130. Chapter one hundred thirty

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' HONEY . . . '
──a one piece fan-fiction
created / edited

authors note ;
ooo. i make momoko drawings, and im thinking of posting the speed paints to youtube, would ya'll watch that?
ooo. im defetnityly in deap when in making a gif for momoko 💀

  ooo. the weird guy was being tied up from Zoro, though i didn't pay much attention to him, "i wonder if there are any sea monsters around?" Luffy ponders, and i slowly look over at him suspiciously, "wait a second, Luffy. What are you planning?" Nami asks in suspicion, "hm... oh! Oh. Just a turtle? That's way to small." Luffy says, making me deadpan with a irk mark, "sheesh." Nami complains, "we'll start rehabilitating you with the photos since they don't have much of an impact." Chopper tells Sanji, making me deadpan as i look down at him.

"Nami, are we going in a different direction from the one the log pose is pointing in?" Usopp asks, making Luffy turn his head over at him, i also look over at Usopp.

"Yes. But Don't worry. We should move southwest of the compass needle." Nami explains, "but going directly towards the island would be faster! Why?" Luffy asks, and i already knew why, but i decided not to voice my thoughts.

"Apparently, if you follow the needle directly, you'll get caught up in the ocean currents and crash into a underwater mountain or volcano before reaching your destination." Nami responds, making Chopper panic, "what?! A volcano?! The ocean floor is scary!!" Chopper exclaims in fear, i just wave his panic off.

"But I thought that all the currents of the grand line are completely out of whack! Is there really a current that isn't going to cause us problems?" Usopp asks as Nami slips on a pink jacket, "yeah, just one." She says, making me blink my eues, "and that's that. Now stay still." Zoro tells caribou- who i learned was his name was.

"Everyone! It's going to get cold soon! You'd better put on a coat!" Nami tells us, and I remember about when that happened and it was kind of unexpected, i ended using Ace's jacket that he had given to me to keep warm since I didn't have any clean jackets at that time.

"True, my skin is starting to get goosebumps. Ah, though-"

"DON'T EVEN FINISH THAT JOKE!!" I bark at him as I snap my head over at him, then- he gained a dark shadow as he sulked, "Momoko... please don't be harsh about my catchphrase..." he tells me sadly, i didn't react, just ignoring his plea.

"We're going somewhere cold? Aren't we headed for the ocean floor?" Zoro asks, "of course the water at the ocean floor is cold. Even in a bath, the water's warmer at the top and colder at the bottom, right?" Franky says, and he was right, well except for hot springs and stuff.

"Really? I don't like bathing." Luffy says as he held his chin, making me gain a irk mark as I simply had my arms folded, "oh, right. So if its the same for the sea, the water down deep is colder than surface level." Usopp says as he hits his palm with his fist, and I hum in agreement.

  "Temperature isn't the only thing that's different..." Brook says sadly, making me gain a irk mark, "WILL YOU GET OVER IT ALREADY?!" Me and Usopp yell at the same time at Brook.

  "In the deeper parts of the ocean, there are giant currents known as "deep currents" that you usually can't see. They are completely different from the surface currents we've been riding so far." Brook says, pointing to some page that shows it, making me sweatdrop from realization.

  "Oh, so there are currents beneath the currents? You sure are knowledgeable!" Usopp tells Brook, "never knew that, guess your smarter than I thought." I tell Brook, and he gains blush from both the compliments.( just from the compliments, NOTHING MORE LOL 😭 )

  "Yohohoho!! Only because I have lived for so long!"

  "The currents all have to connect somewhere. They flow from the east or the west then meet up. Plunging downward and surging back up. It's almost like an enormous dragon." Franky says.( like kaido's d- )

  "Apparently, the deep currents now very slowly. They say that once water goes down to the ocean floor, it can take two thousand years before it returns to a level that sees the sun( that ace doesn't anymore since he's dead 😊 )" Brook adds on, shocking the three morons.

  "TWO THOUSAND YEARS?!" Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp- all shout in shock, "indeed. Furthermore, there are countless legends about those dark, unknown sea currents. Monsters, curses, and souls of the damned!" Brook says spookily, making Chopper scared enough he jumps into my arms, "THERE ARE GHOSTS IN THE DEEP SEAS?!" He shrieks as I just look at Brook, not really minding the reindeer that jumped into my arms.




  "I dont know about that. But we're gonna use the down flow to dive from the surface currents to the deep currents. By doing that, we'll be able to reach the ocean floor." Nami says, and Chopper- who was originally in my arms was now at the railing with the other boys- except for Brook, Sanji- obviously, and Franky.






  "You idiots..." I mumble as I look at them with a deadpan with a irk mark as now they all had some green tea in their tea cups, "so it's a mysterious sea current~!" The five boys all say in awe, irritating me and Nami.



  "Yohohoho! Shall we sing a sing-a-long, Nami, momoko?"

  "SHUT IT!"


  one piece extras ;
ooo. momoko borrowed ace's jacket back then as he didn't want her to be cold
ooo. momoko's more so used to luffy & zoro's smells, of course she still had a annoyance towards their poor habit of only bathing once a week

1020 words

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