(BTS) Jimin When he accidentally hurts you

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It was PE lesson and it was the last lesson of the day. Your class decided to play dodge ball. Two representatives will play rock, paper, scissors to pick teams. You were one of the representatives and you suck at rock, paper scissors. By that means, the person who were good in sports were all in the opposite team. Your boyfriend, Jimin, was super good at sports and he was chosen by the opposite team.

Dodge ball was not your favorite sport. It hurts when the all hit your body. You always seem to be the target of the opposite team too. So you dreaded on playing this game.

The game started. It was a normal game until you were the only one left. You ran trying to dodge the ball and you tripped with your own feet. You were standing up when suddenly the ball went straight to your face. You zoned out for a while confused about what just happened. It was not painful as it seems but it'll definitely leave a bruise on your jaw. All of your friends rush towards you, asking if you were alright. You reassured them that you were fine. You saw Jimin standing in the court astounded. With the boys making fun of him. You figured he was the one who threw the ball but you wanted to be sure.

"Who threw the ball at me just now?" You asked your best friend, Noel, while holding your jaw.

"It was your boyfriend." She said in a soft voice.

You weren't mad or anything. It wasn't painful so you were fine with it. You had planned in your mind that you were going to exaggerate you pain later and make do things for you. You smiled wickedly.

The game continued on after reassuring them that you were fine for the hundredth of times and with Jimin's millions of apologies. This time you could obviously see Jimin taking it easy on you. The opposite team was passing the ball when you jumped and tried to catch it. Your finger poke the ball, bruising your finger. No one noticed the little accident. It was really painful and you decided to hide it from everyone else. You bit your lips trying to endure the pain. The game ended quickly as you were getting tired.

You went back to the classroom once you had changed your clothes. You were about to pack your bag and leave school when Jimin came and took your hand. He dragged you to somewhere.

"Where are we going? I still haven't packed my bag yet." You said trying to catch on with his walking pace.

"To the medical room. To treat your bruises." He replied swiftly.

"I told you. My jaw is fine. I said that a million times already." You exasperated.

He held up your bruising finger. "What about this? Don't hide anything from me, ________. You can't." He challenged you.

"It's just a little bruise." You tried to brush it off. Hiding your finger behind your back.

He didn't say anything but he raised his eyebrows and stared at you. As if he was challenging you to say something. You didn't say anything and kept your head down. He continued to bring you to the medical room.

To be honest, your finger hurts really badly. Your finger was swollen, doubling its normal size.

The nurse had already left the school so Jimin helped to aid your swollen finger. He had already put ointment on your finger and gave you an ice pack to put over your finger to stop your finger to swollen further.

"Thank you." You said as he put the ice pack back to the freezer.

He walked back, didn't say anything and tilted your head up. He saw a small bruise forming on your jaw. The look on his face was as if he destroyed his precious jewel.

"I'm really sorry," He said as he caressed your face with his calloused fingers.

You held his hand. "It's really fine. It doesn't hurt at all." You held up your swollen finger. "But this is a whole different story."

He kissed your finger."There all better." He smirked.

"I'm not three. It doesn't help at all." You laughed at his kiddy act.

"Worth trying." He shrugged. "Let's get you home."

"Yeah, I was doing that and you suddenly dragged me away." You gave him a glare.

"Whoa, attitude missy." He playfully glared back.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes.

You two walk down the corridor with laughter echoing.

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