Kam and Maya's talk

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this 💓

Kamala- "we just started putting them in the same bassinet a few days ago again, we did when they when they first came home, and then we didn't for 1 night a few days ago to see if they would sleep better, and Lexie was being fussy, and I noticed then when she was in the same bassinet as Bella, she stopped crying, and went right to sleep, and before I could get back in bed, she put her thumb in her mouth and she was out like a light"

Maya- "aww she missed her sister, she was used to being with her while they were growing inside your tummy"

Kamala- "yes she was, and when they born in the hospital, Christina my nurse put them in the same bassinet, when I was trying to sleep"

Maya- "she was just missing her sister that's why she was grumpy"

Kamala- "that must have been it because ever since then we are putting them in the same bassinet for right now until they get bigger"

Maya- "Have you thought of giving them a pacifier at night yet"

Kamala- "I give it to them during the day, when they are up, or if we are in a store or restaurant so they aren't crying. I'm not ready to give it to them at night yet, I know I can, I have their clips on them and I would have to take them off for them to have them at bedtime, and I haven't done it yet, when your babysitting if you or Tony are holding them, you can give them their pacifiers if they are fussy, but if you are in another room and they are napping, then don't give it to them."

Maya- "okay, Meena didn't give them to Amara and Leela while they were napping and we are not in the same room with them, Amara doesn't use her pacifier any more, only Leela uses them, Amara says she's a big helper, and helpers don't need them anymore, and we started giving her the teddy bear you gave her at bedtime and her Minnie Mouse blanket instead"
Kamala- "I remember when Amara stopped using them, she wasn't happy when Meena told her she couldn't have it anymore because Meena said she was Mommy's helper, and that once you are 2 years old you are too old to have your pacifier, one time when I was babysitting before Lexie and Bella were born, Meena had to take Leela for one of her well baby visits, Dougie was working half a day, you were working, Mommy was working, Nick went with Meena, and Meena asked me if I could help with the pacifier and Amara wasn't happy when I said she couldn't have it, that was the first time she told me no."

Maya- "I remember that when Meena came to get her you told her that she took her nap with out her pacifier and that you gave her Minnie Mouse blanket and you said when take your naps you use this blanket to comfort you, and pacifiers are for Leela."

Kamala- "I did, I also gave her some ice cream, and she took her nap with me, I bought them Giants ones, ones that say I love Mommy, I love Daddy, little princess"

Maya- "they are Giants fans"

Kamala- "yes they are, even though we told them when they get older, they can pick which ever team they want, but while I'm picking out their clothes, and getting them dressed, I'm putting them in Giants clothes"

Kamala- "Maya, can I talk to you in my room for a minute"

Maya- "sure, Honey, I will be right back"

Tony- "okay"

Kamala- "Honey, I gotta ask Maya something I'm going in our room, you stay here and talk with Tony."

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