Sister time

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Maya comes over to see how Kamala's feeling, she was talking to Meena, and Meena said that Auntie wasn't feeling well.

Maya comes into the family room and Kamala's sitting in her recliner

Maya- "Hey Sis, I was talking to Meena, and she said you weren't feeling well, and I wanted to come and check on my big sister and see how you're feeling"

Kamala- "I feel exhausted, sore, tender, but really happy, My dream is going to come true"

Maya- "you're pregnant!!!!"

Kamala- "I am, I just found out a few minutes ago, I'm a week late, and I'm going to surprise Dougie with this gift bag, can you help me with an idea on how to tell him, I've been trying to figure a cute way to tell him, I was getting ready to call you"

Maya- "what are you thinking?"

Kamala- "I bought some baby chucks, and this onesie you know how he loves the dodgers, so I got this onesie that says shhhh I'm watching the game with Daddy, and then of course I had to buy some giants onesies as well"

Maya- "of course, you gotta have the Giants onesies, why don't we also wrap up your test and then give it to him after he opens the gift bag, and this is really the best anniversary present you can give him, when you tell him you're pregnant"

Kamala- "you're right, the other idea I had was to wait and tell him on our anniversary, but I felt like crap the last 2 weeks, and he already asked me if I was and I didn't know till a few minutes ago, I thought I might be because I remember how you felt when you found out you were pregnant with Meena, and how Meena felt when she found out she was pregnant with Amara and Leela, and I feel exactly like you two did when you found out"

Maya- "I know you, you can't keep a secret especially this one, just look at how he much loves you. This man would literally do anything for you. And trust me when you tell him the news he's going to be the happiest man in the whole world."

Kamala- "you're right Maya, I'm surprised that I got pregnant so soon, we started trying last month, but I haven't really been taking my birth control for a few months, I would take it when I remembered to take it usually I got side tracked and I didn't take it"

Maya- "I'm not you two can't keep your hands off each other"

Kamala giggles

Maya- "let me wrap up the onesies, you look like your going to fall asleep"

Kamala- "a nap sounds so good right now, but Dougie's going to be home in an hour and I have to make dinner, I don't feel like cooking, all I want is my bed and to cuddle with Dougie"

Maya- "what would you like for dinner I will make it for you"

Kamala- "I'm not sure what I want, I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, that all that looked good, and it didn't make me sick, I'm not really hungry, but I know I have to eat, I'm exhausted and I have no energy to do anything, but sleep or lay on the couch and watch tv"

Maya- "you will be really sleepy, and not having any energy. I noticed you haven't been at work, I'm worried about you, you're my big sister"

Kamala- "I have been working a little bit here at home, when I feel good, but lately all I want is sleep"

Maya- "Doug's gift bag is done, I also wrapped your test up and I put it next to your chair, do you want it to go in the gift bag"

Kamala- "thanks, and no leave it where it's at"

Maya- "you're welcome, I will call you tomorrow to check on you, feel better, if you need anything call me, but you already knew that, don't worry I won't tell mommy, this isn't my news anyways to tell"

Kamala- "thanks, if she knew I wasn't feeling well, she would be over here to take care of me even though I'm married"

Kamala yawns

Maya- "you're right. I'm going to go why don't you take a short nap before Doug gets home from work"

Kamala- "that sounds like a good idea, thanks for your help"

Maya- "you're welcome" 

~to be continued~

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now