyes." She said.

Everyone opened their eyes, saw a table with food and a present at each seat.

"Since you know... the future is unknown and we don't know if we will see next Christmas, I made a little party." She said with a soft smile.

Mina just ran over and hugged Natasha tightly. The others followed.

Bucky simply messed up her hair. Steve stayed back and watched the group.

Clara walked over to Natasha and dusted off her shoulders. "Don't talk like that. You make it seem like you're gonna disappear."

"I won't. Don't worry." Natasha said as she suddenly pulled out mistletoe from her pocket.

"You little sneak." She said with a chuckle. The group gasped at the mistletoe. Kylo grabbed his phone and started recording.

"A mistletoe kiss... should I?" Natasha said with a smirk.

"Absolutely." Clara said with a small giggle after her words. Natasha kissed her with a smile. The group cheered and got excited.

Sam and Bucky smiled softly as they watched the two.

"They're gonna be inseparable. Hm?" Bucky said looking at Sam.

Sam chuckled and looked at him. "What? like us?"


"Sounds like they gonna be alright then."

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