Lexie and Bella's 1st day of daycare part 8

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "yes she was, then after your mom saw Bella roll on to her side, and then when my mom and dad were over, Bella did it for them, so did Lexie"

Kamala- "you're right babe, thank you for being here, I'm ready to try and get some work done, and I did ask Jill if Lexie and Bella can come in here when we eat lunch, and she said yes if they are not sleeping, if they are then we can go in there and eat lunch, I also asked Jill to find out if Ashley wants come over Sunday, I think it's time that all of the babies have a playdate, Addison is the same age as Lexie and Bella, and they are in their room with Sophia, and Lexie and Bella"

Doug- "okay, do you want me to stay with you, while you do your work, or can I go to my meeting, and I think it's a good idea for the babies to meet, it's okay with me"

Kamala- "you can go, I'm going to try and get some work done, before Lexie and Bella get hungry" Kamala gives Doug a kiss

Doug- "okay, I love you, call me when Lexie and Bella get hungry, I will come and burp and change them" Doug gives Kamala a kiss and he gets up from the couch and goes to his meeting.

Kamala- "okay, I love you too"

Kamala gets up from the couch, and goes to sit at her desk and starts to work on some paperwork.

~Daycare~ 3 hours later...

Jill notices that Bella is up and she's looking at Jill, "Bella, I know what you want, let's go and see Mommy, Julia, I will be back, Bella wants her mommy, she's looking at me and she's trying to nurse on my shoulder"

Julia- "okay, Lexie is having fun with the activity gym, she's rolled from her tummy to her side"

Jill- "she's been doing that, I will be right back"

Julia- "okay"

Jill- "Bella, we are going to go and see Mommy"

Jill picks Bella up and she puts in her pacifier, and they leave daycare, as soon as they walk out of daycare Bella spits out her pacifier and starts crying, Jill picks it up and holds it.

Kamala is in her office working on paper work, when she hears Bella crying.

Jill comes into Kamala's office and she closes the door. She gives Bella to Kamala.

Kamala- "Hi Bella, I knew I heard you, I know your hungry cry"

Bella smiles and stops crying when she sees Kamala, Jill gives Kamala Bella and they go and sit in the rocking chair. Bella lays on Kamala's shoulder, and puts her thumb in her mouth.

Jill- "I was rocking her in the rocking chair and she woke up a few minutes ago, and I changed her and then when I picked her up, I saw what she was looking at, her pacifier fell on the floor"

Kamala- "yes that's usually means that they want milk, what's Lexie doing, okay I will wash it after Bella has her lunch"

Jill- "playing with the baby activity gym, she was just kicking her feet on the baby piano, I'm going to go back to work, are you and Doug staying all day or half a day"

Kamala- "half a day I still need a nap after lunch, they are sleeping 3 and half hours at night, then they are hungry, after we eat lunch, we are going to go home"

Jill- "okay"

Jill leaves and closes Kamala's office door.

Kamala is rocking Bella in the rocking chair when Bella decided to show Mommy how good her lungs are and she starts crying.

Kamala- "princess, I know what you want, give mommy a minute to get her pillow, then you can have all of the milk you want"

Kamala gets her pillow which is on the table next to the rocking chair and she puts it on her lap, and she unsnaps her tank top and Bella latches on and starts nursing.

Kamala looks and Bella is still nursing, when she hears a knock on her door and then the door slowly opens and she sees Doug peeking in.

Kamala giggles "come in my adorable hubby"

Doug opens the door slowly and then quickly closes it, he walks over to the rocking chair and gives Kamala a kiss, he also gives Bella a kiss on her head"

Doug- "I see Bella is having lunch"

Kamala- "yes, she is having her lunch, I was working on paper work, and I heard crying, and then I saw Jill come in here and close my door, and Bella stopped crying when she saw me, and Jill gave her to me, and I was holding her in the rocking chair, and Jill and I were talking for a few minutes, Bella just started nursing a few minutes before I saw you peek in here"

Doug- "I'm guessing Lexie wasn't hungry and that's why she didn't bring her"

Kamala- "that's right, she was kicking her feet on the piano on the baby activity play yard"

Doug- "that's one of her favorite things to do, Bella too"

Kamala looks and she has unlatched, "can I have a burp cloth"

Doug gives Kamala a burp cloth, and she puts it on her shoulder, and she lays Bella on her shoulder, and she rubs her back, and a few minutes later Bella burps and she spits up a little bit. "That was a good burp Bella"

Kamala- "it was" Kamala takes the burp cloth and she wipes Bella's mouth, and Bella tries to nurse on Momala's shoulder. "Bella, there's no milk on Mommy's shoulder, I know your still hungry"

Kamala unsnaps her other tank top strap and Bella latches on and starts nursing. They hear a knock on Kamala's door, and they hear Lexie crying, who is it?"

Julia- "Lexie and Julia, Lexie's hungry"

Kamala- "Come in"

Doug- "do you want your cover"

Kamala- "no it's okay, you can't really see anything"

Julia and Lexie come into Kamala's office, as soon as they come in, Julia closes the door.

Julia- "she was playing with the baby play gym, kicking her feet on the piano, and playing with the toys, and then a few minutes ago, she started crying, I changed her thinking that's what it was, but then I saw what she was looking at, and I knew she wanted her mommy"

Doug- "thank you, Lexie are you ready for lunch, then it's nap time for Lexie and Bella, I know your getting sleepy when your rubbing your eyes and pulling on your ears"

Julia- "Sophia is doing that now too, when she's tired, she's yawning too"

Kamala- "Julia thank you, I will come and get their stuff when they are done eating, after we have lunch, we are going to go home, I need a nap"

Julia- "okay, are you back full time"

Kamala- "no, I'm going to be in the office 1-2 days a week, I'm only working part time, Dougie will be here when I'm here,  this way I can see all of their milestones"

Julia- "that's good, that's why I work with Jill in daycare so I can see all of Sophia's milestones and Madison's"

Kamala- "I will be in daycare after lunch to get their diaper bags and to sign them out"
Julia- "okay, I'm going to go"

Doug- "Sis, thank you for being in the room with Lexie and Bella, at least they are with one of their Auntie's and one of their cousins"

Julia- "you're welcome"

Julia leaves.

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