Dougie's 1st Father's day part 5

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this 💕

~In Kamala and Doug's room ~

Maya- "Lexie, I know your hungry, let Momala get ready for you, she has to get Bella latched on first, then it will be your turn, you look so adorable in your dress"

Kamala is sitting on her and Doug's bed, with pillows behind her and she has her pillow on her tummy and she unsnapped her tank top, and Bella latched on and started nursing, "Maya, I'm ready for Lexie now"

Maya- "Lexie, it's your turn now" Maya gives Lexie to Kamala and she unsnaps her other strap and Lexie latches on and starts nursing.

Kamala- "much better, I was full, and hurting, and yes had to wear one of their outfits for today"

Maya- "one of them, they have two outfits for today"

Kamala- "yes, they have this dress that they are wearing, and then you know I'm a giants fan, but Dougie loves the Dodgers, and they are playing this afternoon, remember at Hanukkah time, when we bought Dougie Dodger hoodie"

Maya- "yes, and you said that he bought Lexie and Bella Dodger outfits"

Kamala- "he did and I told him that they could wear them when they are watching the game with him but since he's going to be cooking on the grill with the guys, and we will be watching the babies, and Amara, I decided that today Lexie and Bella can wear their dodger cheer leading onesies with the matching pants"

Maya- "aww, do you want me to get them for you, do you need diapers and wipes as well"

Kamala- "yes please and rash cream, I don't remember who was red earlier"

Maya- "okay, I will be right back, wow they are really going at it, do you have the changing pad or are we changing them in their room on the changing table"

Kamala- "they are, and yes there's one on our dresser, we gotta put it on the bed"

Maya- "okay, I will be right back with the diapers and wipes, are their outfits in their closet?"

Kamala- "yes, they should be in the front, I have all of their baseball stuff in the front"

Maya- "okay, I will be right back"

Kamala- "okay"

Maya comes back a few minutes later...
Maya- "are these the outfits you wanted"

Kamala- "yes those are it, and Lexie just unlatched, would you like to burp her"

Maya- "of course, and I have their diapers, wipes, and rash cream here as well"

Kamala- "here's the burp cloth for Lexie, and I will burp Bella she just unlatched"

Kamala snaps up her tank top and puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, along with Bella and she rubs her back and a few minutes later Bella burps.

Maya is rubbing Lexie's back and a few minutes she burps, "Lexie that was a good burp"

Kamala- "let's get them changed, I smell cupcakes, I don't know which one needs to be changed, so we will change both of them and then put on their outfits"

Maya- "okay, Lexie, I know you don't like this but Auntie's gotta change your diaper, and get you in the outfit you gotta wear for your daddy, even though we don't agree on the team we like the Giants better"

Lexie smiles and babbles

Kamala- "Bella, I know we don't agree with Daddy about baseball, but today is father's day and so we will put you in his favorite team's outfit, even though we know the Giants are the better team"

Bella babbles and smiles

Maya- "Sis, Lexie's really red, do you want me to use her regular diaper rash cream or her prescription one"

Kamala- "let me see"

Maya shows Kamala "Maya, put her prescription cream on, do you have it in here with us"

Maya- "I do, I brought both creams in here, Lexie, I know your not feeling well, Auntie's going to put your cream on and a clean and dry diaper, hopefully you will feel better once you get your cream on"

Kamala- "hopefully, yes, I will put Lexie in her carrier that I wear, I can tell she's going to need extra cuddles today"

Maya- "Lexie's all dressed, I put extra cream on her, do you want me to put her pacifier in"

Lexie and Bella's outfits they are wearing

Kamala- "not yet, she's has her thumb in at the moment, lately she likes that better"

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Kamala- "not yet, she's has her thumb in at the moment, lately she likes that better"

Maya- "Leela went thru that as well, around the same age as Lexie and Bella are, she switches now between her thumb and her pacifier"

Kamala- "let's go back where everyone is, now that Lexie and Bella are fed and changed, Dougie doesn't know that I was going to put them in their cheer leading outfits today"

Maya- "I know we are all Giants fans, but I have to say that Lexie and Bella you are adorable"

Kamala- "your right Maya"

Kamala picks Bella up from the bed and is holding her, while Maya is holding Lexie who is sound asleep on Maya's shoulder.

Kamala and Maya come back into the family room. "There's my girls"

Kamala- "yes and we are fed, and changed, and two of us are taking a nap and the 3rd one wants a nap"

Doug- "take a nap Honey, while Lexie and Bella are napping, My Mom is helping make the skewers, and she's also making salads"

Barb- "Kamala, take a nap, while I finish making the skewers, I put veggies and chicken on them, and I'm making pasta salad"

Kamala yawns "thanks Barb, I'm exhausted"

Doug- "Honey, come and sit with me on the couch, while I hold Bella, and you get your spot, and that way you can get a nap before the bbq, I will watch Dodgers Live pregame"

Kamala- "that sounds good, here's Bella, Maya has Lexie."

Doug puts Bella on his shoulder, along with the burp cloth, and he sits down on the couch, and Kamala gets in her spot, and with in a few minutes she's sound asleep.

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