Lexie and Bella's 1st day of daycare part 6

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I would to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Jill- "I will change her, Bella, let's go and get your diaper changed, and then we will read a story, I know you like books about animals"

Jill gets a diaper out of Bella's diaper bag, and the wipes container and they go and they go over to the changing table and she changes her diaper. Jill lays Bella down on the changing table and she takes off her pants, and unsnaps her onesie, and she cleans her and she puts on a clean diaper, and takes the dirty diaper, and puts it in the diaper genie, and she snaps Bella's onesie up and puts her pants back on, and washes her hands with the baby wipes.

Julia- "Jill, here's the animal book, I will be right back, Sophia's up, I hear her"

Jill- "okay, Bella and I are going to go in rocking chair and read the book"

In Baby room #1
Kamala sits in the rocking chair, and she unsnaps her tank top and lays Lexie on her pillow, and Lexie latches on and starts nursing. "Much better, I was really full"

Doug- "are you feeling better now"

Kamala- "a little bit, when Lexie's done with her milk, I will try and get some work done, can we ask Jill if we she can bring Lexie and Bella to us when we eat lunch"

Doug- "of course, I want to tell you I'm so proud of you, I know you tried to be brave for Lexie and Bella, so they wouldn't be scared, I love you so much, you're the best Mommy to Lexie and Bella"

Kamala is in tears "thank you, I love you too, I was trying, they weren't scared, it's me, I worried they will learn something new and we aren't there to see it"

Doug- "let me dry your tears, I didn't mean to make you cry, Babe, if they do, they will do it again, and we will see it, I know as a dad how hard it is for me to leave them we are only 3 doors away, yes I didn't carry them for 9 months, give birth to them, you 3 have spent the most time together, so it's harder for you, but I know you and I will support you, and if you want to work at home, or be a stay at home Mommy, I will support you, I want you to be happy"

Kamala- "thank you, I haven't decided yet, I know I don't want to work full time right now, but I'm not sure about being a stay at home Mommy, I want to work, just not full time at this time"

Kamala looks and Lexie has unlatched, "I need the burp cloth please, and a diaper and the wipes" Kamala snaps her tank top

Doug gives Kamala the burp cloth

Kamala puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and she puts Lexie on her shoulder and she rubs her back, and she burps a few minutes later, "that was a good burp Lexie"

Doug- "Babe, let me change her, why don't you go and check on Bella, I want to have a talk with Lexie"

Kamala- "okay, what are you up to, I know sneaky Dougie remember"

Doug- "I'm not up to anything I promise, I love you, and Bella and Lexie, my 3 girls" gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "I love you all as well" she gives Doug a kiss.

Kamala gets up from the rocking chair and she opens the door from baby room #1 and she goes into baby room # 2, and she sees Jill in the rocking chair holding Bella, who is sound asleep."

Jill- "Kamala, she just fell asleep a few minutes ago, we did tummy time, and we read a book about animals, and she laughed when Julia was tickling her toes, while I was reading, and when I pushed the button and the animals were making sounds."

Kamala- "she does that at home too, when Dougie and I read to both of them, I have a favor to ask"

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