#26 | myg

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It was dismissal and you decided to stay a little longer to clean the classroom since you knew nobody else would. It was getting pretty late and you decided to go home.

You sigh as you exit your classroom. As you were walking towards the gate, you passed by the gym and a voice called you out.

"Yah! Hey Jiyoon-ah!", you turned to see a pale man holding a ball.

"What?", you raise an eyebrow at Yoongi.

"Wait for me," he says as he drops the ball and fixes his bag. He walked towards you and hung his arm around your shoulder.

"Okay, I'm guessing you need help with homework?", you stopped walking and turned to him. He smiled and nodded.

His gummy smile was always the cutest.

Just a few moments later, after a few talks, you had arrived at a familiar apartment.

You both went in and dropped your bags. You sat next to each other in the living room.

It took you half an hour to teach him and get his homework done.

"So, how's you and Chaeyoung?", you turn your neck to him and look at him in the eyes.

"Eh, hopeless. I don't give a damn anymore," he said coldly and chuckled.

"And how about you and Jimin?", he tilts his head teasingly.

"Don't even talk about it. He's so handsome but he'll never notice me," you roll your eyes.

"Oh, I have a plan!", you exclaim.

"What?", he raises an eyebrow.

"Let's try to make them...jealous?", you think deeply. But not really.

"Won't work for Chae, but I'll do it for you, besides, I think Jimin likes you.." he shows a faint smile.

"Hey, she might like you. Lets give it a try," you run your fingers through his hair and smile.

You two act more like a couple, jeez.


day 1

You meet up with Yoongi at the convinience store and walk to school.

You pass by Chaeyoung's classroom with you hugging Yoongi and his arm over your shoulder.

A smile crept on to your face but you didn't know why. Your cheeks also burned a little.

Her eyes met the sight of you two but it suddenly looked at something else.

You enter your classroom with the same position, his arm over your shoulders and yours around his waist.

Jimin, who was sitting at the corner of the room glared at you and looked back at his book.

day 2

It was basketball tryouts and Yoongi's team were versus Jimin's team.

"Go Yoongi!! Hwaiting!!", you yell at him and he sends you a flying kiss which shocked you but you played with it and pretended to catch the flying kiss.

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