Kamala's 1st Momala's day part 5

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug  for her help with writing this 💕

Doug- "yes definitely sounds like a great idea that way we i.e you won't have the added stress when you do head back, I think we are done with dinner, are you done with dinner, if you are I will put our dishes in the dishwasher"

Kamala- "yes, thank you, it was really good. I need help getting up I'm going to go and sit on the couch, which it's more comfortable, I want them to meet Jill, now that they are moving a little bit more, and they are liking tummy time more, I noticed that Bella is trying to roll over but hasn't yet, but she keeps trying. yesterday when I was changing her diaper, she was trying to go on her side, but she hasn't figured it out yet, Lexie hasn't even tried yet, but she likes to hold her rattle while getting changed, and she's cooing more, Bella loves holding her rattle too, and she's cooing more as well"

Doug- "I love you, and I want you to be happy, I know this is all new for us, but I think we are doing really good as 1st time parents, yes we will make mistakes, but that is how we learn, and your right babysitting for Amara and Leela have helped, even though every baby is different, let's dry these tears you're too adorable to be crying"

Doug puts his arm around Kamala while they are now sitting on the couch, Kamala has the carrier on and Lexie is sound asleep on her chest, "Dougie, I think the hot tub will have to wait, I have a sleeping baby who I am not moving at the moment on me"

Doug- "Yeah of course that's fine. I get it I totally do. Maybe we have become sexually intimate again way too soon and we should just stick to other forms of physical intimacy. As long as we really love each other there will always be a place for sex in both our hearts, it might take weeks, months or maybe even years but eventually we might get our sex life back or we might not. Either way it doesn't matter to me as long as we have our love for each other and these 2 beautiful healthy girls." That hurt Doug to say but it is true, yes he craves sex with his gorgeously sexy wife, but they're a family now which means sometimes his manly desires will need to be put aside for the needs of his wife and daughters. If he really has a need for release he can do it himself.

Kamala- "Dougie thank you yes we do love each other very much but lately i'm exhausted ... can I have a back rub? and you hold me"

Doug- "Of course I will give you a back rub and of course I will hold you. When do you want this back rub."

Kamala- "right now Lexie's asleep and I want to put her in her bassinet and my lower back please"

Doug- "give me Lexie and I will put her in her bassinet, does she go in her own or with Bella"

Kamala- "she can go with Bella, they seem to sleep better when they are together, and since we have the pack n play in here, it's bigger, when they go for their next well baby visit, we can ask if they can still be in the same bassinet, or if they should start going in their cribs, or separate bassinets"

Doug- "okay"

Kamala takes off her carrier that she's wearing and she gives Lexie to Doug to put in her bassinet.

Doug picks Lexie up from Kamala's chest and puts her in her bassinet with Bella and she goes right back to sleep"

Doug- "Would you like to lay down or sit while I do this?"

Kamala- "yes please, let me get in my spot on the couch"

Doug is sitting behind Kamala, while she's laying on the couch on her side, so Doug can rub her back.

Doug puts some lavender lotion on his hands, and starts to rub her back.

Doug- "Just let me know how it feels, I put some lavender lotion on my hands"

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