Chapter 59: Lifting of the veil

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Gauri woke up with an ill feeling in the pit of her stomach. She often prided herself in having a chhati indri (sixth sense), which told her when something good was going to happen. Now she knew what was it like to have a premonition of danger. 

Gauri got ready and started boiling tea leaves, as she heard Dandi bhaiyaa moving around the house. 

"Sister, I'll go and get some groceries from the nearby shop, while you are making tea. There will be less rush in the morning." said Dandi, as he left to buy those.

Gauri nodded absent-mindedly, as she added some tiny pieces of ginger to the tea, as Dandi bhaiyaa liked her adhrak vaali chai (ginger tea). Since it was Friday, she could turn up a bit late to work. Majmudaarji was indeed a kind employer, he paid them well, and even gave weekends off unless he needed them for some big order. Gauri turned off the gas knob, and let the tea to settle down. 

She heard the cell phone ringing from her room. She saw Richa's number flashing on the phone. Richa? Calling so early in the morning? Gauri's hand felt senseless as she received the call. "Hello?" she asked, her voice quivering slightly.

At first, Gauri could only hear Richa choking back sobs on the other side. Then Richa hiccuped, and started speaking. 

"Gauri, I am so sorry." Richa managed to choke out, and relapsed into more sobs. 

"Richa, what happened? Has something happened to Maa? Is she fine? Is she....?" asked Gauri, clutching the phone like a lifeline, fearing the worst. 

"No, Gauri, she is still alive." said Richa, in what she hoped was a reassuring voice.

"Still alive?" Gauri gasped

"Oh Gauri, I have been so stupid. Two days back, maasiji didn't return from her visit to the temple. By evening when there was no sign of her, we went to the police, but they said that they can't register a complaint until twenty four hours are up. We tried our best to search her on our own, my uncle and his sons helping us, but to no avail. Yesterday, we found her near the same temple in the evening. We took her to the hospital, she was badly injured. The doctors did their best and she regained consciousness for some minutes. Some goons had abducted her, and tortured her for two days." Richa breathed out, and Gauri could feel her scared pause on the other side.

"Who was it Richa?" Gauri whispered, knowing the answer very well.

"Kali Thakur." came the reply. 

"Did he torture my mother to find out my whereabouts?" asked Gauri quietly. 

"Oh Gauri, I think.... I think he already knows. Your mother managed to tell us before slipping into unconsciousness, that the goons who tortured her told her that Thakur saab had gone to Mumbai to find you. He just abducted your mother, to punish her, the goons told her that much. Gauri, I think he is already in Mumbai, I think you better run from Mumbai, Gauri...." the cellphone slipped from Gauri's hands and fell to the floor.

Gauri followed the phone and collapsed on the floor as well. Her head was spinning, her hands felt the floor to feel the stability of solid earth. Kali Thakur was here.

At that moment, it became clear to Gauri, that she could run anywhere, she could run forever, but she could not hide from Kali Thakur, there was no permanent escape from him. Unless she digs herself a hole and buries herself there for the rest of her life. Tears fell from her eyes as she thought of her poor, sick mother being tortured at his hands, just for punishing her, Gauri, for fooling Kali Thakur last time.That monster hurt her mother viciously only to get back at her, to show her that what happens to those who oppose him. 

Yuhn Hota Toh Kya Hota- Rikara FFWhere stories live. Discover now