Bella learning how to roll over part 3

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I want to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "I will help you, and then I will start dinner"

Kamala- "thank you, Lexie doesn't that feel better now that you have a clean dry diaper on"

Lexie smiles and kicks her feet under the play gym, while holding onto her rattle.

Kamala is done changing Lexie and Bella's diapers and she lays Bella down on the floor under their play gym.

Shamalya- "I want to hold Lexie, Grandma needs cuddles"

Kamala- "Hi Mommy, Meena, Maya, of course you can hold Lexie Mommy, she may still be sleepy we all just woke up from our nap 10 minutes ago"

Shamalya- "hi, what did Bella do, when you called Maya, we all heard her oh my but she wouldn't tell us what Bella learned how to do, Lexie, Grandma loves you and Bella so much"

Lexie smiles and puts her thumb in her mouth and lays on Shamalya's shoulder.

Kamala has Bella on the floor.

Kamala- "Bella, are you ready to show Grandma, Auntie and Cousin Meena what you learned"

Bella smiles and rolls on her side

Meena- "Auntie, she knows how to roll on her side, good girl Bella, Leela did this when she was around 2 and half months old, but didn't fully roll over from her back to her tummy till she was 4 months old."

Kamala- "we all just woke up from our nap 10 minutes ago"

Shamalya- "one of Grandma's little princess knows how to roll on her side already, she's so smart, I already knew that she's just like her Mommy, can Lexie do it yet?"

Kamala- "she is Mommy, she's been trying to do this for a few days, but I actually saw her do it today, Lexie hasn't yet, but she's kicking her feet, and holding her toys"

Shamalya- "Kamala, I know you don't remember this but when you were the same age as Bella and Lexie, you did the same thing, roll on your side then a few days later, you decided to roll on your other side, but you didn't roll on your from your back to your tummy till you were 4 months old, you were so happy when you did you were smiling"

Kamala- "aw I bet you were so proud Mommy."

Shamayla- "I was and now you are so proud of Bella"

Kam-"Yes very proud. I love both my daughters and I will always be proud of their achievements."

Lexie starts to cry while Shamalaya's holding her on the couch and Amara gets up from the floor, where she was and goes over to where Lexie is.

Amara- tries to comfort her "Shh don't cwy baby"

Shamalaya- "Kamala, I think Lexie wants you, I know what she's looking at"

Kamala- "I know too, let me have her"

Shamalaya- "you're right, Lexie, Grandma doesn't have any milk on her shoulder"

Shamalaya gives Lexie to Kamala.

Kamala- "Amara, can you please be Auntie's helper and get me that pillow that is right to Mommy"

Amara- "I helper"

Meena- "good girl Amara yes you are Auntie's helper"

Kamala- "yes she is"

Kamala puts her pillow on her tummy and unsnaps her tank top strap Kamala puts Lexie on her pillow and she starts nursing as soon as she latches on.

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