Lexie and Bella's 1st day of daycare part 4

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "I will be right back, when Lexie and Bella are done, we will both take them to daycare"

Kamala- "okay, hopefully I can stay up all day, I still need a nap in the afternoon"

Doug comes back a few minutes later, "I know Honey, and if you need a nap, you will take one, where do you want Lexie and Bella's pacifiers, they are washed and dried"

Kamala- "put them in their diaper bags, If I need a nap, I'm going to take one, here's Bella, she just unlatched, she needs to be burped and changed, my hand is warm"  Kamala gives Bella to Doug.

Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder, and then he lays Bella on the burp cloth and rubs her back, and she burps a few minutes later and she also spits up on the burp cloth. "Bella that was a good burp"

Kamala looks and she sees that Lexie has unlatched, and she snaps her tank top, and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, and she lays Lexie on her shoulder, and she's rubbing her back, and a few minutes later Lexie spits up on the burp cloth, and some on Kamala's tank top.

Kamala- "that was a good burp Lexie, it's okay, that you got some on Mommy's shirt, she packed an extra shirt in your diaper bag just incase this happens"

Doug- "Bella is all changed, and let me change Lexie, while you go and change your shirt"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "Bella, Daddy got you and Lexie some toys for when your in Mommy's office or Daddy's office, there's a baby play gym, and a blanket, for you to lay on, and a pack n play for both of you"

Doug lays Bella down on the blanket and she's playing with the toys that are on the baby gym.  "Lexie, lets get your diaper changed before we take you and Bella to daycare"

Lexie babbles

Doug lays Lexie down on the portable changing pad, and he takes off Lexie's pants and unsnaps her onesie, and he takes off the diaper and cleans her with the baby wipes, and puts on a clean diaper, and puts the dirty diaper in the diaper genie, and then he washes his hands with the baby wipes, he snaps Lexie's onesie and he puts her pants back on, he lays Lexie under the baby play gym.

Kamala- "I'm all changed now"

Doug- "that's the first time Lexie spit up on your shirt, instead of the burp cloth"

Kamala- "no it's not, she did it last week too, when you were in the shower, it's okay, that's I always have an extra shirt packed in the diaper bag along with extra clothes for Lexie and Bella, along with nursing pads"

Doug- "are you ready to take them to daycare?"

Kamala- "yes and no"

Doug- "come and sit on the floor with them, and we will talk"

Kamala comes and she sits on the blanket, and Doug sits next to her and he puts his arm around her, "why are you not ready"

Kamala- "I'm worried that they will cry the whole time, they will be the only ones they know except for Julia and Jill"

Doug- "Honey, they know Sophia, and Madison, Julia's little girls, Sophia is a month older then Lexie and Bella remember, and Madison is same age as Leela"

Kamala- "oh yea, sorry I forgot, I'm worried they won't like it, I know they are only 3 months old"

Doug- "I think they will have fun, we are 3 doors away, you know you can always visit them, and when they are hungry Julia or Jill will bring them in here, or you can go in there, remember when we came on the tour, and we went into the nursing room"

Kamala- "I do, let's try it, I know this is all new for us and them, I want to try, I know they need to be around other babies then just us"

Doug- "that's my big girl, I will be there and we won't leave until you are ready"

Kamala- "thank you, let's go, I don't want them to think we are leaving them, we have been with them since they were born, except when we go out for lunch, but then it's either Maya, Meena, Jen, Mommy, or your Mom or dad watching them"

Doug- "Babe, I promise you they will be alright, but if your not ready to let them go to daycare it's okay, do you want me to ask Julia to come in here and watch them while we go to our meeting"

Kamala- "no, let's take them, look they are asleep, and they are holding hands"

Doug carefully picks Bella up and Kamala picks up Lexie, and then Doug helps her up, "I'm so proud of you and I love you so much" and he gives her a kiss

Kamala- "I have the diaper bag, I love you too" she gives Doug a kiss.

Kamala and Doug leave Kamala's office, and go into daycare.

~In the daycare~

Jill sees Kamala and Doug coming and she opens the door, "when you or Doug bring Lexie and Bella in the morning, the first thing you do is you sign them in, either myself, Ashley, or Julia will be at the desk here to sign them in, and when you come to get them you will sign them out, and only the people you put on their contact card will be allowed to pick them up, Hi Lexie, Bella, Kamala, Doug"

Doug looks at Kamala and he sees she's about to start crying, "Honey, it's okay, Jill can you hold Bella, Kamala needs me"

Kamala sniffles

Doug gives Bella to Jill, and he puts his arms around Kamala, "it's okay Honey, if you need to cry it's okay, this is all new for us"

Kamala sniffles and Doug puts his arm around Kamala to comfort her.

Jill- "Kamala, come here, all 3 of us are going to go in baby room # 1 Julia, can you sign in Lexie and Bella"

Julia- "of course"

Jill, Kamala, Doug, Lexie, Bella, all go into the baby room and close the door.

Jill- "Kamala, I know your worried about Lexie and Bella, do you trust me"

Kamala sniffles "yes"

Jill sits in the rocking chair, "Doug, can you please bring over that rocking chair"

Doug- "of course"

Doug brings over the rocking chair and puts it next to Jill, "Kamala, sit next to me"

Kamala sits down in the rocking chair next to Jill, and Doug is standing right next to her with his arm around her, "Kamala, I know your worried about them, and that they will cry, am I right"

Kamala sniffles "yes"

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