#90 | jhs

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Requested by: Makoto1994

You pushed your apartment door open, and kicked off your shoes. It's been a long, and horrible day. You threw your bag on the floor, along with your coat.

"Jagiyaaaa~", a familiar voice called out, followed by a tight hug.

You hummed and pushed him away, not too hard.

He knew something was off with you.
You walked towards your bedroom to get changed.

"Jagiya! I'll be back!", he yelled from the door and you hummed once again in response.

You got changed in a comfy outfit, shorts and a long sweater that reached two inches above your knees.

You lazily dragged your feet to the living room, plopping yourself down with your legs stretched out on the couch. You were almost taking up the whole space.

You watched the tv and M-core was on.

In a few minutes, Hoseok came back with a tub of ice cream on his hand.

You stretched your arms to take the ice cream, but your face never lit up.

He gave you the ice cream and ran to the kitchen to get a spoon.

He plopped himself down next to your feet, taking up the last space of the couch.

He started doing aegyo even though you weren't watching. He intentionally did that to catch your attention.

But it didn't.

He observed you and you were still emotionless whilst eating the ice cream. He turned to the tv and it was a perfect timing, "Cheer up" by Twice was on.

He ran towards the middle of the living room and started dancing, copying the exact steps of the girl group.

"Cheer up baby! Cheer up baby! Cheer up a little more!"

You couldn't help but let out a giggle.
You watched him like that until the chorus was over. You sat cross-legged as Hoseok sat next to you and put his arms around you.
"Tell me, jagi. What's wrong?", he said with a calming voice. You fall into his embrace before you started to explain.

"I had a really bad day, starting off in the morning, the traffic felt like forever, and I was late to work," you groaned and he hummed, waiting for more explanation. "And then, of course, I got scolded and I had two hours overtime as a punishment.. and then.. They gave me a ton of paperwork, while my other co-workers are getting bored doing nothing. It's just so unfair! I'd snatch that hair off my boss if I could! Aish," Hoseok slightly giggled.

"And then, I missed the bus because of the overtime, so I had to wait an extra hour. I'm gonna quit that job and just work at home, I hate being with those toxic people," you rolled your eyes.


"But... ice cream made it a little better," you smiled.


"Okay, and you. You ended it like it was the best, even though it was really the worst day," you smiled, making him grin back at you and kiss your forehead.

You layed your head on his chest while you turned your gaze to the tv, but not really paying attention to what was happening.

"Thanks, Hobi," you looked up at him.

"Anything for my Juliana~ Why aren't you smiling? Oh, cheer up baby~ cheer up baby~", he started singing which made you burst into laughter.

You sarcastically smiled, "I'm smiling, I'm smiling," you said while your teeths were clenched into a smile.

He stopped and you both laugh.

"I'm sleeping over, and I'll take you to your workplace to make sure you're not late, and I'll be the one to take your boss's hair off if she becomes unfair to you," he said with a stern face and you chuckled at him.

"That would be great," you smiled up at him.


"You don't have to take me all the way to my actual place," you mumbled as he followed you inside the huge building.

"But I will," he intertwined your hands.

You took an elevator up to second floor and walked towards the glass door that led to a room full of desks.

Your boss came out and almost bumped into Hoseok but she recognized you.

"Ms. Yoon, why are you— who's this?", she became a softie from a murmuring noisy parrot that she always was.

"Hello, I suppose you're Juliana's boss?", Hoseok bowed politely as the old woman started smiling like an idiot and took her hand out for Him to shake.

They shook hands and you almost rolled your eyes but you stopped yourself.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, Juliana's—"

"Boyfriend," you cut him off, and smiled at your boss.

She mumbled an "oooo", before smiling.

"And I heard she had a bad day yesterday—"

"Hobi, no," you interrupted him once again.

You took his hand and dragged him to the elevator.

"Seems like that old woman likes you," you rolled your eyes but laughed.

"Why'd you stop me? I was just gonna ask her to lessen the workload and make it the same as your co-workers," he shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah, no need. I'm sure she'll be nicer to me, since he met you."

You walked Hoseok out before going back to your workplace.

a/n: sorry if it's short, i hope you liked it, Juliana

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