1st night home as Momala & Daddy

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 8:00 p.m.

2 and a half hours later... Alexis starts crying, and she's trying to nurse on Doug's shoulder. "Alexis I know what you want, and it's not Daddy's shoulder, let's go wake mommy up, she has food for you"

Doug and Alexis get up from the couch, and they go into his and Kamala's room

Doug walks over to his and Kamala's bed "Honey, Alexis wants you, she's trying to nurse on my shoulder"

Kamala- "I'm up Honey, I woke up a few minutes ago, I was getting ready to come in the family room, can I have my pillow, I just felt my milk come down, Hi Princess, I know what you want"

Doug- "yes, here's your pillow, and here's Alexis, I hear Isabella, I will be right back with her"

Kamala- "ok, Princess, I know what you want, let mommy unsnap her tank top, and get you latched on Alexis starts nursing.

Doug- "Isabella, It's okay, let's get your diaper changed and then we will bring you to Mommy and she will feed you"

Doug lays Isabella down on her changing pad and changes her, then he brings her into his and Kamala's bed with him so Kamala can feed her.

Kamala- "Dougie bring me Isabella, I know she's hungry too, and can you please get their pj's out, after they are done eating, and we change them, I want to put their pj's on and get them ready for bed"

Doug- "yes, I just changed Isabella before I brought her in here, Isabella it's okay Mommy's right here, she's going to feed you"

Doug gives Isabella to Kamala "Princess, I know your hungry, your mittens don't taste good"

Kamala gets Isabella latched on and she starts nursing.

Doug- "wow, look at them go, they are hungry, are you hungry Honey, I will bring you a plate"

Kamala- "yes they are, remember their tummies are only the size of a marble, and yes I'm hungry, I will have some of the chicken stir fry Mommy made, with some water"

Doug- "okay I will bring you a plate, and get a plate of it myself, and we will eat together"

Kamala- "thanks Dougie, after we eat dinner, we will put their pj's and change their diapers and then I'm going back to bed"

Doug comes back a few minutes later, with a tray with two dishes on it, and two cups of water.

Kamala- "thank you for dinner, and can you please go into the nursery and get out their pj's with the flowers on them, and did you bring their diapers in here, the newborn ones are too big on them, we gotta put them in their closet for when they grow into them, and bring the ones Meena bought this afternoon in here"

Doug- "you're welcome Honey, and I will go and get them when we are done with dinner, do you want all 3 bags in here or 1 bag in here and keep 1 in the family room with the wipes container that is there"

Kamala- "bring one package in here, so we have it, with a wipes container, so we have them for the night"

15 minutes later.. Kamala and Doug are done with dinner, "Honey, burp cloth please, Isabella is unlatched she needs to be burped and changed, Alexis is almost done, can you wait to take the dishes to the kitchen"

Doug gives Kamala the burp cloth that is on the night stand, "do you need anything I'm going into the kitchen to put our plates in the dishwasher"

Kamala- "ice pack please and some Advil, I'm cramping a little bit but not as much as earlier, I'm more sore then anything, Isabella needs to be burped and changed"

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