(Got7) Mark When he takes care of you during pregnancy

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It was midnight and you are supposed to be asleep. But your back pains and cravings start to act up as you step into your 8th month pregnancy. You tried different positions to sleep but none of them seems to be working and you need to move gently too because your husband was sleeping next to you. You didn't want to wake him up as he was very tired from his schedules and taking care of you. You appreciate how he good he took care of you and you were sure if you wake him up now ,he can help you go to sleep and cure cravings. But you want him to get some rest so you decided to handle your problems yourself.

Well, first I need a hot pad for my back. Mark bought a herb hot pad when he went overseas because you were always complaining how sore your back is. It was really sweet of him, he remembered such little moments. How he can make your heart flutter with little things. You swung your legs to the side of your bed and ready to get up but there were two arms encircling your waist.

"Where are you going?" Mark asked you groggily.

"I need to take the hot pad and get some food. Go back to sleep, yeobo."

He gently pulled you back onto the bed. "Don't worry about it, I'll take it for you." He said as he sat up against the headboard.

Well, way to go saying he need rest. Now he was awake to take care of me. "Thank you." You said sincerely.

"Your welcome. Wait a bit." He said as he get up to take the hot pad.

He returned with the hot pad in hand. "Come on, sit up." He lend you a hand and pulled you up. "Arms in the air." And he wrapped the hot pad on your waist.

"Thank you." You sat up against the headboard.

"Do you want something to eat? I can cook for you and bring it here. I heard that cravings will get worse in the later months." He asked you while sitting down next to you.

"I want to eat kiwi and pineapples." You told him

"Well ,I'm lucky that I bought some kiwis yesterday on the way back home. But we don't have pineapples at home and it's late now....."

"But I want to eat pineapples." You whined.

"I'll go out and find what I find. I'll bring the kiwis in before I go out." He said as he changed his clothes.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed your kiwis, "I'll be back in 15 mins." And he rushed out the door.

You ate your kiwi in silence, thinking you were a bad person because your husband always dealt with your problems, also how you're ordering him around like you were the queen or some royalty. As you were thinking you heard the door opening and knew that he purchased the exotic food you were craving.

"I bought the canned ones in 7-11 because all the supermarkets were closed. I hope you are fine with that." He said while stepping out of his pants.

"It is perfect." You said as you opened the lid of the can. "Do you want some?"

"Nah, I'm fine." He replied as he return to the warm covers.

"Thank you for taking care of me and our baby. Even though I know sometimes I request ridiculous things. Thank you for putting it up for me and not be fed up." You rubbed your bump as you thank your husband.

"Of course I need to take care of both of you. You are my Queen and our soon to be born daughter is my princess. I need to spoil you two to death. It's my responsibility, you don't need to thank me, my love to you is the only reason I can do anything unconditionally because I love you unconditionally." He replied with a serious face.

"Oh my god. That is so cheesy, Mark." You said with your face scrunched up.

"Well,it is true though. Don't you love me?" Mark asked while pouting.

"I love you." You said, "Unconditionally too."

"Good. Are you done? Just put those things into the plastic bag besides your bedside table. We'll pick it up tomorrow." He said while tucking you in bed and making sure the hot pad is in its right position. "For now, we need to sleep. So that our little princess can grow healthily,"

"Good night." You said as you feel his arms wrapping from behind you.

"Good night." He mumbled while kissing your neck.

And the three of you drifted off to dreamland.

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