Grandparents babysitting part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Kamala and Doug leave

~In the car~

Kamala- "Dougie thank you for lunch, we needed time for us"

Doug- "we did, and I know my mom and dad wanted to babysit"

Kamala- "I know they did, right now I know Lexie's hungry and Bella, I'm leaking and hurting"

Doug- " we will be home in a few minutes we are turning on our street now"

~Kamala and Doug's~

Barb is holding Lexie and she crying and Bella hears Lexie crying so she starts crying"

Mike - "Bella, I know what you want but Grandpa doesn't have any milk, Hopefully your mommy will be home soon, let's put in your pacifier"

Mike puts in Bella pacifier and it helps for a few minutes, but then Bella sees Kamala come into the family room "Kamala, this is good timing, Bella started crying a few minutes ago and so did Lexie"

Kamala- "Bella, Lexie, I know what what you want let Mommy sit down in her recliner and get her cover and her pillow and then you two can have your milk"

Doug gets Kamala's cover out of the diaper bag and bring it to her.

Kamala is sitting in her recliner and she has her cover on "Mike give me Bella first"

Mike gives Bella to Kamala.

Kamala- "Bella it's okay, Momala's here and she's going to feed you, Kamala unsnaps her tank top and She puts Bella under her cover on the left side and Bella latches on and she starts nursing"

Barb- "Lexie, I know you want, Mommy here"

Barb takes Lexie's pacifier out and she gives her to Kamala.

Kamala- "Lexie I know what you want"

Kamala unsnaps her other strap and puts Lexie on her pillow under her cover and Lexie latches on and she starts nursing.

Mike- "Kamala, Bella and Lexie were very good, Bella is red, when I changed her about 15 minutes ago, I smelled cupcakes and Barb said that means one of them needs to get changed, we didn't do tummy time they were napping while you were at lunch"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "Mom, did Lexie have tummy time was she red as well"

Barb- " no on tummy time, and yes she was a little red but I put on her rash cream, we did play with our rattle when I changed her diaper"

Kamala- "okay Lexie can roll on to her side

Barb- "yay Lexie Grandma so proud of you, I know Bella is rolling on her side"

Doug - "yes mom she is she did it first then a week later Lexie did"

Mike- "Kamala, is it normal for Lexie and Bella to reach their milestones at different times"

Kamala- "yes even though they are identical twins Lexie is a little smaller then Bella, when they were at their 2 month well baby visit Lexie weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces and is 22.5 inches long and Bella weighs 8 pounds 10 ounces and she's 23.5 inches long"

Doug - "Dad, Dr. Robbins isn't worried, she says as long they are both growing and gaining weight that's all that matters"

Mike- "then Mom and I aren't worried then"

Kamala looks under her cover and she sees Lexie has unlatched, she picks her up, "Dougie, can I have the burp cloth"

Doug- "sure, let me burp Lexie"

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug to burp. "Lexie, it's okay, Daddy's going to burp you"

Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder, and lays Lexie on his shoulder and a few minutes later she burps.

Kamala- "thanks, after Bella's done eating, it's nap time, Barb, Mike, thank you again for babysitting"

Doug- "Lexie, I think your still hungry, you're trying to nurse on Daddy's shoulder"

Kamala- "Dougie, give her to me, I knew she might still be hungry, she was only nursing for 10 minutes"

Barb- "you're welcome, we love being with Lexie and Bella, 5 of our grand kids live here, Lexie and Bella are the closest, our daughter Julia and her two daughters live in San Diego, we don't see her that often, because she's 2 hours away, you and Doug live 15 minutes from us"

Kamala yawns

Kamala- "we do"

Barb- "I think it's time for someone's nap"

Kamala- "you're right, I'm trying to sleep when we put the babies down for their naps"

Barb- "that's what I would when Doug was the same age as Lexie and Bella, we are going to go, so that you can take a nap once Lexie and Bella are done eating"

Kamala- "thanks"

Barb and Mike leave.

Kamala takes off her cover, and she sees that Bella has unlatched.  "Dougie, Bella needs to be burped"

Kamala gives Bella to Doug so he can burp her.

Doug has the burp cloth on his shoulder and he puts Bella on his shoulder and gently rubs her back and a few minutes she burps.

Kamala looks and Lexie has also unlatched. Kamala has a burp cloth on her shoulder and she lays Lexie on her shoulder and a few minutes later Lexie burps.

Doug- "Honey, you look like you need a nap"

Kamala yawns "I do, I know Lexie and Bella are not sleepy yet, but Momala is"

Doug- "I will stay up with them until they get sleepy then I will bring them in our room and come and lay down in bed with you, unless you want lay here in your spot, and take your nap"

Kamala- "Our bed is more comfortable, why don't we all go in there"

Doug- "okay,  they can lay on my shoulder until they fall asleep, but I think Lexie's almost asleep"

Lexie yawns

Doug- "aww Lexie is as tired as Mommy is"

Kamala yawns

Bella yawns

Doug- "it's definitely nap time for all my girls"

Doug has Lexie on his shoulder, and Kamala has Bella on her shoulder and they are all in bed.

Doug- "Honey let me have Bella, I will put her in her bassinet with Lexie, then I will hold you while you take your nap"

Kamala yawns

Doug puts Lexie in the same bassinet as Bella and then he gets into bed and holds Kamala like she asked and with in. a few minutes she's sound asleep 💤

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