Babysitting part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "Amara, can you please come here and give Uncle Doug the towel that is on the table"

Kamala starts laughing "Uncle Doug, you're wearing the bananas like I did when Amara was the same age and was trying to feed herself"

Amara gets up from her table and brings Uncle Doug the towel that is on her table.

Amara- "Uncle Doug, dowel"

Doug wipes his shorts, and the high chair tray "Auntie, you think this is funny"

Kamala giggling "yes it is, and we get to look forward to this x2, yes it will be a while before Lexie and Bella are eating baby food"

Doug gets up from the chair and wipes that off as well, "Leela, you're too cute especially with bananas all over your hands, let's wipe your hands, Amara, can you please bring me the wipes that are in the basket with Lexie and Bella's diapers"

Amara walks over and get the wipes for Uncle Doug and gives them to him.

Doug- "thank you Amara"

Amara- "welcome"

Doug cleans up Leela's hands. "Auntie, should we try again, or just put some on the high chair tray and let Leela eat them"

Kamala- "put some macaroni and cheese that I made for Amara on the high chair tray, but cut it up smaller, Leela can feed herself, I need some help with Lexie and Bella."

Doug- "okay, I will do that and be right there to help you"

Doug takes some Mac and cheese from the container and he cuts up the elbow noodles really small, and he puts 3 noodles on the high chair  tray.

Kamala- "okay"

Doug comes over to where Kamala is sitting in her recliner, "you need me"

Kamala- "yes, Lexie needs to be burped, and changed, Bella just unlatched"

Kamala looks and she sees Lexie has unlatched. She snaps her strap and she picks Lexie up and gives her to Doug. Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder and lays Lexie on his shoulder and rubs her back and she burps a few minutes later, she also spits up a little bit. Doug wipes her mouth with the burp cloth. "That was a good burp Lexie"

Kamala looks and Bella has unlatched now, and she snaps up her tank top and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and she lays Bella on her shoulder, and she rubs Bella's back and a few minutes later Bella burps and she spits up a little bit on the burp cloth, Kamala wipes her mouth, with the burp cloth.
Amara comes up to Kamala- "me wed"

Kamala- "Amara, are you telling me your wet, do you have to go potty"

Amara- "me wed"

Doug- "Let me have Lexie and Bella, you go with Amara, and get her changed"

Leela starts crying

Doug- "Leela, I will be right there, let me put Lexie and Bella on the floor, and I will get you out of the high chair"

Kamala- "Amara, come with me and we will change you"

Kamala gives Lexie to Doug, and he's holding Bella.

Kamala picks up Amara's diaper bag and they go into her and Doug's room. "Uncle Doug, I will be back, I'm going to go and change Amara and put her down for her nap in Lexie's crib, then I will be back to help you with the babies"

Doug- "okay"

Doug puts Lexie on the floor on her blanket next to Bella, and he goes over to the high chair and he takes off the highchair tray and unbuckles Leela, and picks her up and he bring her over to where Lexie and Bella are on the blanket.

Kamala- "Amara, come with me and we will get you changed, do you want to try and go on the potty" Kamala takes a diaper out of Amara's diaper bag with her and her and Amara go into Lexie and Bella's room.

Amara- "me wed"

Kamala- "come with me we are going to try and go potty, then I will change you and it's nap time"

Kamala picks Amara up and takes her into Lexie and Bella's room and she lays her down on the changing table, and she changes her diaper. "Amara, I'm happy you told me you were wet, that's a big girl, I think we need to tell Mommy, I think you might be getting too big for diapers"

Amara- "me big giwl"

Kamala- "I know you are a big girl, how about before I put your diaper on, we try and go potty, I will hold you, you won't fall I promise.  I don't have a potty chair for you yet, but I will get one soon"

Amara- "no"

Kamala finishes changing Amara's diaper and she puts on her shorts, and picks her up and she puts her in Lexie's crib, with her blanket and she turns on the mobile, and she closes the curtains "have a good nap, she turns on the monitor that is on the dresser, and she takes the portable one with her and she closes the door and she goes back to the family room.

Kamala stands outside the door for a few minutes but she doesn't let Amara see her, and as soon as Amara lays down with her blanket, she's sound asleep.

~In the family room~

Doug is sitting on the couch, watching sports center, when he sees Kamala come in, and she sits on the couch, and puts her legs on Doug's lap and lays on the couch, she puts the monitor on the coffee table before laying on the couch.

Doug- "all of the babies are napping, what about Amara"

Kamala- "out like a light, I did ask her if she wanted to go on the potty, and she said no, we have to get a potty chair for here, for her, this is the first time she told me she was wet, I know Meena's been talking about potty training her, but she was waiting for Amara to say she was ready, I think she may be"

Doug- "after your nap, I can tell your sleepy, we can order a potty chair for Amara to keep here and when Meena comes I will go to Target and get it"

Kamala yawns

Doug- "nap time for you, do you want a foot rub, or just to cuddle in your spot"

Kamala yawns "in my spot"

Kamala cuddles up in her spot on the couch and as soon as she lays down she is sound asleep.

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