(BTS) Jimin When you have a nightmare

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You jolted awake from your deep slumber. It was that dream again. The dream that your family and Jimin were killed because you were unable to save them. It was a vague dream but it had already been haunting your sleep for countless of nights. Jimin didn't know about your dreams because he just got back from tour. You didn't tell him too because he would definitely make a big fuss about it.

You were now sitting up away from JImin's warm embrace, you didn't dare to move too much as it may wake him up. You tried to lay back down as gently as possible and snuggle back to his chest. You put his arm around your waist, trying to gain more sense of security. His scent always calms you down. But in the middle of getting the sheets to cover up yourself, the shuffling actions made Jimin stirred. You immediately froze and stop what you were doing.

"Why are you up?" He struggled to open his eyes and asked you groggily.

"Nothing, go back to sleep now." You put the cover over you and snuggle back into his arms.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Jimin soothed your hair. "You always put my arm on your waist when you can't sleep or you had a nightmare."

He knew you too well.

"It was nothing. Just something stupid." You snuggled closer to him.

"It's not nothing if you have woken up because of that. Do you want to tell me about it?"

"My parents and you died because I wasn't able to get to the roof quick enough. I jumped down wanting to save all of you but it was a bottomless pit. I just kept falling and falling."

"You have too much stress, try to relax more. I'm fine and I'm sure your parents are in their bed sleeping soundly. There's nothing to be afraid of." He patted your back as if to encourage you and to cheer you up.

"I actually had this dream a lot of times." You admitted to him. You knew he would be slightly mad because you didn't tell him right away.

"You should call me when you have a nightmare so that you can sleep more easily."

"But I'm afraid you would be asleep. Then I would have bother your rest."

"Call me whenever. I'll pick it up no matter what." He gently patted your back, trying to lure you to sleep.

You two lay on the bed for a while but you were still wide awake without any hint of sleepiness. You tossed around trying to find a position to sleep. You turned around to face Jimin, his eyes were struggling to keep them open.

"Hmp. You're still awake?" Tightening his arms around you.

You nodded.

"Do you want me to do anything?"

"Can you pat me to sleep?" When you were young your mom would pat you to sleep whenever you were too nervous or too scared t go back to sleep.

He tucked your head under his head and started patting. "Anything else?"

"Can you sing a song for me?" You batted your eyes.

"Of course. How could I say no to you." He chuckled.

He started to hum a song with his angelic voice. You listened to his beautiful singing as you closed your eyes. His sweet like honey voice flow into your ear and calmed you down, comforting you. Flooding you with his sweet voice, flooding you into comfort. Soon enough you were too tired to stay up to enjoy his singing and went to deep slumber.

Jimin continued to pat you until he was sure you were in deep sleep. He knew you would take his hand and signaled him to continue patting if he stopped patting you. And that would make you even awake, that wasn't the result he was looking for. He looked down and checked if you were asleep.Once he was sure he stopped singing and patting. He made sure you were under the covers. After tucking you in he encircled his arms around you. He looked at your sleeping face and smiled to himself.

"Night. Sweet dreams."

He kissed your forehead and joined you to dreamland.

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