Kamala and Doug's talk part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this 💕💕💕💕💕

Kamala notices Lexie has put her thumb in her mouth and she's sound asleep, Kamala gets up and she puts Lexie in her bassinet, and she goes into the bathroom to check on Bella and Doug, Kamala is standing in the door way listening to Doug talk to Bella.

~In the bathroom~

Doug- "Bella, Lexie already got her bath, and she's with Momala, having her before bedtime snack"

Bella- "ooh"

Doug has the water at the right temperature and he takes off Bella's pj's and then he takes off her onesie and her diaper, and he cleans her before he puts her in the bathtub.

Doug- "Bella, now it's time for your bath, we gotta get you clean"

Doug lays Bella in the bathtub and before he can get the wash cloth to wash her she splashes him, Kamala comes into the bathroom and she puts her arms around his waist, "Bella, you got daddy all wet, just like Lexie got Mommy all wet"

Doug feels Kamala's arms around his waist "Hey Honey, how long have you been standing here"

Kamala- "A few minutes, I heard you talking to Bella, and then I came in here when she splashed you"

Bella laughs and splashes again

Doug- "I think Bella is wide awake, while Mama is not"

Kamala's laughing

Doug- "Babe what's so funny I saw Lexie get you wet earlier and you know I love when your in a wet -t-shirt, but then again I love anything you wear, or don't wear"

Kamala smirks at him "I know you do, there's little ears here" she covers Bella's ears

Doug- "Bella, let's finish your bath, and then it's bedtime for everyone including Bella"

Bella splashes Doug again while Doug is washing her hair.

Kamala- "I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted, I will take a shower in the morning, no she's not, she wanted to see how bath time was, and to tell you both goodnight" she gives Doug a kiss, and she gives Bella a kiss on her forehead, Night Night Bella, Mommy loves you"

Kamala goes to bed, while Doug finishes up Bella's bath.

Doug- "Bella, I think your awake, let's get you dried off, and put on your diaper, onesie and pj's"

Doug picks Bella up from the bath tub, and he lays her in her towel and he dries her off, and then puts on her diaper, and onesie, and then her pj's.

After Doug gets Bella's pj's on, he sees that she's pulling on her ears and she's yawning. "Aww I think Bella is tired and ready for bed"

Doug puts Bella in her bassinet, next to Lexie and Bella puts her thumb in her mouth, and she's sound asleep.

Doug goes into the bathroom and drains the bath tub, then he goes to bed, as soon as Kamala feels that Doug is next to her, she cuddles up next to him and they are both sound asleep.

In Kamala and Doug's hotel room ~9:15 am~

Kamala- "Dougie, I was thinking about getting Lexie and Bella's ears pierced, what do you think? Meena got Leela and Amara's done when they were the same age as Lexie and Bella, she had Dr Robbins do it"

Doug- "it's okay with me as long as Dr Robbins does it, or someone in her office"

Kamala- "thank you, do you mind if we ask Addison, Christina's sister is a pediatrician"

Doug- "we can ask her, I know when we were with Christina yesterday and we were shopping you saw some Minnie Mouse earrings and I know you got some for you, and I know you want Lexie and Bella to have some"

Kamala- "your right, thank you and she gives him a kiss, can you watch them on their baby play mats, I want to take a shower before Christina comes, we are all going to the game today, and into the Giants Store before the game"

Doug- "of course, I think Lexie is ready for her morning before lunch nap, and so is Bella, I'm going to put them in their pack n play for their nap"

Kamala- "okay thanks, be back soon, love you and she gives Doug a kiss 💋

Doug- "I love you too he gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala goes to take her shower, while Doug picks Lexie and Bella up from their baby play mats, and he puts them in their pack n plays for their nap and he sits on bed watching sports center.

15 minutes later... 10:15 am

Kamala is out of the shower and she comes into their room and all she has on is her towel and she sits on the bed next to Doug while she's getting dressed. 
"Dougie we don't have time right now, Christina's going to be here at 11, and I'm hoping Lexie and Bella will want to nurse before we go for lunch, while I get dressed, can you please pack the diaper bag, and bring my pillow, and a few of their toys, for at the game"

Doug- "I know we don't have time, but your really hot in your towel"

Kamala- "thanks, I will be right back, I'm going to get dressed, can you please get Lexie's and Bella's diaper bag packed, Love you" she gives Doug a kiss

Doug- "of course, are they going to wear their pj's, and I love you too" he gives Kamala a kiss.

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