1st Vacation part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug to hold.

Doug- "Lexie, you look sleepy, you had an exciting morning"

Doug- "would you like anything to eat, you look hungry as well"

Kamala- "coffee, and a bagel with cream cheese, and fruit"

Doug- "what kind of bagel, I did buy some when I was at Target today, when I got groceries"

Kamala- "sesame seed bagel toasted with strawberry cream cheese please"

Doug- "okay, here's your coffee, I got you at Starbucks, and I will put your bagel in the toaster, I gotta get the diapers and wipes from the car, I will be right back"

Kamala- "thanks" Kamala looks and Bella has unlatched, and she snaps up her tank top, and puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and rubs her back and a few minutes later she burps.

Doug- "Honey, Lexie and I brought you your bagel"

Kamala- "thank you, I think Lexie is sound asleep in one of her favorite spots"

Doug- "I think your right, and her mommy I think is going to want a nap shortly, she's falling asleep"

Kamala yawns "you're right, after I'm done with my bagel, I'm going to bed myself, I'm tired"

Doug- "I'm tired too, we left early this morning to come here, I'm going to put Lexie in her bassinet for her nap, do you want me to put her in the one that is in our room or the one out here in the family room"

Kamala- "our room, as soon as I'm done with my bagel and fruit, I'm going back to bed"

Doug- "okay, when we go in our room, I will take Lexie with us, I think Bella is sound asleep in one of her favorite spots"

Kamala- "I think your right after she burped, she puts her thumb in her mouth and went to sleep on my shoulder"

Doug- "she looks so cute on your shoulder"

Kamala- "I know I don't want to move to wake her up but I need a nap"

Doug- "let me go and put Lexie in our room in her bassinet and then I will carry you alright"

Kamala- "ok"

Doug goes into his and Kamala's room, and puts Lexie in her bassinet, and she goes right back to sleep. Doug goes back into the family room, and he goes to pick Kamala up and carries her and Bella into their room"

Kamala- "Dougie, just help me up, I will walk, I have Bella, if I wasn't holding Bella, then I would let you carry me"

Doug helps Kamala up, and they go into their room, Kamala puts Bella in her bassinet next to Lexie, and Kamala gets into bed and into Doug's arms, as soon as she gets in Doug's arms, she's sound asleep.

2.5 hours later...

Kamala wakes up, and Doug is awake as well, "good morning beautiful" and Doug gives her a kiss

Kamala- "it's a good morning now, even though it's almost lunch time"

Doug- "it's 11:45, this is the best we slept all night, I think Lexie and Bella still have their days and nights mixed up"

Kamala- "yes they do, it seems they are good until they wake up around 1:30-2 for their snack, then they don't wanna go back to bed once they are done, unless we are holding them"

Doug- "you're right, let's try something tonight, I was telling my sister, how Lexie and Bella don't like to sleep unless we are holding them, and she said we could swaddle them at night, like we did when they came home after they were born"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now