#134 | myg

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Requested by: HanaIsHere

You lazily ate a spoonful of the fried rice infront of you. "It is so lonely in here," you thought.

It really isn't obvious that you don't live alone inside this quiet apartment. Although it seems like it.

Your finished eating and washed the dishes. You were always used to this type of living. Even when you were a kid, your parents were barely home.

It's already been more than a year since you started living like this. It all started when Yoongi didn't work as an idol before. You had always been an understanding girlfriend, and you never demanded for more time than his prioritized work.

Even though you couldn't tell him, you missed him a lot.

You sleep in the same bed, but he goes home late and leaves when you're not even awake yet. At some times, he simply doesn't come home.

Sometimes, you just thought of not sleeping when he comes home just to even feel his presence that you've been longing for.

You yawned and dragged your feet to your bedroom. The fairy lights on the wall caught your eye.

Polaroid pictures were hung up on it, revealing memories of the good old days.

"I miss you," you mumbled and went to bed.

Before, you couldn't sleep without him beside you, but now, you were used to it. Therefore it was quite normal to you to sleep alone.

Later on, in the middle of the night, or dawn actually, you heard the bedroom door creak open. You didn't bother opening your eyes since you were to absorbed with sleep.

A few more sounds and the other side of the bed sunk. You felt his lips on your forehead, just a second before he closed his eyes to sleep.

You opened your eyes and turned to him. You carefully observed his face. He's as pale as snow white, the only difference is that, He is a prince.

You stroked out some bangs that were covering his closed eyes. You missed the times you'd cuddle in bed because there is nowhere else he'd want to be.

Now, you barely even see each other though you live in one roof.

You've never really appreciated his beauty up close. This Daegu prince is beautifully made.

Even though he comes home late, you've always cherished his presence, even when he's asleep.

You stared at his lips for a moment, until he rose his head up and your lips touched.

He pulled you down, lips still connected. You pulled away and looked at him.

"Did I wake you up?", you asked.

"No." he simply said and went back to sleep, this time, with his arms around you.

Your lips unintentionally curled into a smile. Despite his busy career, his love for you surely never decreases.

"I love you," you whispered.

"Love you too, baby," he huskily said.

"Eee~", you mockingly said and giggled. He barely says the "baby" word.

He quietly giggled and opened his eyes.

You let yourself drown in his gaze as he did the same to you. Your eyes locked for a minute.

He tucked in some of your hair behind your ear, still eye to eye with you.

"Forgive me, my love," he said in an actual apologetic voice, guilt clearly heard.

"I understand, it's not your fault," you softly smiled at him.

"You deserve my time, though you don't ask for it.. now I realize that I am such a bad boyfriend," he pouted and sighed.

"Don't say that, you are still the best boyfriend for me," you reassured him.
"You should go to sleep. I'm sorry waking you up."

"Right. Let's sleep," he pulled you close as you slept next to each other, this time, really feeling each other's presence.


Your body was awake, but you kept your eyes closed.

You were still hugging something, but you told yourself that it was probably just a pillow.

You fluttered your eyes open, surprised to see that it wasn't just a pillow. It was Yoongi's soft belly.

"Good morning, beauty." He smiled at you.

"Why are you still here? Aren't you leaving for work?", you asked and sat up.

He shook his head and sat up as well, facing you.

"I want to spend time with you."

"Aw, Yoongi. You don't have to," you looked at him with an unsure expression.

"I want to," he insisted.

"Okay.. then."

"What do you want to eat for breakfast? I'll cook for my princess, or should I say, queen~", he cheesily pretended to put a crown on your head.

You chuckled at him and shrugged, "anything would do."

"Oh, so you'd eat stones if I put them on your plate?", he asked.

"Sure, I would," your sarcastic war started again.

You missed these times.

You looked at each other for a second and then burst into a fit of laughter.

You placed your arms around his neck, while he automatically wrapped his arms around your waist too.

He pecked your lips and kissed you for not too long.
You were both worried of stinky morning breaths.

"Just cook my favorite."

"Yes, ma'am," he jokingly said.

You stayed in bed for a long time, while waiting for him to call you for breakfast. It was a cozy morning to wake up to, but it was cold outside.

You could tell that this was gonna be a nice day. Ten minutes later, you smelled the sweet smell of pancakes and syrup.

"Breakfast is served, my love."
He said, making you look like an idiot for smiling constantly.

You went out of your bedroom and ate with him sitting across you.

"I miss these days," he frowned.

"Yeah..", you responded.

"Now I feel guilty," he sighed.

"Oh no, don't be. You're worth every bit of my love," you forked a piece of pancake, "open up," you fed him.

"You know I love you right?", he asked.

"Of course I do. And I love you as much."

should i do face reveal if this chapter gets 100 votes? or age reveal? hehhh

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