Surprise for Maya and Meena

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this.

~Kamala and Doug's House,  6:15 am~

Kamala and Doug are up, they are in bed, and Lexie and Bella are nursing. "Babe, I will be back, I'm going to go and start coffee"

Kamala- "okay, can you bring me my cup, after Lexie and Bella are done nursing, and we eat breakfast, we will do tummy time with them, and then we gotta unpack, I don't know what time Christina gets up,"

Doug- "of course I will bring you a cup, what would you like for breakfast, when Christina gets up, I will make her breakfast, after Lexie and Bella's bath, I need to go grocery shopping"

Kamala- "I want funfetti pancakes, and Lexie and Bella are going to wear the outfit that Mommy got them when they were born, and it was too big on them, it says "spoiled by Grandma with pink pants"

Doug- "they are definitely spoiled by both grandparents, my mom and Dad don't know we are back yet, I will call them later and tell them"

Kamala- "yes they are"

Doug- "I will be right back with your coffee, and mine, and then after we change Lexie and Bella's diapers and get them dressed, we will all go in the family room, I will make breakfast, and you do tummy time with them"

Kamala- "that's our routine in the mornings, I know I said I was going to work from home and I will after Christina goes home"

Doug- "okay, I will be working in the office here and the 2 days a week that we go into the office, Lexie and Bella will be in daycare with Jill."

Kamala- "they will, at least they will be together in the same room, isn't Julia's youngest daughter 3 weeks older then Lexie and Bella"

Doug- "yes Shayna is 3 and half months old, they will be with one of their cousins when they are at daycare, and Sophia is with Leela she's 1, I will be right back with your coffee, and mine, Lexie and Bella are really going at it"

Kamala- "they are"

Doug- "I will be right back with your coffee, unless you want it when we go in the kitchen"

Kamala- "I will wait now, Bella just unlatched, and she needs to be burped"

Doug- "let me have her, and Lexie just unlatched"

Kamala picks Bella up and she gives her to Doug, and she snaps her tank top and she picks Lexie up and snaps that side as well, she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder ands rubs Lexie's back,  and a few minutes later Lexie burps and she also spits up a little on the burp cloth. "It's okay Lexie, Mommy's going to wipe your mouth"

Doug has the burp cloth on his shoulder and he has Bella laying on his shoulder, and he's rubbing her back, "Bella, I know you didn't burp yet"
Doug is rubbing Bella's back and a few minutes later she burps, "that was a good burp, let Daddy wipe your mouth, he sees that she spit up a little bit"

Kamala- "can you watch Bella, and Lexie I want to go and get their diapers, and their outfits for today"

Doug- "of course, I'm going to take them into the family room, and put them in their swings, while I start breakfast and coffee"

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug "thanks Honey, I will bring their clothes in there when I'm done, I'm going to get dressed as well"

Doug- "okay, love you" he gives Kamala a kiss.  Kamala gives Lexie to Doug "love you too" she gives him a kiss , she also give Lexie and Bella a kiss on their foreheads, "Mommy will be right back"

Doug has Lexie on his left and Bella on his right, and he goes into the family room "you two are going in your swings, so Daddy can make breakfast for him and Mommy, while Mommy gets your clothes, and your diapers"

Lexie and Bella babble

Doug walks into the family room and he puts Lexie in her pack n play so he can put Bella in her swing and put her seatbelt on "Lexie, your next Daddy has 2 hands and he needs to buckle your sister into her swing, then it will be your turn."

Doug puts Bella in her swing and he turns on the butterflies, and Bella is smiling and babbling.  Doug picks Lexie up from her pack n play and puts her in her swing and buckles her with her seatbelt, and he turns on her swing and she starts watching the butterflies, he turns the tv on, and he puts on sports center and he turns the sound down low so he don't wake Christina up, Doug goes into the kitchen and starts breakfast, he makes pancakes and starts the coffee.

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now