#62 | myg

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thanks for 5k! *throws confettis* so now, let's give u guys a cupcake

It was the last day of school and your farewell party seemed like a pastry part, full of cakes, chocolates, candies, everything sweet.

"Yoongi, get me a cupcake," you commanded Yoongi who was just about to stand up. He nods at you before going to the table and coming back with two cupcakes. He gave one to you and you both went out at the hallway.

You observed the school for one last time since you just graduated two days ago. They decided to do the farewell party after the graduation. You didn't know their reasons but oh well. Might as well spend some time with your classmates, and love.

You felt someone stare at you while you were looking around the atrium.

"Is there something on my face?", you turned to Yoongi, the one who has been staring at you.

"Yeah," he said before dabbing some icing on my nose with his index finger. He quickly ran away before I could catch him.

"Min Yoongi yah!", your voice echoed through the hallway.

You ran as fast as you can and he teased you when he stopped near the stairs. "Chase me, Miri!", he said before rushing up. Your classroom was on the fourth floor and the only floor higher was the rooftop.

The rooftop.

One gloomy afternoon, you decided to visit the rooftop of your school. You barely went there and when you did, you had something heavy on your shoulders. Everytime you were there, you were crying. This time, it's for no reason, you just felt like coming to it with a better mood. Not just sadness or anger. You were flustered when you saw someone sitting at the edge of the rooftop.

"Hey..?", you softly called out while slowly coming towards him.

You gently tapped on his shoulder and he was clearly surprised when he turned to you wit widened eyes.

"Kamjagiya," he put his hand on his chest. (Korean expression of surprise)

You examined his eyes who looked pretty cried out. "Pardon me for my question, but did you cry?"

"Why do you care?", his expression completely changed into a cold stare. He turned away and continued to sit on the edge.

"I know we just met but, you can tell me..", you tried to sound as gentle as you can.

"Go away, you don't care about me," his voice slightly cracked when he spoke.

"I care. Now get off the edge and sit somewhere else..", you commanded.

He turned to look at you with his eyebrows raised.

"Please?", you turned soft when you saw his frowning face again.

You took out your hand for him to take. He hesitantly took it and sat on a pile of boxes just a few meters away from where he used to be sitting.

You saw him sitting on top of a pile of boxes, with his cupcake.

"You...!", you charged towards him and dabbed some icing on the corner of his lips.

You were startled when he wasn't doing anything else but giving you a cold glare. "Yoongi?"

"Ever since the day we met here, you changed me a lot, so much that I finally felt the courage to live on even in the days I just wanted to stop breathing..
You're the reason why I didn't have to drink my depression & anxiety pills again. You gave me a heart that I never had. You're the only one who listened. I've never felt that someone cared for me until you came. I've never felt loved in such a long time. Days went by and one day, I woke up, realizing my feelings, I realized, I'm in love with you. I've never felt this before. But you taught me how to be loved, and how to love."

"I don't know what to say...", you were at a loss of words.

"It's enough that you listened. You don't have to say anything," he forced a smile and was about to walk away.

You grabbed him by the wrist and turned him to you.

"Yoongi...", you said without looking into his eyes.


"I feel the same way too," you finally had something to say.

He smiled before kissing your forehead. You didn't expect more than that since you knew he was new to this. Love.

"Miri, there's icing on my lips, will you kiss it away?" he smirked.

You took the icing with your finger and teased him back with a smirk.

He frowned before you ate the icing on your finger. You chuckled at his reaction and wrapped your arms around his small waist.

"Yoongi, I'm glad you're never as sad as you were on the first time I saw you."

He pressed his lips on top of your head and hugged you back.

"Of course, as long as you're here."

"I won't leave."



A/N: ayow, any requests?? please just message me if u have one, don't say it in the comments hehe
sending my virtual hugs to y'all »» ♡
it's 12:55 am here so it's midnight, i just couldn't sleep so i decided to make another imagine.
one fact about myself: i'm asian hahaa
okaay byee ami 🌝♡ (im weird i know)

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