Telling Maya and Meena

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A few days later... after their anniversary July 25th Kamala is 6 weeks

Maya and Meena were over at Kamala and Doug's. Doug and Tony were grilling steaks and veggies

Kamala, Meena and Maya were sitting on the couch that is out on the patio.

Meena "Auntie, are you feeling better than you were a few days ago?"

Kamala- "not really I know why I'm not feeling well"

Meena "why?"

Kamala- "I'm Pregnant"

Meena- "congrats Auntie"!

Maya- "Congratulations, do you know when you're due?"

Kamala- "thanks! I have a doctor's appointment in 3 weeks so I will find out the exact due date, I looked on the calendar it will be sometime in March"

Maya- "My birthday is in March"

Kamala- "I know"

Meena- "A spring time baby"

Kamala- "yes"

Doug comes over with the food he was cooking with Tony, and he puts the tray down on the table, "Dinner is ready, help your self".

Maya- "Congrats Doug"

Doug- "thanks Maya"

Tony- "congrats for what"?

Maya- "Kamala's pregnant"!

Tony- "Congrats"

Kamala & Doug- "Thanks"

Doug- "Honey, what do you want to drink with your steak."

Kamala gets up and covers her mouth and and goes inside and runs to the bathroom and she looks like she's going to be sick.

Doug- "Meena, Maya, Tony I'll be back, I want to go and check on Kamala, she looked like she was going to be sick."

Maya- "I remember being sensitive to certain foods while I was pregnant"

Meena- "me too, and now it looks like certain foods are bothering Auntie, Maya, when I get home I'm going to make some chicken soup, for Auntie, it helped me when I was pregnant, so I'm hoping it will help her"

Maya- "I hope so"

Doug goes inside to check on Kamala

Doug- "Honey, are you ok"

Kamala- "I don't feel well, my tummy hurts I'm sorry, I ruined our dinner, with tears falling down her cheeks"

Doug sits down on the floor next to Kamala and puts his arms around her and gently rubs her back. "don't feel bad it's not your fault, this is what happens when your pregnant"

Doug has a cold rag and a glass of water and he gives to Kamala as she lays on his shoulder

Doug- "here's some water and a cold rag"

Kamala- "thank you"

Doug helps Kamala up, and they go and sit on the couch in the family room, he puts his arm around her, and he gives her a dish of saltine crackers, he bought for her earlier, and a cup of ginger-ale.

Doug "Honey, I think this will help you feel better"

Kamala- "thanks, I hope I feel better soon"

Doug- "Me too"

Maya- "Meena, I will be back, I want to check on Kamala"

Meena- "ok, tell Doug, to get her some Ginger-ale and crackers I brought and left them on the counter, I brought them just incase they were needed, I will bring her more tomorrow, as it looks like that's what she's going to be eating at this moment."

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now