(Got7) JB When you can't sleep

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You had a busy day at work today. You finished two projects in a day and finally presented the proposal you prepared for months. Your boss liked the proposal and everything went smoothly, you should be asleep an hour ago in happiness. But no. You laid in Jaebum's embrace trying to get the sleepiness to creep to you for the past hour. Jaebum was asleep as soon his back hit the mattress, you usually fall to sleep really fast, but not today apparently.

You kept tossing in his arms but tried not to wake him. You turned your body slowly trying to not to startle him. As you turned you heard some grunts and knew you woke him up. You silently cursed yourself.

"Why are you turning around?" He mumbled while hugging you from the back.

"I can't sleep." You said as you felt he turned you around to face him.

"What can help you to fall asleep then?" He soothes you hair.

"Some music would help." You look at him hopefully. You wanted him to sing for you but you were to shy to ask him directly.

He saw through your words. "So I am your personal jukebox now?"

You didn't say anything and just stared up at him. "I'll sing something now. Just close your eyes and try to sleep."

He started singing and you shut your eyes closed. You enjoyed his honey like voice flowed into you ears, flooding you in comfort. He pat your back as he sang. Soon enough you were to sleepy to stay awake to listen to his singing and fell asleep with your head against his chest. He kept on singing for a while just to make sure you were asleep. Once he was sure you were asleep, he stop singing and made himself comfortable. He placed a kiss on your forehead and hugged you tight, falling into deep sleep.

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