Bella and Lexie's 1st baseball game part 1

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this 💕

Kamala- "we gotta get them dressed, after I get dressed, they are going to wear their Giants outfit that say little princess on there, I know it's 75 degrees outside but with us being by the bay, it's too cold for them, and I don't want them getting sick.

Doug- "ok, their socks that look like chucks or their actual chucks"

Kamala- "their socks that look like chucks"

Doug- "okay"

Kamala comes out of the bathroom and she's wearing her black tank top with her shorts"

Kamala's outfit she's wearing

Doug- "you look hot" gives Kamala a kiss

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Doug- "you look hot" gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "thanks, I will put my jersey on when we get to game" she gives Doug a kiss

Lexie and Bella wake up and decide to show Mommy and Daddy how good their lungs are.

Doug- "Lexie, Bella, we hear you, Daddy's coming to get you, and Momala will feed you"

Kamala sits on the bed she has her pillow on her tummy, "Dougie, I had a feeling they were going to want to eat, I'm leaking, and I was starting to hurt"

Doug gets up off the bed, and picks Lexie up and brings her to Kamala and Kamala unsnaps her tank top and puts Lexie on the right side and she latches on and starts nursing, Doug gives her Bella she latches on the left side and she starts nursing. "Dougie thank you, can you please get my Giants Jersey in the closet, and put it in my bag along with my jacket"

Doug- "of course, I will also pack the diaper bag, which toys are we taking"

Kamala- "a few rattles, their pacifiers with their clips, their giants ones"

Doug- "okay, I will be right back"

Kamala- "okay"

Doug goes into the living room of the suite and packs the diaper bag.

~Downstairs in the hotel lobby~

Christina sends Kamala a text.

I'm downstairs in the lobby, what is your room # again, can I come up

Doug- "Babe, Christina sent you a text"

Kamala- "can you read it to me"

Doug- "sure it says I'm downstairs in the lobby, what's your room # can I come up"?

Kamala- "text her back and tell her to come here, and you go in the living room with them, I will be out when Lexie and Bella are done with their lunch and close the bedroom door"

Doug- "okay, I will"

Doug text Christina back, "room 612, and come up"

Kamala looks and she sees Lexie has unlatched "Honey, can I have a burp cloth, Lexie needs to be burped, and changed, my hand is warm, and I smell cupcakes, but I'm not sure if it's Lexie or Bella"

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